He Hua Chanti stepped out, looked at the Tathagata in disguise in front of him, and said indifferently: "Saints and demons are nothing but an exchange of reality, the eyes of the world are always covered by ignorance, but the truth is really buried deep, no, the truth is there Everyone is in front of it, but you may not recognize it."

Killing evil spirits, ignorant of the Dharma karma, Mi Situo followed closely behind, standing behind him Hua Chanti, Yuan Xie Huang was independent, and he stood by with his hands behind him.

Before Tianyan Mocheng, the ghosts and Buddhas collected debts, the demon masters were ups and downs, the atmosphere of chilling, cold and solemn! The opposing sides, violent!

"Hatred is like old wine. The more you keep it, the stronger it is, and the more mellow it is that you can't extricate yourself from it. You are willing to sink in. My most proud work, you are finally here." The ghost Tathagata, after years of planning, has now paid off, just like the carefully cultivated trees have obtained rich fruits, and there is a satisfied smile on his face.


However, the ghost Tathagata was obviously not happy with his Hua Chan's calculations, and with a cold voice, the black Buddha beads in the ghost Tathagata's hand wrapped around the palm of his hand, and he clenched his fist to kill him.

"If you want to devour the Lord, can you do this?" He Hua Chanti, as the guide of the ghost Tathagata, was naturally not afraid, and immediately waved his hand in response.


The speed of the two was extremely fast, and the fists and palms collided in an instant, and all of a sudden they burst out of the sky with rage, and everywhere they passed, they were completely devastated.

Jixie Xieluo and Ignorance Faye and others did not participate in the war. The demons are cunning by nature, but they advocate personal bravery. Once the battle is officially fought, they will not use siege methods.



After a stalemate for a moment, the two of them screamed in unison, scaring away the evil spirits from all over the world. He Hua Chanti and Ghost Tathagata urged the magic power again, and Tianyan Mocheng suddenly felt like a catastrophe, and the violent force overflowed and squeezed the heaven and the earth. There was a shock, boulders flew and exploded, and the rock-solid towers were also overwhelmed and collapsed countless times.

"Buddhist demolition professional households are well-deserved!" Emperor Yuanxie couldn't help complaining in his heart as he watched a quarter of the good Tianyan Mocheng collapse in an instant.

"Six Disruptions of Ghost Zen and the Way of No Delusion!"

With a single blow, the ghost Tathagata and his Hua Chanti flew away at the same time, venting their recoil force. As soon as they landed, the ghost Tathagata began to record the secret record again, the breath sank, the Buddha beads surrounded the body, and the heaven and the earth made a strange voice, singing. Mo Fanxie blinked, and the Buddha beads turned into one hundred and eight skeletons and souls, wailing and wailing towards him Hua Chanti.

"Blood Burial, Li Soul Crying!"

He turned the "Magic Seal Staff" in Hua Chan's hand and stood there in awe, using his hands to transform the essence of pure demons, forming a strange formation. The sky is full of ghosts and green skeletons.


There was another shock, the skeletons of the beasts and ghosts collapsed, the remaining energy rushed to the bullfight, the ghosts cried in sorrow, the ground was surging like waves, setting off a dust explosion that covered the sky.

There is no hesitation in the sudden battle. In an instant, it is a walk between life and death. In the eyes of the ghost Tathagata, he can only raise his hand to kill the enemy and wash his sins with blood.

"Let you be the first sacrifice for the "Rhinoceros Horn" to see the light of day again!"

The ghost Tathagata said coldly, the evil thing of the ancient times, the "purifying rhinoceros horn" demon whirled out, and instantly the ghost cried and roared, and the evil chanting chanted!

The "Purification Rhinoceros Horn" was originally an evil weapon used by his Hua Chanti to induce the Tathagata to transform into a ghost.

However, when the ghost Tathagata was about to complete the ritual of sacrificing blood for thousands of sins, he was stopped by others. , seal the "Purge Rhino Horn" in the forbidden area under Yungu Leifeng Amnesty Daoyan.

Not long ago, in the war of destroying the Buddha and evil, the Emperor Tathagata was forced to kill by the mountain's Li Yueyue when he was seriously injured.

