Lin Feng smiled slyly, this soul like frost is indeed very... um... very personal.

Soul Rushuang looked at the drifting bird boy beside him: "Before the frozen, the first time I saw you, I wanted to tell you, you really are not much different from what I imagined, and you have my eyes. Fate, Shui Yuan has returned to you!"

After finishing the speech, Po Rushuang threw a ball of water yuan exuding lilting colors to the drifting bird boy.

The drifting bird boy saw Po Rushuang still holding Lin Feng's hand, a trace of loss flashed in his eyes, and then gave a piece of water element to Lin Feng: "This is part of the water element cold stone, I hope it can help you."

"So, thank you very much!" Lin Feng took the Shuiyuan Cold Stone, and put it into the inner space. This thing will be useful in the future, which is also the condition that Lin Feng proposed.

"It seems that your business is over, let's talk about ours, let's go, talk while walking." Po Rushuang said, took Lin Feng's hand and walked out.

Seeing Yiren leaving, the young drifting bird felt empty in his heart, but he was innocent and had no resentment. He looked at the empty cave and said to himself, "I should go and talk about Tai Sui, I'll settle the old account! "


Distress, lake starfish waves.

A lake is like a sea, thousands of stars follow the waves, and the red dust is separated, and it is interesting.

After Lin Feng took Soul Rushuang to cross the space barrier between the misery and the prison, Soul Rushuang brought Lin Feng here and introduced himself triumphantly: "The name of this place is called Lake Haixingbo, and it is the place where I once cultivated immortals. No matter day or night. , all the lights enter the waves, all shattered like starlight, and the scenery is unique..."

Po Rushuang turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "Lin Feng, I'll just call you like this, I believe you won't mind."

Lin Feng nodded indifferently and looked at the lake with blue waves like the sea and light like stars. The scenery here is beautiful and the spiritual energy is abundant. It is indeed a treasured place for cultivation. Turn achievement!

"I remember that before I was frozen, there were a lot of treasures preserved at the bottom of the lake." Po Rushuang was like a canary breaking out of its cage, cheering for the freedom, and waved out of the lake to take out a basket of sealed food.

Although food can be kept fresh by placing it at the bottom of the lake, after so many years, unless it is sealed in a special way, the taste will change even if it can be eaten.

Lin Feng didn't want to spoil the spirit of Soul Rushuang, so he took out several delicacies and spiritual fruits from the inner space and placed them on the embodied stone table.

"With so much food with you, it seems that you are also a glutton!" Po Rushuang smiled: "If you invite me to eat, I will not take advantage of you. Although these foods cannot be eaten, this wine is The more it sinks, the more fragrant it is."

Saying that, Po Rushuang opened the wine jar, and the fragrant aroma of wine wafted out, filling two glasses.

Lin Feng was disrespectful, and he enjoyed the scenery and wine with Po Rushuang, but he was thinking about whether to tell Po Rushuang about the annihilation of the Tian Qiang people. Yuan was frozen, and he didn't know anything about the family at this time.


After thinking for a moment, Lin Feng said solemnly: "There is one thing, I think you have the right to know."

"Will it be something that makes me happy?" Po Rushuang asked rhetorically.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly: "No!"

"Then needless to say!" Po Rushuang is free and easy by nature, since it is not good news, she would rather not listen, lest it spoil her mood at this time.

"Forget it, I'll talk about it later." Seeing that Soul Rushuang lacked interest, Lin Fengzhan suppressed the Tianqiang clan annihilation, and found an opportunity to find out the black Ge Xianchuan behind the scenes, and it was not too late.


Compared to Lin Feng's leisurely pace, Yuan Xiehuang, who was transformed into a demonic soul, and Quzhou Yifandu, who was transformed into a holy soul, seemed very busy.

