I and Jing Wuhuan are clearly in love with each other, how come to the devil father's mouth, it becomes the feeling of robbing a civilian girl, Duanmie Chanti doesn't know what to say!

"Hahaha..." The Demon Emperor looked at Duanmie Chanti's embarrassed appearance, and laughed: "Then let's do it first! The elite soldiers of the undead cult are already waiting, I hope you can restore your level as soon as possible and improve the strength of the demon army, and then we will continue. In January, the magic city will officially start the war on the Holy Side."

"One month! The boy must do his best!" Duan Mie Chanti bowed to the Demon Emperor, and then walked to the Undead Church.

After Duanxie Chanti left, the Demon Emperor smiled and said to him Hua Chan: "Can you choose the last candidate for the Six Demons?"

"He has come!"

He Hua Chan's words fell, only hearing the sound of his footsteps, and the mad and fierce figure entered with domineering.

"Forbidden Yue Fenxiao ordered evil obedience, and exorcising dragons to create calamities is the master."

He Hua Chanti smiled and said, "Welcome back, Duanmu Xianlong."

"Cheers... It's too early, I need Tianyan Mocheng's explanation." Duanmu Xianlong put on a handsome look, and did not restrain his arrogance because of the existence of the Demon Emperor and his Hua Chanti.

The corners of the Demon Emperor's mouth were slightly upturned: "So arrogant in front of this Emperor, very courageous."

"I said... I want to explain!" Duanmu Xianlong still went his own way, a wave of fanaticism swept out, and the temperature in the magic hall suddenly rose.

Duanmu Xianlong has a cruel and violent temperament and will do anything to achieve his goals.

The "Red Lian Locking Golden Hand" created by him once brought a great crisis. Later, he was killed by "Qing Haichao" due to his negative body "No. Yujingao", resulting in a great loss of power and body. He was killed in the decisive battle with Jing Canglang. After being defeated, he was forced to be frozen in the ground of Dengdaoan. After that, he had to destroy Chanti and disintegrate the foundation of Dengdaoan. Only then did he get out of trouble.

The first thing Duanmu Xianlong did after getting out of trouble was to find his old enemy Jing Canglang to fall in love with and kill each other. When he found Jing Canglang, he found that Yu Shenfeng, who should have died, was actually with Jing Canglang. The time of two people that I originally thought has become a world of three people, which is amazing!

As soon as Duanmu Xianlong got angry, he rolled up his sleeves and went up. As a result, because he had no weapons in his hand, and with one enemy and two, he could only retreat in a dreadful manner, and his anger was naturally not small.

The radiance radiated from it was so intense that if it were an ordinary person, it would have been burnt to charcoal long ago. Fortunately, the Demon Emperor and Hua Chanti were both top-notch experts, and such a temperature was not a threat to them. Just take the sauna for free.

"Hahaha..." He Hua Chanti smiled and said, "The Yu Shenfeng will come out again, making you jealous!"

Duanmu Xianlong said unhappily: "If the evil veins of the yin body are in hand, even if the wind and waves join forces with me, I will not be afraid. The crux of the matter is, why does the long-dead Yujinfeng reappear? Since I have won the backbone, why not take the opportunity to Its demonization, take it for one's own use?"

Duanmu Xianlong was very unhappy that Yu Shenfeng disturbed him and Jing Canglang to be alone with him, and he was also dissatisfied with Tianyan Mocheng who made this happen!

"At your request, I set up a bureau to let Yu Shenfeng not be able to join forces with Jing Canglang. I have my own arrangements and intentions for the follow-up." He Hua Chanti explained.

Duanmu Xianlong looked unhappy: "But Yu Shenfeng blocked my way forward. The devil should know that I hate this kind of variable the most."

The Demon Emperor sat on the throne and listened. He had already entered the Mausoleum of the Demon Emperor, and he didn't know much about Duanmu Xianlong, so he handed it over to Hua Chan to deal with it.

He Hua Chanti is very tolerant towards his subordinates, especially capable subordinates, and he is also very patient with Duanmu Xianlong: "At the time, your body 'No. Even if you are forced to absorb the residual energy of the Yin body and freeze it to save your life, I will also arrange a time for you to unblock it. So, are you still dissatisfied?"