The "Purifying Rhino Horn" has not yet been unsealed. The blade is green and blood rubies are set on it. The rhino horn has golden barbs on both sides. The edge of the blade has golden sharp horns on one side and a long black horn on the other side. Another part of the cloth was tied behind the handle of the knife, exuding an extremely evil atmosphere.

With the magic weapon in hand, the ghost Tathagata has more killing intent, raising his hand ruthlessly and unpredictably, just like a beast breaking free from its bondage, playing a lamentation of ten thousand ghosts, inadvertently, he Hua Chanti has been caught in the net of hell!

".〃Ghost Zen Six Breaks. Auxiliary Wheel Celestial Burial!"

Among the ghost Tathagata's qi gathering and the "Punishment Rhino Horn", the "Punishment Rhinoceros Horn" instantly burst into a miserable green light, and it slashed down with a knife.

"Stop Soldiers and Conquer!"

He Hua Chanti martial arts belongs to the type of magic. Although he has an inextinguishable demon body, he is not afraid of melee combat, but long-range attack is his strength.

The demon master fought the Buddha's guilt magnificently, the magic power seal rod opened the devil's way, the rhinoceros horns were angry, and the rhinoceros horns were angry.

However, nowadays, the "Rhinoceros for Purifying Sins" lacks one of a thousand sins, and it is not complete, while his Hua Chanti is full of blood, and has both an inextinguishable demon body and a body. It is a sure win, but the ghost Tathagata is not a mediocre player, and he can't take him down for a while.


Emperor Yuanxie saw that the two were in an inextricable fight, and if they continued to fight, I was afraid that the victory or defeat would not be decided, and Tianyan Mocheng could be rebuilt after the disaster, and immediately took action to separate the two: "This is the end of today."

He Hua Chan mentioned that he had begged the Emperor Yuanxie, and when he saw the Emperor Yuanxie made a move, he immediately dismissed the move, and then looked at the Ghost Tathagata with a smile on his face: "The Ghost Tathagata, if you didn't disappoint me."

"Buddha meets the devil." After the first battle, the Ghost Tathagata recognized his Hua Chanti's strength and bowed his head. .

Chapter [-] Demon Emperor Zhixin 【Subscription】

The dark night is dark, and the magic is heavy.

Emperor Yuanxie and his Hua Chanti came to the most important Demon Emperor Mausoleum in Tianyan Demon City. He Hua Chanti had the secret key to open the door of the Demon Emperor Mausoleum.


As the heavy black magic stone door slowly opened, a strange and mysterious cave was revealed.

"This place is where my devil father is indulging, but if you want to open the Devil Emperor's tomb, you need a heavy price!" He Hua Chanti didn't say what the price was, but Yuanxie Huang knew what the so-called price was.

After the Demon Emperor Zhixin established Tianyan Demon City back then, he faced a serious problem, and that was inheritance.

The Demon Sovereign knew his physique was unique, and he had both Buddha and Li. He was unwilling to pass on this unbearable mix to his descendants, so after thinking for a few years, the Demon Sovereign used an extreme method, relying on his own tyrannical strength to force the opening. The ancient holy place of the Demon Race, which is now the Mausoleum of the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor's Mausoleum is the place where the legendary ancient demons' souls slumbered. The depths of the underground reach to different spaces. It has the ancient magic energy when the chaos first opened. The pure source demon blood sacrificed, and after being united with the ancient demon energy, he turned into two sons, Hua Chanti and Duanxie Chanti.

The two sons emerged from the void, but they were no different from ordinary demon babies. They inherited the pure demon bloodline 510 of the demon emperor and were the purest demon body.

Among them, Duan Mo Xiao He was about ten years old, and he was more in line with the ancient magic energy. Therefore, when the Demon Emperor sealed Yuan Gong, the only one who could open the seal was Duan Mo Skull.

This is an unspeakable pain for the dying Demon Emperor, and it must be done. This is the duty of the Demon Emperor. In the tradition of the Demon Race, sacrifice for the clan is the glory of the strong.

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