At this moment, the gate of Tianyan Mocheng, which had been dusty for thousands of years, opened again, and a flame, light and shadow shot up into the sky.

"Well, the devil's coffin!"

Emperor Yuanxie looked at a tall metal coffin that flew out. On the face of the coffin was a burly golem with his hands on his hips and a ferocious face. He immediately understood that this was the coffin of the devil who was imprisoned!

Emperor Yuanxie didn't care much about Haotianqiong. Haotianqian also has some unique features in "Destroying Illusions", but his own strength is not very good. If it wasn't for his immortality, it is estimated that he would be reluctant to be a boss in a miserable situation. , and the immortality of "Destroying Magic" is not absolute, but Emperor Yuanxie has many ways to completely kill Tianqiong.

No. Tianqiong didn't have so much consideration at this time. He was trapped for thousands of years. Now he has escaped his trap and controlled the demonic coffin to burst out with fiery red flames. It flew into the air, and immediately detonated fel energy, echoing hundreds of miles, and burning the sky. .

The vision of Tianxian immediately attracted the attention of many strong people.


The Eternal Church of the Last Days.

Su Xianqing is the current bishop of the Doomsday Biography. The wide robe represents Su Xianqing's sacred status in the Doomsday Biography. The crown on his head is a symbol of the highest in the world, representing that Su Xianqing has power in the sect and is deeply involved. The white highlights in his colored hair made him look mature and dignified.

On the surface, Su Xianqing is tactful and modest, with domineering eyes in his eyes. He has created his own unique and fantastic apocalyptic legends. He believes in the god Igas, and uses religious power to summon believers in the martial arts where natural disasters and man-made disasters are frequent, and use the heavenly punishment to judge. the wicked.

It seems decent, but in fact it deceives people with the name of religion, and uses heavenly punishment to cover up the secretly planted killer forces.

At this time, Su Xianqing really considered how to open Tianyan Mocheng to rescue Tianjun, and suddenly felt that the direction of Tiancang Lingquan was full of demonic energy, and there was an uneasy vibration from the ground and suddenly stood up: "That is the direction of Tianyan Mocheng, it is Who opened Tianyan Demon City? Well, Tianjun!"

In order to save Tianqiong, Su Xianqing has been secretly paying attention to the movement of Tianyan Mocheng. Now that the coffin of Mojue Tiantian was born, although it was unknown who opened the magic city, she couldn't help being overjoyed. She immediately flew up and was ready to meet her. Tianjun (father) is back.


Cloud Drum Thunder Peak.

The ghost Tathagata stepped out of the mountain gate, carrying the "Punishing Rhinoceros Horn" and "Buddhist Penalty Zenna", and looking at the vision in the far sky, the "Punishing Rhinoceros Horn" in his hands seemed to be pulled and began to move restlessly.

The murderous intent in the ghost Tathagata's eyes was high: "The world is poor, let the ghost Tathagata finish your doom!"

As soon as the words fell, the ghost Tathagata turned into the sky and rushed to the direction of Tianyan Mocheng.


Yan Sheng Mingluan.

Led by the sage of the earth, "Yunguo Dishun", the three religions are jointly held, Buddhism is respected, Confucianism and Taoism are complementary, the ten thousand towers are gathered together, and the holy spirit is extraordinary. Ghost Que confrontation.

In the battle between the ancient saints and demons, Yunguo Dihun and the Demon Emperor fought fiercely, both of them were injured, and Mingluan suffered heavy losses. One of the Eight Li Mountains, Yuyue, took the opportunity to transform into the soul of Yunguo and sneaked into Mingluan, mastering the leadership of the Holy Land, making Mingluan a minion of the Li family.

Hai Chan Zun is the leader of the three pots in the Yuqing world today, the abbot Yujuanlou, and the Taoist innate who holds the Moon Jinchan in his hand.

His personality is rigid, his style is arrogant, his methods are vigorous, and he ignores worldly prejudice. Personal affection.

In fact, it is the greedy incarnation of "Ze Zhili" among the Li clan, and together with the Yunguo Dihun pretended to be by Yuyue, he manipulates the world situation, intending to consume the fighting power of the holy demons, so that the Li clan can reap the benefits.

Looking at the vision in the direction of Tianyan Demon City, Sea Chanzun's eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself in a low voice: "Tianyan Demon City reopens, and a new round of Holy Demon War is about to start, which is really exciting!"

And other forces also began to pay attention to the development of the situation secretly...

Over the sky of Tianyan Mocheng, thunder and lightning flashed, and evil flames roared into the sky...  

The Devil's Heavenly Coffin and the Yuanxie Emperor face each other across the air.

"Heaven and earth are exhausted, but God is infinite." The arrogant poem came from the Demon Jue Tian coffin. Although Tian Qiong couldn't see things outside, he could sense the situation outside with his spirit, and feel the aura of Emperor Yuanxie. Bufan, Tian Qiang said in a arrogant manner: "In front of me, all gods and Buddhas are destroyed, kneel down, and receive the gift of the emperor!"

"Heavenly poor, put away your arrogance, this emperor can let you out, and he can also beat you back to hell." Emperor Yuanxie said coldly, and his invisible energy suddenly shook Mo Juetian's coffin back a hundred feet. However, the material of the Demon Juetian coffin was special, but it did not cause any harm to the Tianqiong in it.

"Anyone can challenge the sky, but the only way to end is to regret it!" Hao Tianqiong is ambitious and an extremely confident generation of hegemons. He acts decisively and directly, and has an arrogant personality. , Immediately, the movement is unparalleled and vigorous, and with the evil energy accumulated by Tianyan Mocheng through the ages, it sends out the ultimate move.


The celestial coffin roared, the violent sound waves spread, the eyes lifted up to disaster, the power of the gods was destroyed, and the mountains and rivers collapsed.

The violent sound waves pierce through the sky. At this moment, Tianqiong is the heyday. In addition to the magical energy accumulated by Tianyan Mocheng, the power of a roar is no less than the one-page book "Dragon Roar" in the heyday. The space before the coffin also began to crack under the vibration of sound waves.

"Roll~" 2.7

The Yuanxie Emperor also shouted loudly, like a thunderous explosion, the sound shook the world, and the invisible sound waves were condensed by the demonic energy into a black dragon with a tail of a hundred feet. The eyes were scarlet, and the scales and claws were distinct, like a living creature, circling and wandering, with the number of the sky. The sound waves made by the poor slammed together.


The surrounding space burst like glass, and the black dragon's body was condensed. Although it collapsed under the impact, it still drove straight in and slammed into the Demon Juetian Coffin.


The Devil's Heavenly Coffin seemed to be in the midst of turbulent waves. It was swayed by the sound waves and fell several miles away.


The Demon Juetian Coffin smashed through a small mountain directly, and then rolled all the way into a small river.

The devilish sound entered his ears, and Tianqiong, who was in the coffin of Devil Jue Tian, ​​felt that his mind was blank, and it was like countless long needles piercing his brain, his headache was splitting, and the pain was unbearable. .

Chapter [-] Conditions that cannot be refused【For collection】

"who I am?"

"Where am I?"

"What just happened?"

The Demon Juetian coffin floated up and down in the river, and Tianqiong inside was confused and confused.

Su Xianqing came to the light, picked up the Demon Juetian coffin and started to run away, returning to the Legend of Doomsday.

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