After Yuan Xiehuang issued "Devil Dragon Roar" to defeat Hao Tianqiong, he didn't pay attention to Hao Mengmeng, who was always talking about guns. Hao Tianqiong's strength was not bad. "Illusory Magic" makes him not afraid even if he is innate, and he may be able to subdue him in the future. Right now, Tianyan Mocheng is the primary goal.

"Dear guest, thank you for unlocking the seal of the holy city." Just as Emperor Yuanxie was contemplating, a hoarse and low voice came from Tianyan Mocheng, and then an old man with a slender figure and a deep outline appeared. In front of Emperor Yuanxie.

The old man was dressed in blue, wearing a small coat, wearing a white hat, holding a short staff in his hand, and bowed to Emperor Yuanxie: "In Xiamisituo, in charge of the external affairs of Tianyan Mocheng, esteemed guest Please come in."

 12 Mi Situo waved his hand and looked humble and reasonable. The reason why he was so polite was not that Mi Situo was really a good man, but that he had just seen the strength of Emperor Yuanxie. Demons have always respected the strong, and Emperor Yuanxie was a demon. He was angry, and opened the seal of Tianyan Mocheng. In Meister's view, it was a worthy target to win over.

Mi Situo's careful thinking, Emperor Yuanxie has no interest in arguing, Tianyan Mocheng is a force he values, and the people of the demon clan among them are affectionate and righteous, and their combat power is good, and they are worthy of income.

As for how to convince them, this is relatively simple, just like Morgana said, there are only two points, one is to give them what they want; the other is to conquer!

Although radish and sticks are old-fashioned, they are always tried and tested.

Walking into the magic city, the interior is empty and white smoke curls up, like a lonely talk for thousands of years.

After the first Holy Demon War, the two sides accepted the corresponding constraints due to their vows to ensure that the peace agreement could be maintained until the second battle. The main reason for the convergence of Qian and Qishan forces.

However, after Tianyan Mocheng accepted the oath, because the Li clan secretly acted, the Holy Fang set up a trap to strengthen the power to seal the magic city. At first, the seal had no obvious effect, but after a long time, the accumulated power exploded, and the entire demon city was sealed. The town was pressed, causing it to sink into the different space under the stratum.

If it wasn't for Hua Chanti's respect for the bloodline of the Demon Emperor and the depletion of his cultivation base to maintain the vitality of his people, the seal this time would be enough to cause most of the demons to be wiped out.

In order to save energy, most of the demon soldiers had no choice but to go to sleep, leaving only some high-ranking generals to serve the demon master.

Emperor Yuanxie walked along the magic city with Mi Si Tuo, the dim light, the faint atmosphere, deep inside the city, I saw an amazing scene at first. Staring at the Emperor Yuanxie who came, it seemed that he could examine people's hearts.


Emperor Yuanxie snorted lightly, the world-destroying demon power shocked all things, and the evil eyes seemed to see the boundless blood-red hell scene, and suddenly showed a look of horror and sluggishness.

"Evil Emperor don't need to be angry." The ghost-faced throne slowly turned, and he Hua Chanti, who was wrapped in bandages, looked at Yuan Xiehuang, obviously knowing something about him.

Emperor Yuanxie was not surprised. He looked at the weak He Hua Chanti indifferently, and noticed that his breath was deteriorating. It seemed that the long-term seal had consumed most of his Hua Chanti's strength. Elaboration.

He Hua Chanti took a look at the [-]th-turn golden pill, and suddenly showed a look of surprise, feeling the rich spiritual energy emanating from the golden pill. If he took it, he would not only recover his strength, but may even improve to a higher level!

However, he Hua Chanti did not accept it rashly. There is no love for no reason in the world. If the other party offers such a generous gift, the return he asks for must be far more than this. He said at the moment: "When you give a gift to someone, you must ask for something, and it is evil. The emperor opened the seal of the holy city and presented such a fetish, what is the picture?"

"Tianyan Mocheng belongs to the emperor." Emperor Yuanxie did not play with his Hua Chan, but stated his purpose bluntly.



Before he Hua Chanti spoke, two figures appeared in the hall.

One is a big bearded man, wearing battle armor, holding a giant axe with a dark handle, a single sharp edge, and a pair of knives with long thorns like a spear.

This person's name is Ignorance Dharma, and he is a general of Tianyan Mocheng. He is brave and good at fighting. He is brute force.

The other was dressed as a white-faced scholar, quite handsome, holding a double ring, and he was the commander of Tianyan Mocheng Jijie Xieluo.

He Hua Chan waved his hand to stop the further actions of the annihilation evil spirits and the ignorant dharma karma. Although he has been sealed in the underground space, he also understands some of the outside world through his evil eyes. It is vivid in my eyes, not an existence that can be dealt with by the annihilation of evil spirits and ignorance of dharma karma.

