Su Xianqing was full of Yuan Gong, and used the "Destroying Magical Art" to go all out, wanting to kill Su Huazhen on the spot.

"Wind and Thunder Strike!"

Su Huanzhen was besieged and killed by the people of the apocalypse, and it also consumed a lot of real energy. Seeing Su Xianqing's anger, he didn't dare to be careless.


The two styles attacked each other, the strong airflow hit the surrounding, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the people around the apocalypse were unsteady. Su Huanzhen and Su Xianqing vomited blood at the same time, knowing that the time was running out, Su Huanzhen turned around and slammed it. Kill several people, open a gap, and seize the opportunity to get out of the siege of the apocalypse.

"Chase, we must not let Su really run away." Su Xianqing wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and with a sound of harmony, took the lead in chasing after.

The people around the apocalypse also quickly followed.

the other side.

Hao Tianqiong also remembered what Yi Qiuyan said before he came to push Songyan.

"Tianjun, if you are really trapped in the formation, the time to break the formation will be the key to the success or failure of this battle."

Hao Tianqiong snorted coldly, preparing to forcefully break the formation.

However, Yi Ziniang stepped forward to stop her and said, "Tianjun wait! Qiu'er said that if there is a hidden formation in Tuishongyan, it must be aimed at Tianjun, Tianjun, slow down."

Bamboo wind chimes carefully checked the formation, and then said: "Tianjun, let me try."

Hao Tianqiong nodded, and the bamboo wind chimes reminded: "Everyone be careful."

Immediately, a palm was sent out, the energy was absorbed by the formation, and it was beaten back from the other side. Hao Tianqiong stopped him with a palm and asked, "How?"

Bamboo wind chime was stunned: "This formation is the weakest at the moment of absorbing qigong. As long as you grab the neutral attack of the formation, you can break this formation!"

"Go ahead!"

Hao Tianqiong asked Zhu Fengling and others to do it, and he also began to accumulate energy.

"Niang Yi, Bamboo Wind Chime, lead the team to keep up!" Hao Tianqiong ordered, and Hua Guang rushed to the predetermined location.

At this time, Su Huanzhen just got rid of Su Xianqing's siege and fled down the mountain, but he saw Tianqiong flying down and blocking the way.

"Well..." Su really pondered, according to his estimation, Tian Qiong shouldn't have broken out of the formation so quickly, and the timing was so coincidental, it seems that there is also a person of extraordinary intelligence in the opponent's camp. Calculate.

It's not that Su Huanzhen's skills are not as good as others, it's just that the apocalyptic legend has a mind and has no intentions, and has taken the lead, so Su Huanzhen is restricted everywhere.

"Do you think I'm trapped?" Hao Tianqiong said with an expression that he was in control of everything, and said with a sneer, "It's really true, there are only three moves left in your life!"

Arrogant and conceited words, within the three strokes of heaven and poverty, take the simple life of the truth.

Su Huanzhen said with a wry smile: "Mr. No., the apocalyptic legend and the inferior are not a space without conversation. In fact, we can sit down and have a good time..."

"You've missed the opportunity to talk! Die! The change of the poor!"

Hao Tianqiong didn't give Su Huanzhen a chance to finish his words. He started with the ultimate move, and the evil spirit praised Wei.

"Helpless! Prajna!"

Seeing that Tianqiong didn't want to talk properly, he decided to kill, Su Huan really knew that there was no change, and he had to fight hard.

In the waving hand, the dust brush is placed on the shoulders, the sword bag behind the back is released, the magic weapon "Hrajna" is unsheathed, and Su Huan really flew up, "Hrajna" floated in the grasp, in the void, the white lotus bloomed, and the holy light burst out in an instant, moving. He Quartet!

"Destroy the illusion II, I. Destroy the illusion!"

"The sword breaks the sky!"

Su Huan really knew that the power of "Destroying Illusions" was very powerful, and it was difficult to win. He wanted to use falsehood to avoid reality.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Su was really still standing in Prajna, looking a little sluggish.

At this time, when Su Xianqing arrived again, Su Huanzhen was suddenly attacked by the enemy, and fell into a situation of extreme threat.

"Hahaha, Su is really true, it seems that your life of three moves has been exhausted! I. Exterminate the true!"

As soon as the words fell, the ultimate move of Tianqiong was revived, and the evil spirit and demonic energy rushed out.

"Heaven Extinction! Kill!"

Su Xianqing cooperated at the same time, recruited ruthless and ruthless, and slapped directly at the place where Su was still sincere.

In the face of the apocalypse, Su Huan really did not give in, because Su Huan really knew that taking a step back at this time was not the vast sea and the sky, but the abyss.

"Hanjna Transformation Prophecy Thunder Warning!"

With all his strength, Su Huan really wants to break through the death barrier, but when the manpower is limited, he breaks through one after another, and Su Huan Zhen's real energy is seriously consumed.

At this moment, two strong sword qi entered the battle.

"Ye. Canghai!"

"No relatives in heaven, only virtue, behead!"

The God-destroying Palm, Mohen Sword, Tianwen Zhao, Extreme Love Art, the five styles of exquisite arts are in a strong conflict. In an instant, the sky and the earth are shattered, the sun and the moon are avoided, and the mountains and rivers are broken and the ghosts and spirits are shocked!

Both sides were shocked. Yu Shenfeng and Jing Canglang appeared on the battlefield. The two were old opponents of Tianqiong. Knowing that Tianqiong's physique is special, it is difficult to win without a targeted method. True light and go.

"Jing Canglang! Yu Shenfeng!"

Seeing good deeds being destroyed by the old enemy, he was so angry that he couldn't stop, but it was too late to pursue it.

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