"Injured!" A gleam of light flashed in Murong Qing's eyes, and then she said, "You should step back first! In addition, it's business as usual, don't show any strangeness."

Fu Changgui gave a respectful salute: "My subordinates know it!"

After speaking, Fu Changgui got up and left.

"What an eventful autumn!" Murongqing sighed, stood up in awe, opened the door, and walked towards the room at the beginning of the sword. .

Chapter [-] Meeting, Undercurrent 【For Collection】

Bo Qingguan, between gods.

After settling the love and misfortune girl Rong in the spirit, Lin Feng walked out of the room alone, preparing for a while at the beginning of the sword and the unclothed teacher Yin.

When he saw mercy and Yiyu's life in the hall, Lin Feng knew that the unclothed master Yin must have come to find his eldest nephew, Jian Chu!

Wuyi Shi Yin is a person who cherishes his life. He fled to the miserable situation in the Tower of Ciguang and was helpless. Naturally, he would try to find strong help. The wise all like to plan ahead and take three steps, and at the beginning of the sword was Wu Yi Shi Yin's nephew. , and with extraordinary strength, he is an ideal candidate for Unclothed Master Yin.

Lin Feng was curious how the unclothed teacher Yin would use his three-inch tongue to persuade the calm emperor Jianchu.

But after a while, Lin Feng came to the door of waste, and happened to meet Murongqing who came to look for Jianzhi to discuss.

The two looked at each other in the corridor. They both knew their identities. Lin Feng smiled and said, "It is interesting that Ador of the Niyu clan did not go to protect the people, but instead ran here to open an inn."

Speaking of which, Lin Feng had pitted the Huo Zhai Buddha Prison in the Four World Realm, and now he doesn't know what the situation is between the Huo Zhai Buddha Prison and the Upper Heaven Realm.

But there is one thing that can be concluded, that is, the demon prince, the demon moth, will not easily come to the plight to do things, and it can be regarded as a disguised change of the fate of the Niyu clan being slaughtered.

It's a pity that Murongqing didn't know the future. Seeing Lin Feng coming to the gate of Jianzhichu, she suddenly became dignified, and when she heard Lin Feng reveal his identity, Murongqing was even more like a formidable enemy, secretly guarding her face. But calmly said: "I'm just Murongqing, not some kind of Ador, Your Excellency is joking!"

Lin Feng said casually: "Whether it's Ador or Murongqing, it's your own business, but I want to remind you, don't regret something after you lose it."

"Thank you for your reminder, Murongqing has set it in your heart." Murongqing said politely, as for whether or not she took it to heart, only Murongqing herself knows!

Lin Feng saw that Murongqing didn't care, but he didn't say more. Murongqing is a tragic figure, duplicitous, self-deprecating, in fact, the most affectionate, although he has changed some fate trajectory, but the misery was originally more than one. In a place where there are many disasters, even if there is no demon prince and no masters in the Niyu clan, maybe it will be affected by the disaster that day.

It is true to love peace, but without the strength to protect peace, it is very unlikely that you want to survive in this miserable situation of constant natural and man-made disasters!

Lin Feng stopped chatting with Murongqing, looked at the waste, and said, "At the beginning of the sword, don't mind chatting with me~'!"


The door opened, and Jian Chu's peaceful voice sounded: "Please come in."

Lin Feng is not worried about cheating. First, because of his strong character at the beginning of the sword, he belongs to a modest gentleman, and he disdains secret arrows to hurt others. Second, he is confident in his own strength.

Walking into the room, Lin Feng saw the beginning of the sword with white hair in linen. Judging from the breath, the beginning of the sword was very peaceful, not as sharp as an ordinary swordsman, giving people a sense of returning to nature.

"The astonishment of the Tower of Ciguang is really extraordinary." Lin Feng did it in front of the beginning of the sword.

Just as Murong Qing was about to walk into the door, she saw the unclothed teacher Yin also come over, her brows jumped twice, and a bad premonition emerged in her heart, today will not be the last day of Bo Qing Guan's business!

"Three years of writing books, tired of writing, but now I don't know my aspirations when reading books. If I'm tired of books and regret my future, it's not as good as when the fishing woodcutter didn't know."

