"That's not the point." Ren Yunzong's forehead was wrinkled into a tic-tac-toe, he didn't come to Hua Chan Tila with him, and said coldly, "I ask you, what exactly is this key? What's the secret?"

"It's such a long time ago, little brother, you are really stumped for your brother's memory!" He Hua Chanti said quietly, of course he knew about this matter, but it was inconvenient to tell about some secrets involved.

Ren Yunzong saw that he avoided talking about Hua Chan and asked, "If you don't want to answer directly, what are you trying to hide? I heard that the key is related to the mysterious treasure, is it true or false?"

He Hua Chanti looked at Ren Yunzong: "What about true? What about false? The matter of the key has already been settled. What are you asking about this matter?"

Ren Yunzong recalled: "At that time, I was retreated by Jing Wuhuan and Jie Ji Zhongliu together, and the key fell into their hands, but later, the key was accidentally lost."

"Lost? Hahaha! Do you believe it?" Hua Chen said with a disdainful smile, the so-called key is actually the key to unlock the "Saint Demon Yuan Shi". He became the servant of the holy devil, turned into a ghost who was not a ghost, and was killed by Lin Feng, but he Hua Chanti was reluctant to say this, so as not to make his little brother confused.

"To be honest, I don't believe that the key is likely to be lost, or it may be monopolized by him, but now it's a mystery to hit the middle..." Before Ren Yunzong finished his words, Hua Chanti became impatient. He interrupted: "Enough! I don't want to hear the trivial matters of life and death of outsiders."

He Hua Chanti didn't care whether he hit the middle stream or the ghost knew it. Compared with his younger brother, these were all trivial matters.

Ren Yunzong stubbornly said: "Even if you are bored, I still have to ask! You don't want to tell the secrets of the key, I can check it myself! But you must tell me, where is the stream of smashing? The eyes of the elephant penetrate into the sky, I believe that the mystery of life and death in the middle of the fight has already entered its eyes!"

"Why do you care so much about hitting the middle class?" He Hua Chan asked suspiciously.

Ren Yunzong looked cold: "The cause of Jing Wuhuan's death was strange back then, I want to find out the truth! If he really didn't die after hitting Ji Zhongliu, then he deliberately cheated his death, and there must be other plans!"

"It's pure and illusory again! Sigh!" He Hua Chanti sighed, and his heart was sour, when can this little brother care about himself, the lonely old man!

When Ren Yunzong heard his Hua Chanti sigh, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and said sincerely, "Brother, please tell me!"

Hearing that the younger brother finally agreed to call him his elder brother, he Hua Chanti's mood improved a lot in an instant, and he smiled: "You finally agree to call me elder brother, well, it would be too ruthless if I didn't respond! There are better suggestions."

"What is it?" Ren Yunzong hurriedly asked.

He Hua Chanti smiled inexplicably and said, "Fight the grievances between Ji Zhongliu and Jing Wuhuan, let Jing Wuhuan check it himself!"

Ren Yunzong was surprised when he heard the words: "What did you say? Let Wuhuan her..."

Jing Wuhuan was originally a beautiful and refined headmaster on the Dao Shore. He seemed gentle and indifferent, but he had a firm temperament. He focused on the overall situation and rarely saw his children's personal relationships. other love.

He once participated in the holy war with the seal title Tianqiong for the sake of the great justice, and finally died of serious injuries.

Not long ago, I encountered a demonization on the shore of Dengdao. Because the spirit was injured from the soul, a ray of primordial spirit was able to appear, and he instructed Ren Yunzong to recreate the fire. Now he is only in the state of primordial spirit, but listen to him. It means that there seems to be hope of resurrection, how can Ren Yunzong not be excited.

In the end, it was his own younger brother. He Hua Chanti couldn't bear his younger brother's disappointment, and said, "Jing Wu Huan Yuanshen still exists, and it is easy for me to bring her back to life."

"Are you willing to help me revive Jing Wuhuan?" Ren Yunzong was overjoyed, trembling with excitement.

Seeing the younger brother's appearance, he Hua Chanti was a little unhappy, and said with a stern face: "Don't be too happy, everything has to pay a price."

