He Hua Chanti also knew about this, but as a brother-protecting madman, unless it was absolutely necessary, he would never go that far.

Emperor Yuanxie said indifferently: "There is no need to worry about this matter, this emperor has his own way."

Since the Demon Emperor can forcibly open up the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum, then the Yuanxie Emperor can naturally do it, even easier. It doesn't necessarily require a key to open the door.

Emperor Yuanxie thought so, and did so, directly tearing apart the space and entering the interior of the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum.

Unparalleled spiritual power spread out, awakening thousands of ancient demon souls.

When Emperor Yuanxie scanned the Demon Emperor, the second-hand Demon Emperor was sitting in an empty valley and reciting the scriptures: "All sentient beings cannot be greatly liberated, because of greed, they fall into life and death, if they can cut off hatred and love, When it comes to greed, hatred, and delusion, everyone can attain Buddhahood..."


Feeling the mental glance, Demon Sovereign Zhi Xin stopped and looked around suspiciously.

Emperor Yuanxie instantly appeared in front of the Demon Emperor: "Leave with this Emperor."

"Who are you? How did you get into the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum, do you want to destroy him... My poor child!" Seeing the arrival of the stranger, Demon Emperor Zhi Xin thought that the Demon Emperor Mausoleum was opened with the skull of Dianxie Chanti, and his expression changed. Great change, murderous.

This is the worst-case scenario, indicating that the Mozu has reached the moment of life and death, but he clearly expressed his wrong feelings!

Emperor Yuanxie said indifferently: "Duanmie Chanti is not dead, and he should still be a Taoist priest on the Taoist shore. This emperor is entrusted by him Hua Chanti to come to resurrect you."

"Being a Taoist priest? You lied to a ghost!" The Demon Emperor was indeed a ghost now, but he didn't believe that his son would become a Taoist priest.

"What's the benefit of lying to you." Emperor Yuanxie said indifferently.

In the far-off plot, Duan Mie Chanti was born as a demon, and he was the young master of the demon city. For the sake of Jing Wuhuan, he was willing to abandon his identity as a demon. Unfortunately, because of his birth and the scheming of Hai Chan Zun, it ended miserably. Now, although the situation has changed, But it hasn't spread to the shore, so now Duanxie Chanti is still Ren Yunzong, soaking in beautiful women, raising loli, and living a leisurely life.

The Demon Emperor looked at Emperor Yuanxie and could feel the majestic and infinite power of the other party, even when he was alive, he might not be able to reach it, and now he only has a remnant soul, and there is no need to deceive himself, and immediately said: "You I just said that it was entrusted by him to come to resurrect this emperor, what conditions did he offer?"

Although the Demon Emperor is sometimes compared to the second grade, he is not a fool, and he naturally knows that there is no free lunch in the world.

"Tianyan Mocheng surrenders to the emperor." Emperor Yuanxie was blunt and did not hide it.

The Demon Emperor frowned when he heard the words: "Your appetite is not small, but aren't you afraid that after the Emperor Ben (bcfe) is resurrected, he will break his promise and gain weight?"

"Proud as you are, will you?" Emperor Yuanxie said indifferently.

"Humph!" The Demon Emperor snorted arrogantly: "The Demon Race has always respected the strong. If you can lead the Demon Race to win the battle of the Holy Demon and become the Lord of Tianyan Demon City!"

"The words of the Demon Sovereign are enough." After Yuan Xie's words, he began to gather souls for the Demon Sovereign.

In the war that year, the demon emperor was seriously injured and died, and the demon soul dissipated from the body. If you want to revive the demon emperor, you first need to repair the scattered soul of the demon emperor. Now the demon emperor himself has collected most of the remnant souls, but the Yuanxie emperor is left. A lot of effort.

A quarter of an hour later, Emperor Yuanxie finished repairing the Demon Emperor's soul and said, "Your soul, the Emperor, has gathered for you, and now you can revive you as long as you reshape your body. Do you want your original body? Create a new body?"

The original bloodline of the Demon Sovereign has the duality of the Buddhist calendar, but because of this bloodline, the Demon Sovereign is tired and has no attachment to the Demon Sovereign. ?"

"A pure demon body can protect your full strength, but in this way, you will no longer have the duality of the Buddhist calendar, think clearly?" Emperor Yuanxie asked.

"So best."


Above the wilderness, Lin Feng and Rong, the woman who loves disaster, walk slowly.

