When Haotianqiong heard the words, he snorted coldly, made a move angrily, and waved his palms with the power of destruction.

Jing Canglang responded awe-inspiringly, and his edge rose again. The water on the "Washing Ink Kunfeng" spurted, and "Eight Dances of Ink Marks" washed the night sky, blooming with bright cold light, and the sword energy was like waves and waves, one after another.

No. Tianqiong palm wind is fierce, even if the divine energy wind is still blowing a majestic atmosphere.

After several fights, violent winds and torrential rains, the people around the apocalypse only felt like a small boat on the sea, which would be engulfed by huge waves at any time.

"Good sword!"

Hao Tianqiong and Jing Canglang stopped at the same time, and Hao Tianqiong's words fell, and the body was penetrated by the cold sword energy, but with "Destroying Illusion Magic", Hao Tianqiong has immortality and can change the body shape The ability of the body, the injury on the body will be restored to its original state in an instant.

"The magic of destroying illusions is really hard to deal with!" Seeing this, Jing Canglang also knew that it was difficult for him to eliminate the demons alone.

Tianqiong gathered his qi into a shield and blocked all the sword qi. After a few shocks, Jing Canglang disappeared from the scene.

"It seems that you have grown a lot over the years, well, very good, hahaha..." Hao Tianqiong laughed out loud when he saw Jing Canglang retreat.

At this time, Yi Ziniang, who was concerned about her children, came over: "Tianjun..."

Knowing what Yi Ziniang wanted, Hao Tianqiong said solemnly, "Let's go, it's time for the Three Peaks to appear in the world!"

After the words fell, Hao Tianqiong Huaguang came to the underground of the last days, followed by Yi Ziniang and Su Xianqing.

Looking at the three special celestial coffins in the secret room, Tianqiong waved his hand, and a little bit of golden light melted into the coffin.

"My Divine Front will sweep away the obstacles in the world for me, drink!"

 The apocalyptic force swept across, and opened the long-held Tianjun's front. I saw three mysterious light groups of red, green, and blue appeared within the three coffins. After floating for a while, the three light groups flew out.

At this time, a man in black came to report. After listening to the report of his subordinates, Su Xianqing bowed to Tianqiong: "Report to Tianjun, the news is back, the holy demon is about to start a battle, and Tianyan Mocheng is calling for people. How should it be passed on?"

"Hmph, in front of me, all gods and Buddhas will be destroyed." Hao Tianqiong is domineering, and proudly said: "Instruct the disciples to actively prepare for the war, and I want to destroy the holy magic equipment."

"Follow Tianjun's orders." Su Xianqing raised his hand and left with Yi Ziniang and others.


Tianyan Mocheng, Ren Yunzong came in anger.

Under the huge evil eyes, he Hua Chanti smiled and said gently: "I am very pleased for my brother to see you again."

With an angry expression on his face, Ren Yunzong asked, "Why are you targeting Dengdaoan?"

"The principle of the devil is to guide the fall, seize the faith, and not to be betrayed." He Hua Chan mentioned that his face was indifferent. Tianyan Mocheng and the holy party were already on the same page. They are all trying to reduce the strength of the other party. Persimmons are soft and pinch. Compared with "Yuansheng Mingluan", the power on the Daoan shore is weak, and it is located on the top of the six spiritual veins, so it does not attack anyone.

"Humph!" Ren Yunzong snorted coldly: "Your principle is only the word revenge."

"Haha! Dengdaoan and Jing Wuhuan are the main culprits that caused the separation between you and my brother. This account is only settled now, it's too late!" He was very dissatisfied that he had kidnapped his dearest little brother on the road.

Ren Yunzong defended: "Leaving the magic city is the choice of my free consciousness, and it has nothing to do with landing on the road..."

He Hua Chanti waved his hand casually and said: "Little brother, I don't need a reason. I don't care what is right or wrong. I don't want to criticize you, and I can understand that you are lost for a while. When I let you leave the magic city, it was also to fulfill you. The desire to pursue true love. But you are a devil after all, and human life is not suitable for you. If you have had enough fun, you should go home!"

