In addition, the Mozu traditionally advocates personal martial arts and pursues decisive battles, and believes that pursuing military victory by means of calculating people's hearts is an insult to the spirit of war, so when the devil cites talents, he prefers force.

So that the magic city has serious defects in the military.

In addition, the group of demon generals with military experience in the first holy demon war, and because of the war contract was blocked thousands of miles away from the mountain, now the demon city urgently needs a long-term military advisor to plan for it.

Although the unclothed teacher Yin had just arrived in the predicament, he Hua Chanti had also secretly observed it for a period of time. He was thoughtful, eloquent and convenient, and he was not a person in the predicament.

Jixie Xieluo responded: "Yin Wuyi has now moved to Tiandu in Tiandu and is under the command of the evil emperor."

"Heavenly Capital, Luo Hu, maybe you should go for a while." He Hua Chan mentioned it, and then through the "Elephant Eyes" saw a red figure approaching the magic city very quickly, the corner of his mouth outlined a smile, facing the empty space Said: "Misituo, the distinguished guest is coming, you go to meet it, don't neglect it."


The old hoarse voice echoed, and then the gate of the magic city opened.

"Honorable guests, please follow Mesituo into the city."

"Hahaha... I love this calamity, and there are women everywhere." In the charming smile, the love and calamity girl Rong came down.


Under the black sea of ​​misery, there is a huge underground world called - Black Sea Prison!

The Black Sea Prison is the legendary silent hell.

A long time ago, the three realms of heaven, misery, and prison were connected, and each had a sun.

Three suns are in the same sky, all things are immortal, even the humble Zerg has obtained a long lifespan, because of its amazing reproductive ability, flooding, and the human race is miserable.

At that time, the three most powerful forces were Tianjiang, where gods and beasts gathered, the heaven and earth cockroaches of the Zerg, and the Black Sea Prison, where the powerhouses were born in large numbers.

People's hearts will never be satisfied. In ancient times, the three Yangs were in the same sky, and the Hell King of the Prison united Heaven and Earth to seize the Yang of the Tianjiang. However, both sides harbored misfortune. In the end, they both lost in the fight. After Yama was seriously injured, he had to cut off the communication between the prison and the misery with the "Moruo Tianzhang".

Since then, the Black Sea Prison has formed its own realm, and constructed three layers of regional features with a centripetal circle. The outermost area is the Black Sea Prison Jaw and the thirteenth order of hell, followed by the extremely hot and extremely cold Sanjaliangyuan. The scale principle is the embankment of human heads. Behind the embankment is a blood waterfall with a huge fault drop. The bottom of the blood waterfall is Heiyuetian, where the "underground sun" resides.

In addition, there is Heiyueliu Island floating on Heiyuetian. There are two prophets living in the Black Moon Secret Hall on the island, who predict the future for the prison. , Dharani Hall, Twenty-Four Bridges, Four Sins Road, Rhubarb Earth Mother and other places.

The eighteen princes of the Black Sea Prison echo the eighteenth floor of hell. Due to the large number of princes, the prison is divided into many factions. In addition, the nineteenth son who was born unexpectedly, and the prophecy tablet shows that other princes will be killed. The situation further deepened the open and secret struggle between the heirs of Hades.

Prison forces are mixed, and even siblings are hostile to each other!

However, the current chaos (of Zhao) is all a plan laid out by the King of Hell, a plan that lays out dozens of Jiazi.

Back then, Hades' plan failed, and in order to fight the difficult situation one day, he replaced his mind with his own sub-brain, and wrote the prophecy of "Eighteen sons are destined to be destined for the king of Hades" with the divine thought prophecy tablet. , became the variable and omen of the prison.

The prophets on the left and right calculated the will of heaven, and came up with the prophecy that "the nineteen sons who should not exist will devour their brothers and feet one by one", and skillfully created the accident of the sky, confirmed the credibility of the prophecy, and made the princes feel strongly about their own lives. alert.

The four princes will be set up to compete for the throne, and then use a different method to enter the dream of the suffering realm in the form of Xuanxiao, indicating that the three worlds of heaven, earth and human are connected, people will be able to obtain the power of immortality, and let the dove god practice actively open up the suffering and the forest. prison channel.

After that, his mind was inexplicably lost, and the king of Hades retreated under the pretext of seclusion, and went through the eight-mirror dilemma between the Queen of Darkness and Qianyuxian, and was imprisoned in the Jialuo Temple. .

Chapter [-] Simple floating bird 【Subscription】

As the symbol of the highest authority in the Black Sea Prison, the King of Hell has always covered his face with a gorgeous ghost face. No one has seen the real face. The scheming of the city government is unfathomable. "Evil Phase" warns, adding unparalleled combat power and power; in addition, Yama has a sub-brain "Spiritual Mind", which communicates with each other and helps him figure out the situation in the world.

Because of the collapse of the Three Yangs in the same sky, the King of Hell lost the power of immortality. In order to control the power forever, the King of Hell continued his life by seizing the house, secretly seizing the house of the sons who inherited the throne of each generation, thus appearing to ascend the throne of power. However, there are gains and losses, and the method of taking home is not without cost. Over time, the King of Hell has forgotten many people, many things, and many emotions. He repeatedly only remembers his concept of "one emperor through the ages" and becomes a slave to power.