At the beginning of the sword, he had already returned to hermitage with King Yadi and Jilu. Yin, the unclothed teacher, went to Tiandu with Yiyu's life and mercy, and Murongqing returned to the Niyu clan. The ending was still successful, and Lin Feng was going to find Black crime peacock - Benzi-kun.

The founding of Nihai Chongfan was initiated by the three people, Jiu Shenlian, Ben Xijun, and Misfortune. The faith of people, to find hope in despair, to break through difficulties in adversity, the process of cultivating Taoism is like sailing in the ocean, finding the direction of hope in the vast ocean, so the holy religion is called Defying the Sea and Chongfan.

In Nihai Chongfan, King Benxi has an extraordinary position. He has the power to judge, and he is even more talented. He can carry out large-scale education activities and successfully attract a large number of believers. Compared with the bright image of Tianyu, the black crime peacock presents a commandment. Law, selfless sternness and ruthlessness.

Ten Thousand People Code, She Tu Li, is a large-scale missionary activity hosted by King Benxi. The participants enter the venue through the blindfolded ceremony to represent the light from the darkness. Adversity to the sea and sailing is the only light in a dark life. In the conference, through the words of King Benxi and the hidden stakes in the lurking crowd, the participants were unconsciously immersed in a good sense of faith, and then through the display of miracles, the believers' confidence in the Holy Religion was more unbreakable.

However, with the development of time, Nihai Chongfan gradually deviates from the original intention.

The Lord of the Dead Seal ignited the calamity with a sword, and he suddenly woke up. He turned to seal Nihai Chongfan, and Benji-kun, who was doing related work outside, sensed the seriousness of the situation, and found that it was the ghost of the calamity, and immediately launched a pursuit.

At that time, Jun Benxi joined the Thirteen Swords of the Heavenly Burial as a missionary as "Master Fengyan", and his strange actions attracted Hun Qianshou's attention. At the same time, he was accidentally pulled out by Hun Qianshou. .

Chapter [-]: Black Crime Peacock Beginning King

Lin Feng wants to sail against the sea, and Ben Xijun is an indispensable person.

Actually speaking, Bian Xijun is also a poor person. In the original plot, Bian Xijun and his sister Thrushi liked Du Wuyu, a sword style emblem at the same time, but Du Wuyu is obviously a straight man and does not want to be a base. For this reason, because of love The hated Bian Xijun designed to kill the younger sister who fell in love with Du Wuyu, and embarked on the road of falling in love with Du Wuyu!

Later, he was sealed by stealing the soul, and finally came back to open the "door of latent desire", but his boss Shenghanger.Tian Yu, but because he was born with an incurable disease, he kept making plans. Eventually, due to Du Wuyu's death, the rift between heaven and earth gradually grew.

In the end, in order to avenge Du Wuyu, the disheartened Ben Xijun has already lost the great master-master's body at the cost of his death!

But now, Benji-kun is still tied into a mummy and sealed somewhere deep in the mountains, and the key to finding Benji-kun lies in the "Hundred Thousand Hands" _.

Hun Qianshou is a ghost thief among the Thirteen Swords of Heavenly Burial. He was originally a little thief who stole the treasures of "Wen Xizai". By chance, he met a dying old man in Xiaoshan. So that the stealing skills can be refined and people can steal people's souls.

However, "Soulstealing" can only be used three times in a lifetime, and after the third time, the caster will die!

Back then, Hun Qianshou discovered that Young Master Fengyan (Ben Xijun) was spreading pagan ideas in the Thirteen Swords of the Celestial Burial. Soul, I want to find evidence in the future, and after the evidence is conclusive, I can decide to kill or stay.

Counting the time, Hun Qianshou should now go by the pseudonym Mo Shitai, vying for business with the demon nun.

The demon nun is called a nun, but he is a man. His real identity is the servant of "Saint Demon Yuan Shi". He is lurking in the market with unknown intentions. Nature can't turn over any storms.

With Lin Feng's "Saint Demon Yuan Shi" in hand, it was easy to find a demon nun, and it didn't take long for Lin Feng to bring the love and disaster girl Rong to a market.

"Nun tea, mud mushroom tea, old signboards, see the details, if you are interested, come and have a cup, the taro and matsutake are mixed together, I can't find the natural flavor. Good luck, good people." Lin Feng and the girl Rong who loved disaster came to the market, and heard the demon nun's cry.

Rong, the girl who loves disaster, looked at him and saw a strange-looking person, with two small teapots hanging on both sides of the bridge of his nose, pouring out a steady stream of tea.

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