He Hua Chanti said bitterly: "The path and destiny of demons and demons, you should be very clear about this, don't you!"

Tianyan Demon City is a demon after all. The humiliation of the war contract that has been carried for thousands of years, the vitality deprived by oppression, and the irreconcilable opposition caused by the first holy demon war, the descendants of the demon clan have inherited the cause and effect of their predecessors, and at the same time they face each other. In order to survive and strengthen their own clan, the Li clan's conspiracy has been completed when they broke out of the demon city, and the layout is far-reaching and elusive. Except for the first battle, there is no way out.

It's just that this little brother is too self-willed and can't see what he is doing at all, or he is still immersed in illusory fantasies and does not want to wake up.

"Ren Yunzong is no longer a man to destroy, I have found a higher value of survival. Whether it is a human being or a demon, they have the right to decide their own future." .

He Hua Chanti said with disdain: "Power has always been in the hands of the strong, little brother, you have been deeply polluted by those sanctimonious dogmas and fearless righteousness! And now that your identity has been exposed, those sanctimonious people may not be willing to To accommodate you, in this world, apart from the devil father, no one is more forgiving to you than me."

Ren Yun 0.8 Zong heard the words and snorted coldly, if it wasn't for Tianyan Mocheng's targeting of Dao'an, how could he be exposed, and said with some resentment: "What I need is not tolerance, but self-respect, as long as I focus on my own path. I don't care what other people look at."

"Hahaha..." He Hua Chanti burst into laughter when he heard the words, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, before shaking his head and sighing after a while, "My stupid brother, you have changed, you have become stupid! To the devil! In terms of light, light has never been redemption, and after all these years, you still can't see it through!"

You're stupid, your whole family is stupid... uh... bah!

Ren Yunzong thought that they were a family, he was speechless, and then said helplessly: "You are the one who can't see through. It's not that I want to oppose you, but that you insist on breaking the balance. Demons and saints, only balance can be achieved. Live forever!".

Chapter [-] Brother Talk [Three Updates]

The main hall of Tianyan Mocheng.

"Temporary victories are like waves, one after another, and no one will truly win. There are only two outcomes between saints and demons, coexistence or coexistence." Abandon the battle of holy demons, so as not to lose life and lose both.

Although he left Tianyan Demon City, he didn't want his clansmen to be hurt. Unfortunately, his thoughts were too naive, and there was only so much room for survival.

And he Hua Chanti doesn't expect to hand over the fate of the demons to those betrayal human races, not to mention the current demon city, he is not in charge!

He Hua Chan mentioned the unparalleled Yuanxie Emperor, with a complicated expression, and immediately said: "The battle of the holy devil is inevitable, you have the blood of the devil in you, and you can't resist this fateful battle!"

Ren Yunzong said firmly: "I will not be involved in any party!"

He Hua Chanti said sternly: "This is not up to you to be self-willed. If you don't join them, they will treat you as an alien and an enemy! However, you are born a devil and forever a devil, do you want to help those virtuous people? Will the elders destroy their own clan?"

When Ren Yunzong heard the words, he was tangled in his heart. He understood that what Hua Chanti said was true. People were in the rivers and lakes. Fate.

He Hua Chanti persuaded: "The battle of the Holy Demon is irreversible. You should know how the Holy Party reneged on its promise and sealed my demon city. How can this hatred and hatred be let go? You want to remain neutral and leave your choice to others. In the end Only to lose more!"

"Enough!" Ren Yunzong was upset, sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "I came today, not to listen to your lectures, but I want to ask you something."

"Let's talk." He Hua Chanti said calmly.

Ren Yunzong asked: "Back then, you asked me to hunt down Chu Kuang. Xi Daoque and retrieve a key, do you remember?"

"How could you forget! It's because of this mission that you lost your heart and lost your soul!" Thinking of what happened back then, Hua Chanti regretted it too much. If it wasn't for that incident, how could his younger brother run away from home? Angry at the thought.

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