Since the demon nun was nearby, the disguised Hun Qianshou was naturally nearby. Lin Feng looked around, and soon a man in the shape of a chef in a white robe who was not far from the demon nun came pushing a fast food truck.

Rong, the girl who loves misfortune, looked at Chef Baipao and said to Lin Feng, "This is the person you're looking for?"

"Don't underestimate this person, if you don't pay attention, you may also suffer a loss." Lin Feng is not alarmist, Hun Qianshou can even steal the soul of the demon Buddha Yan Da. .

Rong, the girl who loves disaster, seems to be unbelieving: "Is he that powerful?"

"One dish sets a Jiazi opera, and one bowl of soup will eliminate a hundred years of anger." Hun Qianshou, who incarnated as a magician, didn't know that Lin Feng already knew his identity, and he was selling vegetable soup.

Lin Feng and the love-calamity girl Rong walked to the booth of Hunqianshou and said bluntly, "Where is the soul and body of Lord Benxi?"

"Guest officer, I'm just a business peddler, I don't understand what you're talking about?" Hun Qianshou heard the words and secretly guarded himself, but there was no trace on his face, and he looked blank.

Lin Feng saw that Hun Qianshou was still pretending, and said: "Hun Qianshou, the ghost thief, one of the thirteen swords of the burial, make a deal and hand over the king, and I will remove the murderer of Wen Xizai for you and protect you. Daughter Lianzhuang is safe and sound, how?"

"Who are you, why are you looking for Ben Xi-kun? How do you know about Wen Xizai? Also, where is my daughter now?" Hun Qianshou heard the words and almost turned into a fright. The other party not only knew his truth Identity, even his purpose of concealing his identity, and his daughter Lianzhuang are clear, it seems that he came prepared, pretending to be unable to hold, simply ask clearly!

The land of suffering is vast and boundless. Lin Feng and the love-calamity girl Rong are very famous in Nanwu Lin, but very few people know about Dongwu Lin. Lin Feng was too lazy to explain, but said indifferently: "It's not good for you to know too much, if you don't agree to the transaction , that kills you, the soul of Jun Xijun will return to him, you are a smart person, you should know how to choose."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

"Okay, I hope you'll keep your word." Hun Qianshou considered for a moment, and finally chose to compromise. He didn't dare to risk his own and his daughter's life.

Hun Qianshou took Lin Feng and the love-calamity girl Rong to a steep cliff, and then used his body technique to dig out the body of Ben Xi-jun in the middle of the cliff, and then took out a bag to open the mouth of the belt. His soul was bound by things, and he flew back to his body immediately.

I saw Benzai-kun, who was wrapped in a mummy, regained his vitality, floating in mid-air and spinning rapidly, and the bandages on his body peeled off layer by layer.

"Remember what you promised me." Hun Qianshou didn't want to meet Ben Xi-jun, and after saying a word to Lin Feng, he flew away quickly, so as not to be settled by the reborn Ben Xi-jun Qiu!

...... ......

"The light in front of you is about to be dark.

The Holy Light in despair is about to come.

God has mercy, God is immortal. "

As the horn with the strong aura of the divine stick sounded, Ben Xi-kun broke free from all restraints and reappeared in the world.

King Ben Xi stepped on a pair of scorpions, declaring the peacock's prestige above the king of beasts, holding the seal on the left to represent his own authority, and holding the peacock's finger on the right, the beading beside his cheeks covered his expression, mysterious and mysterious. Deep, cold and mysterious, noble and ruthless, with black birthmarks and a pair of peacock eyes on his face, his eyes seem to be more charming.


Alien Demon Realm.

In the blood pool of the demons, the blood churned.


With a loud explosion, the Demon Emperor Zhi Xin flew out of the Demon Blood Pool.

"Wangba moves again and again, walks my own way, Moruo Juehai, idealism is creation."

Looking at the Yuanxie Emperor not far away with cold eyes, the Demon Emperor Zhixin said, "This Emperor will not thank you."

"This emperor doesn't need useless words either." Emperor Yuanxie didn't care about the demon emperor's arrogant personality.

"Humph!" Demon Emperor Zhi Xin snorted lightly, and then said angrily: "The holy party even disregarded the covenant to seal Tianyan Demon City. This emperor will definitely make them pay for this."

"What are you going to do?" Emperor Yuanxie asked.

"Play the strings of Tiangong's August Spring Water, and start the battle of the holy devil again!".

Chapter [-] Suhozhen visits 【Subscription】

Before the holy repentance, he went into asceticism, and the demons and demons caused blood to be born.

The clouds of war are flying and the dust is surging, and the fate of Fengxing is chaotic and the world is peaceful.

The disaster of the dead country will come to an end, the long-dormant extinction is convenient for Buddhism to start a war, and the suffering Central Plains will also be affected. It has been completely destroyed, and the Tianyan Mocheng is now in the world, the Li clan is often in chaos, the three religions are resisting each other, and the right way is weak!

The holy war opens up the enmity, and the annihilation of the gods burys the slaughter. After the title of Tianqiong is broken out, the legend of the doomsday also comes to the stage. .

The apocalyptic legend has entered a new stage, and Hao Tianqiong began to actively plan to break open the coffin of the devil. Those who used to be enemies with it did not want to see such a situation, so they also came out and tried to stop Hao Tianqiong's actions. , one of which is the Lingzhu of the Qingbo clan, Kunchen through the ages - Jing Canglang.

Jing Canglang once participated in the holy war with the seal title Tianqiong. Afterwards, he led his clan to live in seclusion under the Tianhe "Eight Five Seven". Its shoulders and arms have fish scale features.

After learning that the God-destroying name Tianqiong was reborn, Jing Canglang was also ready to step out of the martial arts forest to slay the devil and defend the road.

In order to understand the battle of the ancient saints and demons, the one page of the book that has not been restored, began to embark on the road to the hometown of Tianfo.

Su Huanzhen is responsible for investigating Tianyan Mocheng. The interlocking causal fate belongs to the tug-of-war and choice between saints, demons, and people, and is about to start the chaotic and misguided path of the spread of war.

Tianyan Demon City.

The majestic and gigantic magic city stands a hundred feet deep in the ground, evil spirits roar, strangers should not get close, a slight red light drifts around the city scene, and under the fog, there is no disturbing atmosphere.

Su Huanzhen came to Tianyan Mocheng alone and felt the evil spirits and demons around him. Su Huan really said: "This city is magnificent, but it contains countless wronged souls.

"The fragrant white lotus is really true, please come in." Just as Su was still thinking about it, a mysterious ethereal voice came out of the magic city.

"Yeah!" Su Huanzhen heard the sound and said to himself, "It seems that the other party knows something about him, even if you don't enter a tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's son."

With a certain mind, fearless, Su Huan really stepped into the gate of the magic city, but saw the boundless darkness inside, as if in the vast starry sky.

"Well...there is nothing in this space." With a soft whisper, Su Huanzhen looked around, and then waited quietly.

The ethereal voice sounded again: "Su Huanzhen, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

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