Su Xianqing's skill is the lowest. He suffered some internal injuries in the fight just now, and his mouth was red, but Su Xianqing had no time to care about his injury, and reminded: "Tianjun, this battle made Su really escape, and it will be indefinite in the future. We should prepare early!"

"Humph!" Hao Tianqiong snorted coldly and said solemnly: "It's okay, now that the battle between the Holy Demons is imminent, the righteous way is too busy to take care of itself, so I really don't have time to worry about it, and it is Tianyan Demon City that worries me. In the next battle of Tiangong's August Spring, the "water string" was captured by the magic city, and my power and body were restrained by it, and I needed to try to remove the hidden danger."

"Where's the Demon Empress?" Su Xianqing hesitated, and he still had some objections in his heart to the fact that Tian Qiang wanted to find a stepmother for him.

"Marrying with the evil goddess is beneficial and harmless to the holy tradition of the last days. As a woman, the demon queen is of the highest grade in terms of wisdom, force, and appearance. It is the best match for me, and there is no need to say more about it." After seeing the Demon Empress, she changed her name to Erchun. It's been a long time since he felt this kind of heartbeat. Of course, he had to take good care of it. .

Chapter [-]: Spirit Hunting Duan Junheng 【For Collection】

Distress, half-peak snow.

Yideng Chan and Xuanhuzi are enjoying tea and chatting leisurely. Yideng Chan is a Buddhist practitioner from Yansheng Mingluan. He holds the "Dry Chan Wheel Pestle". He is easy-going but likes to meddle in his own business. He is close friends with Jing Canglang and Xuanhuzi, who belong to both Confucianism and Taoism.

Hanging Huzi, who is sitting opposite Yidengchan, is the leader of the three pots in the Yuqing world of Taoism. He holds the "Lianhu Songguai". He has a lazy personality and doesn't like to be nosy. However, in fact, he is hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, and he is secretly concerned about his friends, so he is often dragged into the water by Yidengchan.

While the two were chatting, they suddenly saw three rays of light flying towards them, Yi Deng Chan said with a smile: "Jing Canglang, you're back, oh, isn't this Su Huanzhen and Boss Yu? I didn't expect us to meet again so soon, really Destiny!"

Jing Canglang's image of a modest gentleman said indifferently: "I wanted to control the gods and I wanted to visit Pushongyan, but I saw that Tianqiong was besieging and killing SuJianzhen, so I offered to help. SuJianzhen, could it be that I am equal to the demon queen? Has he been informed of the plot to deal with the poor?"

"Su Mou is here to thank the two of you for your help." Su Huanzhen bowed to Jing Canglang and Yu Shenfeng, and then smiled bitterly: "It shouldn't be because of this matter that the holy legend of the end of the world was forced to kill. Confrontation, Noble Heaven should be preparing to take advantage of the fact that Su is alone, to eradicate the threat of the inferior!"

Su Huanzhen went on to say: "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles. Speaking of which, the two seniors and Haotianqiong are old acquaintances. Can you tell the inferior about Haotianqiong's past."

Jing Canglang and Yu Shenfeng looked at each other, Yu Shenfeng sighed and said, "Heavenly Vault! This is not a nice story, Su Yuzhen, have you heard of the city of sin?"

Su Huanzhen nodded and said, "I have heard that it is the worst place that was abandoned by God, has no morals, and lives on instinctive desires."

"That's right, in order to confirm this rumor, I once checked it out myself!" Yu Kamikaze recalled: "In that land abandoned by the gods, I met Tian Qiong, who questioned the values ​​of the city of sin!"

"Could it be that at that time, Tian Qiong had a good heart?" Su Huanzhen was a little surprised when he heard the words.

Yu Shenfeng sighed and said, "That's true, and I think it's not a bad thing if I can lead the sky to be good, but unfortunately... I can only say that this is all God's will. When I left the city of sin, The Buddha and Ghost Tathagata came here to perform blood sacrifices of thousands of sins, and wanted to complete the "purifying rhinoceros horns", when I learned the news and rushed back, the capital of sin had turned into a purgatory on earth, and I only had time to rescue Haotianqiong!"

