"Wife!" Yin, the unclothed teacher, knew the identity of the woman of King Jianwu, and also knew that Lin Feng had a very close relationship with King Jianwu, but he didn't expect them to have such a relationship. No wonder Lin Feng would spare no effort to help King Jianwu. Yin, the unclothed teacher, sorted out his thoughts. , then his face showed grief and indignation: "The truth? Well, then I will reveal the truth. At the beginning of the four martial arts review meeting, I treated King Yadi with kindness, but he unexpectedly took the opportunity to get my sister and make her faceless in the Tower of Ciguang. To see people."

The unclothed teacher Yin has a vivid expression on his face, as if he is regretting that he doesn't know anyone, and he also seems to be sorry for the misfortune of his little sister, like a good brother of the country.

When Jian Zhi heard the words, his expression changed at all, and he didn't know whether it was because he was good at nourishing qi, or he didn't believe what Yin Wuyi said at all.

However, Lin Feng knew that the unclothed teacher Yin was playing Biao's acting skills. If Lin Feng had not watched the drama before and knew the truth, he would have almost believed it!

"Shi Yin's words, there are 770 biased, is this really the case?!" Lin Feng looked at Shi Yin's eyes without clothes.

The unclothed teacher Yin looked at him and his face did not change: "This matter is not honorable to me. The people of the Tower of Ciguang pay the most attention to integrity, and regard honor as their life, and I don't need to destroy the light."

"Really?" Lin Feng sneered: "So you joined forces with the Lord of Cursing to deal with King Yadi?"

"Alas!" Yin, the unclothed teacher, sighed: "At the beginning, I just wanted to let King Yadi have an explanation for my sister, but unexpectedly, the cursed world master actually got in the way, and took the opportunity to lay out a plan of capture and kill. He was able to mediate and protect King Yadi's life, but he was unable to get him out of prison, which made King Yadi die with hatred!"

Pretend, you continue to pretend! Lin Feng looked at Shi Yin who was shaking his head and sighing, and the truth was slapped in the face. The old man, the ghost, the old guy in the Thunder World are not good stubborn, and there is no pressure to talk nonsense!

"Now that King Yadi is dead, you can naturally push it clean, but I'm not satisfied with this answer." Lin Feng picked up the teapot on the table, poured himself a cup of tea, and then from left to right, in order Murong Qing, at the beginning of the sword, Yin Yi, the unclothed teacher, poured a cup.

At this time, Yin Wuyi didn't know that the Tower of Ciguang had been leveled by Slaughter Shattered Island and the Fire House Buddha Prison. He just thought of bceg to protect himself, and immediately took a sip of tea and played the emotional card: "King Yadi It is a fact that my sister is innocent, otherwise, at the beginning of Helaijian, if he would marry my sister, he would be happy!

Hearing this, even the calm Dijian's expression showed grief and anger at the beginning. The experience in his early years is still vivid in his mind. Because the mother gave birth to a child out of wedlock, their mother and son were discriminated against, abused and even beaten in the Tower of Ciguang, if not for nothing. Yi Shi Yin revolved around it, fearing that he had already been beaten to death. Although his mother never complained to King Yadi, Jian Chu didn't have much affection for King Yadi, an irresponsible father.

"The matter of Jilu is indeed the responsibility of King Yadi first." Although Wuyi Shiyin's words are not accurate, but King Yadi really owes Jilu, this is undeniable, when it comes to this, Lin Feng suddenly speaks One turn: "However, Shi Yin should know well why the deer died. She is your own younger sister. In order to lure King Yadi to the Tower of Ciguang and kill her, won't your conscience hurt?"

Lin Feng's words pierced into the hearts of the unclothed teacher Yin and Jianchu like a knife. Both of them were shocked when they heard the words. Jianchu did not fully believe what Lin Feng said, but it was about his biological mother, so he would not completely deny it. And he understands Wuyi Shi Yin, this kind of thing, Wu Yi Shi Yin can really do it!

At the beginning of Jian Zhi's plain eyes, he looked at Wuyi Shi Yin, but it brought heavy heart pressure to Wu Yi Shi Yin.

The unclothed teacher Yin has devoted his whole life to the Tower of Ciguang. After entering politics, he will do anything to achieve his goals, and his hands have already been stained with blood. However, what he does not want to recall the most is the matter of his younger sister and deer, which is what he will do all his life. The pain that does not go away is now revealed by Lin Feng in one sentence, and it is difficult to justify even if Yin Qiao, the unclothed teacher, is tongue-tied, because he feels too much guilt in this matter!

Although Murongqing was a close friend at the beginning of the sword, she didn't know much about the past at the beginning of the sword. From the content of the conversation just now and the look of the unclothed teacher Yin, it can be seen that Lin Feng's last words should be inseparable, and Murongqing is a little bit. He glanced at the beginning of the sword worriedly. He knew the beginning of the sword very well. It seemed that he didn't care about anything, but he was actually the most emotional.

"Is what he said true?" Jian Zhichu asked Yin, the unclothed teacher, with a hint of indifference to killing in his tone.

For Wuyi Shi Yin, at the beginning of the sword, it was both admiration and disgust. Everything he learned in his life was given by Wu Yi Shi Yin. Nor will it be the amazement of the Tower of Mercy Light!

However, the unclothed master Yin was extremely strict and even demanding at the beginning of the sword, and finally sent someone to kill all the friends of the beginning of the sword, making the beginning of the sword disheartened and retired into a miserable situation.

Regarding the death of the mother, the deer, in fact, Jian had suspected it at the beginning, but he didn't want to think about it. Now that the cruel truth is revealed, around the indifferent nature of Jian's original heart, a killing intent could not help but arise.