And these forgotten parts, all of which are hidden somewhere in the memory, are occasionally opened, and the king of hell does not recognize that such a self existed. The face is different from the king of hell, but he is still the king of hell.

All the city houses are to reproduce the realm of three suns in the same sky. As long as the three suns are in the same sky, he will be able to lead the six heavens to fight the deer together in the miserable Central Plains, and achieve eternal hegemony.

But recently, Hades found that he seemed to be playing off! After all, people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations, and plans will never keep up with changes.

At the age of nine, his body gradually lost his body, and only the shadow remained.In fact, it was sent by the King of Hell using the black moon to the Lingshan Mountain in the bitter realm, and turned into a mountain ghost, killing the people in the suffering realm by means of slaughter, in order to increase the energy of the black moon into the suffering realm.

Everything went smoothly, but one day, he was met by Jade Bodhi, the hometown of Tianfo, and Jade Bodhi's consciousness of exploring the mountain discovered the truth, so he purifies his murderous nature with a drop of hard work, so that the mountain ghost appears with the good nature of the mountain god, and he kills and saves him with one kill. , diluting the killing power, so that the layout of the king of hell to let the black moon lift off was hindered by 947.

Hades felt something, and he secretly ordered "Said Tai Sui" to send Tian Luozi's "shadow" to a miserable state, to find another self in the world, "Muling Mountain", and kill him, so that Tian Luozi could be saved. Restore the body.

In order to plan victory, the King of Hell gave Tai Sui the "Wait of Hell". One is to order Tai Sui to protect Tian Luozi's safety and to find a recovery opportunity for Tian Luozi who lost his body, and another purpose is to make Tai Sui replace the King of Hell. Look for the bones forged with the incantation.

Said that Tai Sui took the shadow of Tian Luozi to leave the prison, traveled around the misery, and searched for the bones of the King of Hell, which was cast with a strange script of destroying the devil. regret!

Wandering in another world, Tai Sui has gradually cultivated a master-disciple relationship with Tianluozi during the years of coexisting with Tianluozi's shadow, and his concern is no longer just because of tasks.

As for Tianluozi's other existence, "Muling Mountain", it was said that Taisui could not find it for many years. Later, in an unexpected conflict, the Taoist Taoist school "Zhai Chalcedony" was defeated by Said Taisui.

The unconvinced Zhai Chalcedony used the natural terrain and the "Tai Sui" of "Liu Feng Cui" as bait (saying that Tai Sui likes to eat fish), and cooperated with Dao Ling's Taoist technique to trap Tai Sui in the shadow sand and let Tai Sui be trapped in the shadow sand. It was covered with sand and even petrified by the shadow, sank into the sand, and drifted to the center of the earth with the undercurrent of the underground quicksand, which indirectly led to the bankruptcy of the Hades plan.

At this time, Hades had been trapped in the eight mirror formations of the Jialuo Temple, and there was nothing he could do if he wanted to send people!

In addition, the sub-brain "Shen Si" has been separated from the main body of the King of Hell for a long time. In the martial arts forest, he experienced a variety of life situations in various identities, and later possessed the body of the first generation of ghost kings in the demon world (the father of ghosts and hells), which inspired Zhanyun. The monster god of the world fought against the six masters of the demon world. In the end, the ghost king was killed by the design of the seven out-of-the-way martial arts, and the mind had to rely on the "ghost hand", and it was depressed.

As for the three cloud dragons of the primordial spirit beasts of the King of Hell, they were released by the King of Hell a long time ago and stick to the ancient river of deep marrow. They have their own consciousness and emotions, and this emotion that originates from the King of Hell and does not resemble the King of Hell will also become the unsettling factor of the King of Hell.

At the same time, Yama's weapon "Mo Luo Tianzhang" was also lost a long time ago. This magic sword symbolizes eternal power, but the sword has an inexplicable connection with the primordial beast of the four sons, Xuantong, and even combined into a life community...

In short, there are a lot of variables, so that the king of Yan is only dozens of Jiazi, and during this period, Ni Hai Chongfan was also sealed due to the rebellion that was popular with a sword, and it was not until not long ago that the king of Yan sensed that Ni Hai Chongfan had broken the seal. Out, but what surprised the King of Hell is that Ni Hai Chongfan has completely changed his style of conduct now, and he has no plans to open the Black Sea Prison at all. How can he play?

No matter how distressed the King of Hell is, other people's days are still the same. Today, the Black Sea Prison welcomes a foreign guest.

"This is the Black Sea Prison, and it's really spooky." Looking at the barren and dim land around him, Lin Feng shook his head slightly, obviously not satisfied with the environment here.

"Where is the root of desolation?" While thinking about it, a few prison soldiers came from a distance.

"This kind of breath is not a prisoner, take it."

With a shout, the soldier with the spear rushed towards Lin Feng without a word.

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