He Hua Chanti played with the Jiuzhuan Jindan in his hand: "The Evil Emperor wants to conquer Tianyan Mocheng, but these are just the things, I'm afraid it's not enough."

Emperor Yuanxie said proudly: "This emperor never does anything he is not sure about. Since he is here, he can naturally offer conditions that you cannot refuse."

"Oh!" He Hua Chanti groaned softly, took some interest, and asked, "What conditions?"

"Resurrect the Demon Emperor Zhixin, and give the Demon Race a piece of land to develop." Emperor Yuanxie looked directly at Hua Chanti.

He Hua Chanti was shocked when he heard the words. Although he was a demon, he valued friendship the most. In this life, what he cared most about was the future of his family and the demons, and Emperor Yuanxie's condition was exactly his Hua Chanti's long-cherished wish. After pondering for a moment, he turned into a serious expression and said: "Can the evil emperor really resurrect the devil father? If so, I can lead Tianyan Mocheng to swear allegiance."

"Very good, first take the [-]th-turn Jindan to restore strength, and then take this emperor to the Mausoleum of the Demon Emperor." Emperor Yuanxie was confident and calm, as long as he found the soul of the Demon Emperor Zhixin, it would be a simple effort to resurrect the Demon Emperor.

He Hua Chanti had no doubts about him, and now that Emperor Yuanxie's strength is enough to sweep Tianyan Demon City, he can feel that Emperor Yuanxie has no malicious intentions. As for whether the other party can resurrect the Demon Emperor, Hua Chanti feels that no matter what, he has to Give it a try, it's best if you can, but there's no loss if you don't.

He Hua Chanti first took the Jiuzhuan Jindan, nourished by its majestic spiritual energy, the Shen Ke on his body gradually recovered, the whole person also rejuvenated, the momentum rose, and the bandage on his body collapsed instantly, revealing a gorgeous and unparalleled look.

Feeling the feeling of being rich in power after a long absence, he Hua Chanti is sincerely grateful to Emperor Yuanxie, the demons have a clear grievance, and he will never forget the help of Emperor Yuanxie, and then with excitement and a little bit of anxiety, he Hua Chanti Prepare to take Yuanxie Huang to the Mausoleum of Demon Emperor.

Nixie Xieluo and Ignorance Faye and others did not express their opinions, because no matter from that perspective, this matter is not harmful to Tianyan Mocheng.

However, just as he Hua Chanti was about to leave, he suddenly heard the voice of Yin Feng's ghost roar.

"Thousands of monks and ten thousand buddhas perished by blood, purging sins and punishments should be opened to the world.

Demons, monsters, monsters, monks, and monks, whispering and saying ghosts. ".

Chapter [-] Demon Lord Fights Buddha's Tradition 【Seeking Monthly Ticket】

"Thousands of monks and ten thousand buddhas perished by blood, purging sins and punishments should be opened to the world.

Demons, monsters, monsters, monks, and monks, whispering and saying ghosts. "

All of a sudden, the ghosts of the prison sang lamentations, and it was actually the ghosts and Buddhas who made blood, and the Tathagata committed evil crimes!

The ghost Tathagata is wearing a gray-black cloak fluttering in the wind, his head is full of white bones and skulls, black monk robes, and between the yellow eyebrows, a blood-colored Sanskrit word "ghost" imprint is like a burning blood-red flame, revealing the evil spirit of the sky, and the eyes of heavy yin. , The hair of the evil skeleton, at this moment, has a rhinoceros horn demon soldier, and it is likely to be sacrificed to the blood of the ghost!

The Ghost Tathagata came here looking for the number, but unexpectedly found that Tianyan Demon City was broken. , Every time you step out, a group of green ghosts spreads from your feet, and the ground also trembles uneasy!

As soon as the poem number ran out, the ghost Tathagata stood in front of the gate of Tianyan Mocheng, and at the same time, Tianyan Mocheng also moved.

"Gods and demons have lost their bounds, the world is in chaos, the blood calamity has begun, and the flood and wilderness are unified."

The evil thunder broke through the nine-fold situation, the undead rushed to the eight barren worlds, the ancient army soul, the immortal imperial prestige, he Hua Chanti appeared magnificently!

At this time, Hua Chanti's strength recovered completely, all the bandages fell off, holding the "Magic Seal Staff", wearing an ancient Egyptian-style shawl top, wearing a collar, and mysterious patterns decorated with various gorgeous gems. Whether it is to show off the figure or to save the fabric, there is no cover between the waist and abdomen, revealing the steel-like N-pack abdominal muscles!

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