The time for the battle of the holy devil is getting closer and closer, and both sides of the holy devil are actively preparing. During this period, Su Huanzhen also went to the waterless ocean to visit Quzhou Yifandu several times, saying that it was a visit, but it was more for testing.

In the battle of killing the gods, how could the tacit understanding shown by Lin Feng, Yuanxie Huang, and Quezhou Yifandu be better than the old villains, but there is no substantive evidence, and there is no clear attitude of Quzhou Yifandu, so Su really didn't pick it out!

"So, smart people are the most annoying!" Watching Su really leave, Quezhou Yifandu looked into the distance, and muttered to himself, "You actually pulled me into the water, Su is true, you are really intoxicating. Heart!"

"Thousands of years of joint cultivation, lack of boats and sails.

Boundless sinking, the sea of ​​France sails. "

A whisper echoed through the heavens and the earth, Quzhou Yifan crossed the golden lotus, strolled through the void, and headed towards the "Pansheng Mingluan", it's time to deal with the scum of the Li family! .

The thirty-sixth Duanmu Xianlong 【Subscribe】

The Demon Emperor played the Xiyin Qin and wrote a prelude to the disaster of war for both sides of the Holy Demon. During the [-]th day of the war, forces such as Shura Guique and Yansheng Mingluan officially came to the surface.

During this period, many things also happened. The Buddha of the Heaven, the Soul of the Emperor Karma, One Page Book, Quzhou Yifandu, and Su Huanzhen all joined the Holy Party, and they dismantled the mountains and mountains who pretended to be the soul of the Emperor Karma. The identity of Zezhili Haichan Zun, Shanzhili Yuyue was besieged by the recovered wounded Karma Emperor Soul and the Buddha of Heaven, and died in battle. His epoch returned to the body of Tianzhili, which enhanced the power of Tianzhili, but The calendar of the sky also revealed the approximate orientation.

Sea Toad saw the opportunity quickly, escaped the catastrophe with Jin Chan's escape plan, and became the target of Zhengdao and the demons at the same time.

However, the conspiracy of the Li clan was exposed, and the two sides of the holy demon did not stop there. Many things could only go to the dark side. The holy party took care of his face and could not apologize to the demon in their mouth, and the magic cube did not intend to let it go.

"Three Nine Zeros" Tianyan Mocheng.

The Demon Emperor Zhixin sat on the throne, and Hua Chanti stood beside the Demon Emperor holding the "Magic Seal Staff".

Through the "Elephant Eyes", Demon Emperor Zhixin showed a hint of joy, and said loudly: "My son, you are finally back!"

Duanmie Chanti, who had recovered the golem, stepped into the hall with a sword in hand and bowed to the Demon Emperor: "Father Demon."

"It's good to come back! It's good to come back!" The Demon Sovereign showed joy, and now that the twins are under his knees, he is in a very good mood.

Duanmie Chanti was also very happy to see the Demon Sovereign, but he was more dissatisfied with him Hua Chanti, and said with resentment: "Forcing me to come back, you are happy!"

"That's your own choice, how can you say that I forced you." He Hua Chanti flatly denied.

"Humph!" Duan Mie Chan recalled the scene where he separated from Jing Wuhuan, and felt unhappy in his heart, and snorted coldly, "Anyway, you won!"

Seeing the two sons bickering, the Demon Sovereign smiled and said, "Father already knows about this, and it will be destroyed. You like people who are righteous, and your father is not against it, but you must understand your position."

"Yes, the boy has come to his senses." Duanxie Chanti was already mentally prepared when he recovered his demon body, knowing that this battle was inevitable, and only hoped that it would end as soon as possible to reduce casualties on both sides.

The Demon Sovereign smiled and nodded: "It's the best, as for Jing Wuhuan, that child is very good. After the war is over, he decides for his father. Even if he robs, he will take you back as a daughter-in-law for his father."

"Cough cough..." Duanmie Chanti coughed dryly when he heard the words: "This... the child's business will not bother the devil father!"

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