"It doesn't matter what the conditions are." As long as he can resurrect Jing Wuhuan, Ren Yunzong can agree to any conditions.

"The condition is not for me to open it, but for the method itself." He Hua Chanti tapped the scepter, and said quietly: "Jing Wuhuan practiced the "Spiritual Creation Dafa", and has been sheltered by the "Bright Fire of Heaven" for many years. Its resurrection is not difficult, first of all, she must stabilize her primordial spirit with "Spirit Resolving Crystal Soul"..."

Ren Yunzong said eagerly, "Where can I find 'Spirit Resolving Crystal Soul'?"

He Hua Chan said without rushing: "Do something for me, and I will tell you when it is done."

"What's the matter?" Ren Yunzong felt that things were not simple, but for the sake of resurrection, he would do it no matter how difficult it was.

With a flash of light in his Hua Chanti's eyes, he said coldly, "Go to Dengdaoan and completely destroy the foundation of Dengdaoan with demonic energy."

Chapter [-] The Prison King [Subscribe]

"Go to the Dengdao shore and completely destroy the foundation of the Dengdao shore with demonic energy." He Hua Chan put forward the conditions.

Ren Yunzong was shocked when he heard the words: "Why is this?"

Ren Yunzong is very emotional about Dengdao shore, and if he destroys Dengdao shore, coupled with his own bloodline of demons, he will be suspected by the righteous people, and it will be difficult to return to the peaceful life before.

It is this effect that he explained the abstract. It can not only reduce the power of the righteous path, but also allow his younger brother to return, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

He Hua Chanti decided on his younger brother's personality, and said casually: "You don't need to ask more, it's up to you to choose whether to do it or not."

"I promise you, I hope you don't lie to me." Ren Yunzong snorted coldly, whether or not this choice is the same, his elder brother is really abominable, and he is sure that he can't let go of Jing Wuhuan, and his heart is sullen, Walk away.

He Hua Chanti looked at Ren Yunzong's back, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, slightly closed his eyes and said indifferently: "Little brother, why did brother lie to you, by the way, there is good news to tell you, the devil has been resurrected, he really miss you."

"Father Devil!" Ren Yunzong paused for a moment, his emotions surged in an instant, and he calmed down in an instant. Ren Yunzong was still the same Ren Yunzong.

"Hey! Little brother, your rebellious period is too long. For the sake of the great cause of the Demon Race, for the sake of my brother, I can no longer condone you!"

With a faint sigh, he Hua Chanti looked towards the throne, his expression narrowed, his eyes were indifferent, and there was no more genial and pleasant expression.

Jimie Xieluo walked into the hall and passed by Ren Yunzong, Jimie Xieluo walked past with a cold snort, and Ren Yunzong's heart flashed bitterly, and then floated away.

Jixie Xieluo bowed to him Hua Chan: "Demon Lord, Chou Weiyang has promised to join the Demon City."

"Very good." He Hua Chanti nodded indifferently, the battle of the Holy Demon is imminent, and Tianyan Mocheng is also doing its best to recruit people.

"Young Master, he..." Jixie Xieluo hesitated.

He Hua Tanti said in a deep voice, "You're worried that he won't come back."

"I doubt his will, and I don't know where he will choose...〃"..." Ever since Duanmie Chanti chose to pursue his own happiness and turned his back on the magic city, Jixie Xaluo thought that Duanmie Chanti was disgusting and turned into a human being look like, don't you have a little bit of numbness in your heart?

"Enough." He Hua Chanti had a warm anger on his face, and he didn't need others to criticize his own younger brother: "Jie Xie Luo, you have resentment because of what happened in the past, but if even we can't trust him, and there is another How can you expect him to come back!"

"Alas!" Ji Mie Xieluo sighed, then bowed his head and bowed: "It's the subordinate who made a blunder!"

He Hua Chanti was very tolerant of his own people, and he knew that Nixie Xieluo was thinking of the Demon City and had no intention of punishing him. He thought for a moment and said, "Where is the unclothed teacher Yin now?"

Although he is gloomy and unpredictable, he is far-sighted, ruthless in external calculations and ruthless in internal affairs, but his feet are short. He is a qualified king, but not an excellent strategist. Practical experience in the application of combat tactics Not much, nor its strengths.

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