"I didn't expect the three of you, seniors, to have such a relationship, but the Buddha-headed Emperor Tathagata..." Su Huanzhen originally thought that the Emperor Tathagata only entered the devil in the battle of annihilation, but he didn't expect the ghost Tathagata to be the deity. Heavenly poverty and ghost Tathagata obviously cannot coexist!

"Using the blood sacrifice of people's lives as a means of cultivation, it turned out to be the head of the Buddha that everyone admires. This matter makes the hatred and hatred Tianqiong even more extreme! Of course, it may also be influenced by the bloodline of the city of sin"!" Yushen Feng also sighed very much about what happened back then. He could have become friends with Hao Tianqiong, but in the end he had to go to the opposite side and become an enemy of life and death!

"Yeah!" Su Huan really pondered: "I have been in contact with Haotianqiong several times, and I know that it is difficult for him to return to the right path, but it is not easy to kill him. Does the senior know how to crack the "Destroying Magic Art"? "

"Although "Destroying Illusions" only has three styles, the attack can disintegrate everything in the world, and it can also change the shape of the body. At the beginning, I also came to the strange treasure "Magic Stone" by chance, and finally combined the power of everyone to use the formation technique. It was only because of the law that Haotianqiang was sealed in the Demon Juetian coffin. But this can only take time to trap it. Now that he has broken the seal and re-emerged, it is difficult to use the same method to deal with Haotianqing!" Yu Yu Kamikaze's understanding of Haotianqiong, the same method is impossible to succeed, not to mention that Mojuetian's coffin is now hidden by Haotianqiong, and it is impossible to make another bite.

Su Huanzhen pondered: "Senior, you set your target at Tiangong August Spring. Could it be that there is a way to solve it?"

Yu Shenfeng said with a smile: "Su Huanzhen is worthy of Su Huanzhen, yes, the 'water string' of August Spring is blessed by the power of the holy devil's seal, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth for a long time, its string has spirituality, once locked The object, the power of restraint is incomprehensible, I originally wanted to use this string to break through the defense of the Heavenly Vault of Heaven, but unfortunately the "water string" was cut off and snatched by Chanti halfway, but fortunately I also have prepared hands!"

Saying that, Yushen Feng formed a "water string" and a "magic gold stone".

Su Huanzhen bowed and said: "To be able to steal the sky and change the sun in the hands of the young master of Tianyan Mocheng, the seniors are brilliant, and the inferiors admire them."

"Now that I have the things, I want to hear what you can do." Yu Kamikaze looked at Su Jian and said honestly.

Su is also sincere like a mirror, and smiled: "Senior has worked hard to make strings, and the candidates for arrow making, let the inferior do it for you!"

"Arrow? Haha, sure enough, talking to a smart person is easy." Yu Kamikaze smiled, Su Huanzhen instantly understood his intentions, and his wisdom really lived up to its reputation.

Su is really polite: "Senior is praised!"

"You can gain the trust of Jing Canglang, and you have a well-thought-out response, so I will hand over this matter to you." Yu Shenfeng handed over the "Magic Gold Stone" and "Water String" to Su Huanzhen.

Su Huanzhen put away the two items that restrained the poor, and then bowed to Jing Canglang: "Time is running out, the inferior will leave first!"


Intermediate realm.

A long time ago, Tian Zhili, the king of the evil Taoist Li family, was very ambitious and wanted to live in a miserable state. The cultivator of the original hometown of the Holy Buddha, Tianzhi Buddha Building, went to Wei Tuo to fight Li on behalf of the righteous way.

The two sides have launched a war that has been tangled for thousands of years. The strength of Tianzhifo and Tianzhili is in the middle, and Tianli is strong because it is not the five swords that cannot be killed (the five swords are made by Taiyi, Taishi, and Taisu. , Taichu, Taiji, the five elements formed by heaven and earth are innate energy).