Duanmu Xianlong didn't care: "That's because Tianyan Demon City needs me, and at the beginning, I also left "Fen Ruyao" in the world according to the order of the devil, and I completely obey this order, because I know the sky Yan Mocheng is going to play with humanity again!"

"0.0 Burning Ru Yaoshu" is a martial arts secret book written by Duanmu Xianlong. Duanmu Xianlong obeyed the instructions of He Hua Chanti, the lord of Tianyan Mocheng, and released this book before he fought his old enemy Jing Canglang to disrupt the martial arts and set off There was a bloody storm.

He Hua Chanti said indifferently: "It's just a small game. How many martial arts disturbances has been affected by a book of "Fen Ru Yao Shu", for selfish desires, transactions and human lives become insignificant!"

"I know the devil's intentions, but I don't care about these details. The point now is that the resurrection of Yu Shenfeng, even if the devil has his own intentions, can't stop me from going forward." Everything else is easy to say, but for Jing Canglang , Duanmu Xianlong is very persistent.

He Hua Chan mentioned what he heard and said sternly: "One-sided demands cannot reach consensus. From my standpoint, you must remember that you must not ruin the overall situation because of selfish desires. Your body has been killed. Facts of a hundred years ago. I agree with your resentment, but it does not mean that I can condone all your actions.".

Chapter [-] Peerless Demon Empress

Tianyan Demon City.

The atmosphere in the hall is dignified. As a superior, he can tolerate the shortcomings of his subordinates, but the premise is that there is no damage to the interests of Tianyan Mocheng. If this is violated, even if he transforms and improves his talents, he will not show mercy.

"Back then, Yu Kamikaze couldn't resist the devil's test, so he chose to commit suicide, and my body and soul were under my control. I believe that if he did it again, he would still end up in the same way. Now that he is free, he is only using it as bait. The purpose is the greater interests behind him, after the completion of the matter, the useless things are at your disposal."

"Humph!" Duanmu Xianlong snorted coldly, knowing that there would be no result if he continued to struggle, and then said solemnly, "Call me here, is it time?"

"Duanmu Xianlong, before the Demon Emperor, can't be so arrogant." He Hua Chanti reminded.

Duanmu Xianlong said arrogantly: "In my eyes, the strength of the Demon Emperor is indeed the strongest person I have ever seen in my life, but the only person I obey is the Demon Lord."

"Duanmu Xianlong..." He Hua Chanti added a little more.

"Hahaha... It doesn't matter." The Demon Emperor gave a long laugh and looked at Duanmu Xianlong: "It's really arrogant. If you use this arrogance on the battlefield, the Emperor will give you a higher evaluation."


He Hua Chanti said sternly: "The war is about to start, you also go to the undead church to prepare!"

As soon as the words fell, Duanmu Xianlong only felt that the surrounding scenery changed instantly, the deep darkness, the heavy oppression, the murmur of the sleepless sleep, looking at the boundless teaching field, thousands of soldiers and horses Tao Yong stood still, depicting A magnificent view.


Nightmare Palace.

The dark underground palace reveals a strange and mysterious atmosphere.

A long machete, set in the temple, the blade is purple-red, the blade is thin and long, the handguard is carefully carved, inlaid with many gems, and a mirror-shaped silver chain is attached to the end of the handle and the handguard. symbol of.

Unknown realm, immortal legend, a light is lit, and the glory is reborn!

"The sword makes the demon cloud urge Jiu An, and the world will stand forever!"

In front of the throne, the white curtain fluttered, and a woman with pointed ears and purple hair appeared behind the curtain. She could vaguely see a hot body, a beautiful appearance, elegant yet domineering, wise and maternity, which can be said to be the best. Madam!

However, the people in the hall have no idea, because this woman is the hero of the previous generation of demon swords - the demon queen!

Back then, under the pursuit of Yekou Yueren, the demon queen and her beloved son, Jian Shao in black, fell off a cliff together, and life and death became a mystery.

After years of dormancy, he is now making a comeback, preparing to build a great career as the master of the evil way.

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