"It's just right." Lin Feng turned around indifferently, his eyes narrowed, and the invisible air pressure imprisoned several people in an instant. Then, after exploring several people's memories to get the information he needed, he wiped them out.

In a flash, Lin Feng had come to a dead tree in the Roots of Desolation.

At the same time, there was a strong suction from the tree hole above the dead tree, but Lin Feng did not resist, and his figure was instantly sucked into the hole.

The secluded space and the secluded blue waves reflected a strange person. In his ears, the sound of Lingling water shells reverberated and impacted Lin Feng's ears and eyes. He saw a young man in white clothes and white hair playing a strange water shell musical instrument. Its sound is clean and clear, like a clear spring, which penetrates people's hearts.

"There is no meeting of souls, only the impact of matter, the voice without soul (bgei), only the confusion of wavelengths." The white-haired boy chanted and stood up, stepped ashore, and looked at Lin Feng, who came uninvited: "A body without a soul. , just a waste of space, you, damn it."

When the words fell, I saw the Shui Beiqin playing, and several sound blades attacked Lin Feng like long whips.

Lin Feng stood still, and while waving his hand, a "Xuanyin Shield" specially designed to prevent sound waves blocked in front of him, turning the sound blade into nothing.


The western sword was unsheathed, and the white-haired boy's figure instantly reached, and the tip of the sword pierced Lin Feng's throat.

Lin Feng pointed to the sword, tapped the sword's edge, and with a sound, the white-haired boy flew and spun around.


The sudden battle led to a confrontation between the United States and the United States. Lin Feng's sword was strong and domineering, and the white-haired boy stabbed and stabbed smartly.


Fighting again, the two passed by by mistake, the air wave stirred up three thousand water blooms, and the two stopped at the same time, only to see the sword in the hands of the white-haired boy flying into the space between the two, making a trembling sound .

"Young man, I didn't do it with you." Lin Feng flicked his fingers, and the surrounding water waves were isolated by the invisible air, and the water did not touch.

The white-haired boy refused to admit defeat: "I am in charge of life and death in this place. A question, you use the answer to get a chance to live."

"Ask, I'll give you this chance to survive!" Lin Feng stood with his hands behind his back, wanting to hear what kind of questions the boy in front of him would ask.

The white-haired boy made a move, the long sword flew back into his hand, and said coldly, "What will happen when the drifting bell rings for the thirteenth sound?"

"Can I say anything?!" Lin Feng said casually.

The white-haired boy said angrily, "You just need to answer my question, no unnecessary questions are needed."

A funny smile appeared on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth: "After the thirteenth sound, you will kowtow to me, thank you Dade."

The sword in the hands of the white-haired boy almost fell when he heard the words: "My fate is yours!"

"Oh, you also believe this?" Lin Feng looked at the innocent boy in front of him with interest.

"The God of Destiny will use various methods to turn the wheel of fate. I should have died in a battle a long time ago in the Black Sea Prison, but Taisui's fate has brought me a predestined opportunity." Bai Fa The boy recalled.

This white-haired boy is the crystal spirit of the five crystal spirits in the forest. He is called the drifting bird boy. A long time ago, the water elves were wiped out, and the drifting bird boy also died in battle. It is said that Tai Sui used his own blood to transfer the life of the drifting bird boy in the next life. In this life, give it a second life.

Lin Feng also knew the details of the young drifter, and knew that he was a pure-hearted person with poetic feelings and a clean and clear heart. This is very valuable, but this kind of heart is not suitable for bloody rivers and lakes, so he pretended to be puzzled and asked: "What is predestined opportunity?"

"It is to advance the life of the next life, but before I advance my life, I will meet someone or something that will determine the end of my future. You said that after the bell rings thirteen, I will kowtow to you, thank you Dade, this shows that in the future you will There must be kindness to me! It was unreasonable before, please don't take offense." The young bird's expression softened a lot, and he bowed to Lin Feng.

"You are so sure!" Lin Feng laughed.