And outside the waste, let go of mercy and Yiyu gave life to pay attention. Once there is a fight, the two of them will become Wuyi Shi Yin's back-hand, although Wu Yi Shi Yin also knows that it is the opportunity of the two of them to make peace with each other. Not much, but it will increase the odds a little bit.

In the waste room, the atmosphere was stagnant and freezing, Lin Feng saw that the time was almost up, and put down the tea cup: "Actually, this matter is not irreparable, but it depends on whether Shi Yin is willing to pay enough price."

"What do you mean by this?" Yin Ben, the unclothed teacher, had prepared for the worst, but after hearing what Lin Feng said, it seemed that there was still a turning point.

Lin Feng looked at the unclothed teacher Yin: "You owe you, the Tianlun that was missing at the beginning of the sword, I can complete it."

"People can't be resurrected from the dead. Could it be that Mr. Lin Feng still has the ability to bring back the dead?" Yin Shi, the unclothed teacher, asked, Jian Zhichu and Murongqing couldn't help but look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said indifferently: "There are many secret techniques in the Divine State, and there are also many techniques for resurrecting the dead. I happened to be able to learn some of them."

Yin Sixu, the unclothed teacher, turned around: "If this is the case, with the relationship between Mr. Lin Feng and King Jianwu, why not resurrect King Jianwu?"

"Ha, should I say that he really deserves to be the unclothed teacher Yin?" Lin Feng waved, a door of space opened, and a magnificent white-haired old man and a charming young woman walked out.

At the beginning of the unclothed teacher Yin Yujian looked at the two of them, they were all shocked, and their faces showed disbelief.

"King Yadi! This is a deer! How is this possible!" The unclothed teacher Yin's eyes were lost, his face was stunned, and the sword was not much better at the beginning, and his body was shaking, one can imagine how excited he is.

That's right, these two are King Yadi and Jilu, and they are real people, not characters from illusions and manifestations.

"Woyi Shi Yin, long time no see." King Yadi looked at Wu Yi Shi Yin, the elder brother-in-law, with a look of indifference, and then looked at Jian Zhichu with guilt: "Chu'er, you have grown up!"

No-clothes master Yin has no regrets for King Yadi, and his position is different. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with him calculating King Yadi, but when he sees the deer, he is full of guilt, and the Ruyi Xiangdou in his hand almost let go: " Little sister...is it really you?".

Chapter [-] Unblocking the Magic City 【For Collection】

King Yadi, both deer and two people who should have been dead for a long time, why did they show up in the House of Love? In fact, the matter is simple and simple, and complicated and complicated!

The reason is that Lin Feng traveled through time and space, returned to the time before King Yadi and Jilu died, and then used the ability of incarnation to let the incarnated people die in their place, and then brought them back to this place. era.

However, the process seems simple, but there are many dangers hidden in it. Traveling through time and space is to go against the sky. If you go against the sky, you will be punished by the sky. If it wasn't for Lin Feng's strength and lack of destiny in this world, it is estimated that it would be very difficult to come back alive. .

After Jian Chu Chu and Wu Yi Shi Yin saw King Yadi and Jie Lu, they were shocked, puzzled, joyful, and guilty. They had mixed feelings.

And King Yadi and Jilu are also separated from each other. This kind of family reunion scene Lin Feng and Murongqing consciously retreated outside the house, giving the unclothed teacher Yin and the others room to deal with their own ethical disputes.

At this time, there was no need for Yin Yishi to hide it. He just revealed all the past events. These things have also been in his heart for a long time.

At the beginning of the sword, he did not agree with the idea of ​​the unclothed teacher Yin, but since both his parents survived and forgave the unclothed teacher Yin, with the benevolent personality of the beginning of the sword, naturally he would not kill his uncle to prove the Tao!


Light smoke and snow, the mist is filled, the hot spring pool, the blossoming red plum blossoms, and the quiet fragrance surrounds it, which is like a dream.

In the hot spring pool, Lin Feng took a leisurely bath. Xue Feiyan's hot spring is really good, the water temperature is moderate, and the place is full of aura, which really makes people feel comfortable. No wonder in the original plot, Xiang Duxiu lingered on it.

Speaking of which, because I changed the plot myself, "Demon World Buddha Temple" is not connected to the three realms, and the land of the gathering realm is not connected to the suffering realm. At this time, the commander of the eye has not launched a coup d'etat, and he will not hit the miserable realm for a while. Hmm! The daughter-in-law of Chiba Legend is still in the gathering area. Should we find a chance for baby Chiba to settle down, so that this arrogant child will not jump up and down to do things?

Su really doesn't know what he's planning now?With his wisdom, he should have discovered the Yuanxie Emperor, there is a connection between Quzhou Yifandu and me, but the wise man likes to make decisions and then move, plus I didn't use it to harm the misery, he shouldn't. The operator will deal with me, but also be careful to be pulled into the water by this big cake as a shield!

Violent Books and the Three Sect hooligans recover faster than the original plot... There is no big boss at this stage, the Li clan is the one who jumps around, but the people of the Li clan are thin, only relying on the original eight calendars Just wanting to fight for hegemony in a miserable situation is tantamount to fooling around in a dream.

There will be a period of time before the Demon Buddha Bo Xun will appear. In addition, there is a "beacon fire key" specially aimed at the Demon Buddha. At that time, you only need to wait for the opportunity, and you can happily pick up Ji Wuxia. Thinking about it, there is still a little excitement!

As for the Six Kings and Nine Wheels, the real plot of the North-South Road has not yet started. The Wing Tian Da Demon and the Raid Demon are still imprisoned in the "Saint Demon Yuan Shi". The Black Sea Prison needs blood sacrifices to reopen, and the Six Kings are still in the brain It's not a big deal even if you have a meeting!

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