In terms of Tianyan Mocheng, I will leave it to the "Demon Soul" Yuanxie Huang to handle it. It is still early for the world of elves, the world of ghosts, the ghost clan, the dragon head of the Baqi, and so on. Very early, I have been secretly observing the situation of suffering, but I need to take more precautions, so as not to be counted on my head...

Lin Feng let go of his thoughts, made a simple plan for the future, then stretched his back and muttered to himself: "Then next step, where to start, um, just settle Nihai Chongfan..."


The courtyard door was opened, and Lin Feng tilted his head slightly, only to see the unclothed teacher Yin Zhi naked, walking into the hot spring surrounded by a blanket.

At this time, the unclothed teacher Yin Zi's hair was loose, his expression was calm, and he was not as cold and sharp as in the past. It seems that today's arrangement made him feel relieved.

"Shi Yin is also here to take a bath." Lin Feng greeted with a smile, as if he was very familiar with Unclothed Shi Yin.

The undressed teacher Yin Pingri is well-dressed. He didn't expect to take off his clothes very well. His body is well-proportioned and his muscles are solid. He even has eight-pack abs. Don't be ashamed.

The unclothed teacher Yin leaned against the edge of the pool, and said to Lin Feng with a sincere expression: "Thank you for today's matter!"

For Lin Feng’s rescue of Jilu, Wuyi Shi Yin is sincerely grateful. For Jilu, Wuyi Shi Yin is actually very loving. If it is possible, even if he died in exchange for the little sister’s safety, Wuyi Shi Yin also He will do whatever he wants, but sometimes love and righteousness are difficult. For the sake of the Tower of Mercy Light, he has to make a decision that he will regret for the rest of his life!

Now that I see the deer again, Yin Wuyi is both guilty and excited. As for the brother-in-law of King Yadi, Yin Zexie is not sensitive. Although King Yadi is the hero of the generation, Yin Wuyi thinks he Not worthy of both deer.

In Wuyi Shi Yin's opinion, Zou Wushang is actually a good match for Jilu, but Wuyi Shi Yin has always wondered why Jilu kept Zhe Wushang, a little fresh meat Wenqing, not wanting, but to go. Choose an old bacon with white hair and beard! Is it because the deer has a strong taste?

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Unclothed teacher Yin, a thousand-year-old single, expressed that it is difficult to understand, and can only say that the relationship is too complicated!

Hearing Shi Yin's words without clothing, Lin Feng said casually: "You don't have to be polite, it's reasonable, I have to call Shi Yin your cousin."

"Uncle Biao!" Yin Wenyan, the unclothed teacher, looked a little weird. Although he lived for more than a thousand years, he felt that he was still very young: "Let's call my teacher Yin!"

Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, let's not hide Shi Yin, this time, I want to invite you to be my counselor."

The unclothed teacher Yin did not refuse or agree, but just asked, "What are you planning?"

0 ......

"Universal Unification!"


Distress, Tiancang Lingquan.


A thunderbolt came from the clear sky, and in an instant high-altitude, the clouds were surging, and the clouds in the sky were like a huge vortex, spinning rapidly, thunder and lightning, overwhelming the sky and the earth.

"In the early Yuan Dynasty, the Hongmeng Candle created the world, and the evil eyes stared at the eight wastes;

Jiuxiao's magic moves the red dust, and the eternal soldier Xianwu is the emperor. "

The domineering poem number, the sound is shocking, and a stalwart ghost descends from the sky. Under the brilliance and magic power, the sky is like a surging wave. With the fall of the quicksand, the secrets of the ground are slowly revealed, and a huge city is impressive. the present.

This city is hundreds of miles in length, majestic and magnificent, like a miracle, it is the Tianyan Demon City that was sealed by the holy party a long time ago!

Tianyan Mocheng, founded by the demon emperor "Zhi Xin", is one of the "magic" parties in the holy demon war a long time ago.

After the holy demons went through endless battles, the demon emperor realized that the Li clan was making a profit from it.

However, the Demon Sovereign did not know that the Li Clan had already planted a hidden stake in the "Yuansheng Mingluan", so that he was attacked by the Li Clan and died of serious injuries!

After the death of the Demon Emperor, his eldest son Hua Chanti succeeded the Demon Lord.

However, Tianyan Mocheng, which had mistakenly believed in the agreement to stop the war, was finally attacked by the holy party and sealed under the Tiancang Lingquan. For the betrayal of the holy party, the demon city vowed to start the battle of the holy demon again and bring back the demons. shame.

Emperor Yuanxie landed on top of Tianyan Mocheng, looking at the majestic and magnificent city, an "unlocked key" in his hand slowly condensed and formed!

"Tianyan Mocheng, unblocked today.".

Chapter [-] No. Tian Qi [For Collection]

The night sky is sinking, the earth is shaking, and the mountains are shaking!


Under the sky, rocks collapsed and smog shrouded in smoke, and vaguely, a magnificent magic city rose from the ground.

Tianyan Demon City is unusually grand. The entire Demon City stretches for hundreds of miles, like one body. At the top of the Demon City, Emperor Yuanxie slowly descends, and the "unlocked key" in his hand floats into the air, exuding bright brilliance.


The "Unlocked Key" flew out and fell into the hole above the magic city, perfectly combined, just like the intersection of heaven and earth, the intersection of yin and yang, the "Unlocked Key" entered the mouth of the seal, and Jin Yao rushed immediately. Xiao, a huge seal formation turned into a little golden light and slowly dissipated.

The seal was opened, the indulgent awakening, the magical energy of different lights erupted in Tianyan Mocheng, and the atmosphere of heaven and earth was suddenly disturbed.

Immediately, a demonic atmosphere filled the air, drawing out thousands of undead all around.


"Kill, kill, kill..."

"Hate "zero three zero"~"

The magic whisper is a whisper from the devil, penetrating the depths of the heart and eroding the inner clarity.


Emperor Yuanxie snorted coldly, and the unparalleled demonic power spread out, stirring up the eight wilderness, the air waves passed, tearing the ghosts and tearing the souls, annihilating thousands of ghosts and resentments, and the world was silent in an instant.

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