Although Tianfo's original hometown has two swords among the five swords, it is still difficult to resist the power of the sky if the five swords are not in order. Therefore, the two sides are unable to fight, and the war continues. Inadvertently enter the otherworldly realm of the bardo that is dependent on misery!

Among the five swords, the owner of the sword qi of the beginning is in this realm. The middle nether realm is the entrance to the death realm. All souls of the deceased in this realm must go through this realm to determine their sins and transgressions before they can enter the reincarnation. Therefore, there is a group of people in this realm named The spirit controller has the ability to control the soul, deprive the soul (extract the soul of the stranger from the human body, control the mind of the person) and other aliens.

In order to deal with the calendar of the sky, the Buddha of the sky borrowed the sword of the beginning from the bardo realm, and hoped to use the common ground between the bardo and the misery to impose a cross-border seal on the force of the sky.

At this time, the bardo realm is suffering from an inexplicable disaster. A group of red zerg worms that do not know why are swarming into the bardo realm. Wherever this worm tide passes, life is completely gone, and the bardo world is sinking. Therefore, King Zhou, the king of the bardo realm, proposed to the Buddha of Heaven who came to ask for help to solve the disaster of the red tide for the bardo world.

In order to calm down severe disasters as soon as possible, the Buddha of Heaven uses the time difference between day and night in the bardo realm and the misery realm (the red tide needs to survive in a cold and cold environment, and it only starts its activities when night falls. This is the case in the miserable realm, but there is no such scruples in the bardo realm. ) promised to guide the red tide for half a day for the bardo realm to the misery, but in order to prevent the people in the miserable state from being ravaged by the red tide, the Buddha of the sky did not hesitate to violate the precepts with his body and slaughter all the people except Wuxiang Jingwei at the intersection of the misery and the red tide in the bardo realm. Residents, and smashed their corpses into a city wall with flesh and blood as bricks and resentment as a curse, isolating the red tide from Wuxiang Jingwei!

At the same time, Li Wang Tianzhi Li was also angry because he had been entangled with the Buddha of the sky for a long time and had no results.

At that time, there were three clans of evil, demons, and demons. The Li clan was dominant, and the demon clan was cheap. Tian Zhili slaughtered thousands of demon clans, and extracted demon essence to make magic crystals. When he was defeated in the middle, he poured the magic crystal into the body of the Buddha with one palm. Afterwards, the Buddha of the sky used up the Buddha's essence to train and transform it to no avail. Instead, the magic crystal became self-conscious and finally escaped from the body!

The Buddha's birth of the devil's womb is a major sin. The heavenly Buddha itself has extreme spiritual cleanliness. He originally wanted to kill the devil's son, but he was implicated by blood. The devil child was sent to the bardo realm, and he wanted to use the hand of the bardo to kill the devil child for him.

Unexpectedly, this devil's talent is not only difficult to extract, but other spells are also ineffective!

For this reason, King Zhou became suspicious of the devil's origin, and decided to hand the devil over to Lingshou Duan Junheng, the chief spirit controller of the Zhongyin, to raise him. (Deno's)

One is to use Duan Junheng's high-strength spiritual control technique to explore the devil's life experience.

The two are to cultivate a chess piece for the bardo realm that can be used as a helper when invading the misery in the future.

There are five major spirit-controlling families in the bardo realm, namely: Lingshou Duan, Gui Shiji, Pibing Zang, Na Luo Zang, and Yao Po Ma.

Lingshou Duan Junheng is the head of the five spirit-controlling clans in the bardo realm. His appearance looks gloomy and slippery, but he is actually a wise man with a broad mind and a generous and benevolent heart.

Duan Junheng took over the devil from King Zhou, and couldn't help but sighed at his fate. The little boy was condemned at birth, and now he is reduced to a proton. The road ahead will be doomed to be twists and turns, so I use the word quality and hardship. name it.

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