The drifting bird boy stubbornly said: "The blood witchcraft of the Black Sea Prison can never be wrong."

"There are many people you can meet in your life. How can you be sure that my words can become your future prophecy?" Lin Feng said with great interest.

The drifting bird boy said sternly: "This is an indescribable feeling. Originally, only the blood of Tai Sui can activate my destiny roulette, but when I saw you just now, I felt my destiny. A transformation has occurred.”

"Fate? Ha, it's interesting." Lin Feng smiled sarcastically, he didn't need to care whether fate existed or not, as long as he followed his own heart.

Although the drifting bird boy did not know why he would be grateful to the person in front of him in the future, he would definitely owe a lot in the future, so he immediately said: "Your Excellency is here, I must have something else to do, I wonder if I can be of any help."

Chapter [-] Soul Rushuang 【Subscription】

In the depths of the pond at the bottom of the tree, there is a frozen and cold environment, echoing with a faint voice, softly telling the past of a stranger and a bond.

"I live next to her, and every evening, she dances her sword in the lake and sea stars, and I listen to the wind and footsteps caused by her sword dance in the root of the desolation, and play my water shells. , Day after day, we didn't talk, but I learned her personality, hobbies, and even her name from the sounds she made in her daily life." The drifting bird boy looked at the woman in the ice, Talking about the good old days.

Lin Feng could see that the drifting bird boy liked the woman in the ice, and said with a smile, "I know Yayi by hearing Xuanyin, and I'm also a bosom friend!"

The drifting bird boy nodded and looked at the frozen man honestly: "She has a straightforward personality, and she often pours out her heart to the things of nature. I once heard her talk to the lake, her name is Soul Rushuang. When she dances the sword, don't There is a cold and frosty flower that seeps into the wind and penetrates the heart. On that day, I was drawn by the wind and clouds swayed by her sword dance. On a whim, I turned the water element into resonance. Unexpectedly, she was attracted by the water element and followed this path. The ground, between the swords, has been frozen by the cold air of Shuiyuan, I can't stop it, and Shuiyuan will be frozen together with her!"

"My soul is like frost! I will unblock her." Lin Feng finished speaking, exercising Yuan Gong, a burst of flaming energy transformed into the nine suns, hovering around the ice layer, only to see the sealed mysterious ice like snow meets the scorching sun, slowly ablation.

The drifting bird boy said excitedly: "You and I will both be free!"

In order to protect the soul like frost, the drifting bird boy has been waiting for hundreds of years. Now that Yiren is about to unblock it, he is happy for it, but also a little reluctant to give up!

Lin Feng's arrogant energy came out, reflecting the style of the Nine Suns in the superb view of the ice layer. The nine suns were majestic. The ice layer he touched did not melt before melting, but the gas melted into shape in an instant.

Seeing this, the floating bird boy said nervously, "Hurry up, you're going to hurt her!"

"Don't worry, I'm free." Seeing that the time had come, Lin Feng took back his Yuan Li, only to see the mist drifting away in the cave, and the coldness disappeared.

The ice seal was broken, and in the blurred water vapor, a beautiful woman stood with her eyes closed, her snow-white clothes were flowing, her black hair was like satin behind her, and her coral-colored lips were slightly raised, like a smile but not a smile, like a flying fairy. .

"Hmm~" With a soft moan, the soul was like a frost for a long time and the seal was first released, the vitality was restored, the ice was lost, the foot was soft, and it fell backwards.

Lin Feng's eyes are fast and his hands are fast, and he immediately stepped forward and grabbed the fragrant shoulders with one hand to support him: "Young lady, are you alright!"

Po Rushuang looked at the handsome face close at hand, and said with a chuckle, "You saved me?"

Lin Feng straightened Soul Rushuang and was about to let go, but Soul Rushuang hooked Lin Feng's minibus with his fingers: "Let me take a good look at the face of the person who unfroze me, um, handsome!"

I... This is... Was I teased by a girl?

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