The unclothed teacher Yin is still elegant and polite, so that people can't pick out the slightest fault. After a few words, he has come to the door of the waste, and said to Murong Qing: "The owner of the museum is also there."

As he looked at Lin Feng and Jian Chu in the waste room, he thought to himself, "It seems that we can't escape this time!"

Lin Feng looked back at Shi Yin, who was dressed in purple. He smiled and said, "Long time no see Shi Yin, stay safe."

"Mr. Lin Feng, we meet again!" Unclothed teacher Yin calmly sat down on the side of the coffee table.

Murong Qing sat opposite the unclothed teacher Yin, and the four of them sat by the table, and the atmosphere was dignified for a while.


In a dark cave, two figures face each other.

Then the weak light showed that one of them was wearing a red shirt with strange lines on his face.

As for the person opposite Yuyue, he was completely hidden in the darkness, and a silhouette could be faintly seen.

Yue Yue said coldly: "The plan failed, but the Buddha's battle also suffered heavy casualties. It's a pity that he couldn't take the opportunity to remove the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms, Yi Ying Shu and others. The follow-up plan needs to be more careful."

The mysterious man across from Yueyue said: "Your identity has not been revealed, right? The battle of the Holy Gate Demon is about to start again. If we cannot make both sides of the Holy Demon suffer, our tribe will never be able to come forward!"

"Although I have revealed my true body, the hidden identity of 'Yuansheng Mingluan' is still there. How are the other compatriots now?" Although this operation failed, it was not completely fruitless, and he pretended to be the emperor's soul. It hasn't been revealed, and you can continue to use "Yansheng Mingluan" to hide your identity.

The mysterious man nodded when he heard the words: ". ¨The fire calendar has sent back the news, and the clues of Tian Zhili have been obtained, and now they are trying to rescue, Lei Zhili, water Zhili and the history of the earth have been together since the last war. There is no news, as for the strength of the wind, it is now lurking in the dark, waiting for the opportunity."

"Tianzhili has news! Since that's the case, then rescue Tianzhili will be the primary goal!" Tianzhili is the king of the Li clan and the strongest fighting force of the Li clan. The news immediately listed it as the top priority, and then added: "Besides, the Emperor Tathagata has transformed into a ghost Tathagata. If you encounter him in the future, remember to be careful."

"Is the ghost Tathagata?" The mysterious man thought thoughtfully, and then snorted coldly: "Since he has stepped into the devil's way, then I will use the right hand to remove it, so as not to add more variables."

Yue (good from Zhao) nodded his head: "That's fine. Although the Holy Demon War of the year was a frontal confrontation between the Holy Demon and the Holy Demon, it was actually a critical moment for the Wu Li family to take the opportunity to eradicate dissidents and strengthen themselves. In those days, all the brothers were in their positions and performed their duties, inciting countless casualties on both sides of the good and the evil. That kind of satisfying feeling of being in the game, but ignoring the whole battlefield, is still impressive to this day, but it’s a pity that I It is difficult for the Li family to give birth, and it is difficult to grow the ethnic group, otherwise it would not have been outnumbered and besieged by the original hometown of Tianfo, so that it fell apart..."

"Heavenly Buddha Hometown, we will make it pay the price sooner or later!" The mysterious man said coldly: "Tiandu has been active recently, and its power has increased greatly. There is dissatisfaction among the three religions. Maybe we can plan something."

"There are Rahu in the sky, and Emperor Yuanxie is in charge. It's a tough one. If the three religions meet, they will definitely lose both sides. I will arrange this matter!" Qi Yue said, framing the blame and sowing discord is the Li family's forte. .

Chapter [-] Will your conscience not hurt? 【For collection】

Bo Qingguan, between waste.

Lin Feng, Murongqing, Wuyi Shi Yin, and the four of them sat on the ground at the beginning of the sword. Lin Feng looked at Wu Yi Shi Yin: "This time, I came here to ask Wu Yi Shi Yin for an explanation for King Wuwu."

"Can Mr. Lin Feng represent King Jianwu?" Yin Qing sniffed sandalwood, the unclothed teacher, with a calm expression.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Of course, because she is my wife, and Jian Shi was also present today. Can Shi Yin tell the truth of the year?"

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