Duan Junheng used to be the emperor's teacher and a powerful minister who was highly relied upon by King Zhou. At that time, he was ordered by King Zhou to extract the soul of the Demon Emperor, but after failing to extract the soul, he adopted the Demon Emperor as his adopted son. Later, the Demon Emperor secretly learned the transfer technique and escaped. The misery established the dominance of the demon race, and Duan Junheng was punished by King Zhou and exiled to the Great Wall of Despair.

Looking at the gloomy and unchanging sky, Duan Junheng had already sensed it, holding a white crystal skull in his hand, and muttering to himself: "This unfilial son has been resurrected, and he doesn't even come to visit my old man, it's really unfilial, alas, nineteenth Also, with a cold face all day, as if someone owes him money, is it my way of education is wrong?".

Chapter [-]: Heavenly Buddha descends to the bardo 【for collection】

In the middle of the underworld, the Great Wall of despair.

After Zhi Xin escaped from the bardo realm, King Zhou sent Duan Junheng for the crime to avoid the Buddha's investigation. The Great Wall of Desolation.

Gucheng Buwei, the lord of the Great Wall of Despair, is the younger brother of King Zhou. He is calm and dignified. He is not under his elder brother, but he is a little more kind. He already has a family, but he falls in love with the same woman as King Zhou. Tragically, he was sent by the unscrupulous old brother to the desperate long town to guard the frontier, while watching Ye Duan Junheng.

For Duan Junheng's ability, Gucheng Buwei is very admirable, so during Duan Junheng's sentence, he took special care of Duan Junheng.

Although Duan Junheng was in a desperate situation, he couldn't let go of the life and death of his beloved son (the adopted son, the demon emperor Zhixin). After a long period of recuperation, he finally recovered gradually. Observing the mystery of Aizi's life and death, he happened to find out the news of the demon emperor Zhi Xin Fusheng from Yanmai Naga.

After a thousand years of waiting, a thousand years of expectation, Duan Junheng couldn't be filled with joy when his beloved son was resurrected, but now he has not regained his spiritual power, and he is still serving his sentence. he.

"Hey, count the time, trouble should come to the door recently, and I have to prepare." 193

Duan Junheng sighed and turned back to Xiaoyaoju.


Suffering, in one thought.

In the eerie and eerie place, a vast Buddha light suddenly appeared.

Snow-white long hair, a handsome face, a simple and holy crown, and yellow and white clothes show the holiness of the Buddha incisively and vividly.

"The aura of the servant of the holy demon has been lost, and even the "Original History of the Holy Demon" has disappeared without a trace. Who did it?"

If you don’t see the ghost, you will know the gods, and the Buddha of Heaven suddenly realizes that things are not simple. Because of the constraints of the contract, the ghosts and the gods can’t be separated from one thought. God knows to kill, the opponent is obviously not easy!

After thinking for a while, the Buddha of Heaven couldn't think of a reason, so he had to take the time to put it down.

"Forget it, let's press this matter for the time being, and go to the Zhongyin Realm first."

As soon as the words fell, the Buddha of the sky split open the passage to the bardo realm with one palm.

I saw the earth crack open, and a bottomless abyss of boundless darkness appeared within a thought.

The Buddha of the sky jumped, fell into the stance, and his body was full of Buddha light, the evil spirits were not close, the power could not be shaken, and he went straight to the non-human world.

Intermediate realm.

What you can see is like the ghost realm of Fengdu, like the three-way river boundary, and the end of the Forgotten Tribulation River.

The bardo realm is a relay station between life and death, a space where the living and the dead coexist, and a mysterious realm of its own.

The power structure is similar to the general kingdom, which is under the centralized jurisdiction of the king city where the "Zhou King" is located. It is controlled by the head of the household, the head of the house, and the head of the house.

The most special among the subjects is the "spirit controller", who has the ability to draw people's spirit bodies and is proficient in all kinds of methods of using spirit bodies. They are divided into five major clans: the "Linghun Duan" who are good at destroying karma, those who are good at The forgetful "Ghost Master Ji", the "Bing Zang Clan" who are good at cleansing, the "Na Luo Mian Clan" who are good at life-calling, and the "Yupo Ma Clan" who are good at requiem.

The "Desperate Great Wall" on the border is where criminals are exiled. At the same time, Tian Zhili's half body and feet are sealed, and it is guarded by Zhou Wang's younger brother, Gucheng Buwei.

Outside the Great Wall is the "Mud Plough Prison" full of dangers and unknowns. Below the Mud Plough Prison is another passage to the outside of the Black Sea Prison.

There is another "dirty pit", where the holy dragon qi of the bardo realm is cultivated, and it is also the source of the qi in the beginning.

Suddenly, the darkness draws a knot, and the Buddha is proud.

The Buddha of the sky came across the border, and his eyes were all over the place, reflecting the vastness of the capital, such as the three-way river border, and there were all kinds of ghost images.

"The Middle Nether Realm!"

Thousands of years later, when I set foot on the middle nether realm again, the Buddha in the sky groaned, and the other world seemed to sense someone coming. In an instant, the black bridge paved the way, and the dark clouds were flying like a thousand ghosts bowing their heads, all welcoming the Buddha.

(bgdd) The Buddha of the sky flies over the black bridge and walks forward.

The Nether Realm, at the end of the Forgotten River, is the inextricable bardo soul body, the place where sins are redeemed for eternity.

"Since Xinghe has been connected to the Middle Nether Realm, although I can summon Heiqiao to escort me, I can only reach outside the palace of Wangcheng. Hmm... The grievances of Wang Jie Chuan are far greater than those of Tian Jing at the beginning. After the fierce front, it is even more intense!"

Walking on the black bridge, the Buddha of the sky looked at the Wangchuan River, which was full of resentment below, and could not help but frown.

Zhongyin Realm, King City Altar.

On the splendid altar, in the extremely sacred and mysterious ceremony, there is a cold and bright color, and the sound of sadness is drawn.

"Shangqiongbi falls to Huangquan, and the only thing that can be heard in the beautiful sky is the sound of ecstasy."

A coquettish woman danced gracefully, with a delicate appearance, her skin was more radiant than snow, with a charming melon face, slender and picturesque eyebrows, her eyes full of spring charm, looking forward to her appearance.

This woman is called Yu Jiao Slave. She is the spirit controller of the Mian clan among the five major families in the bardo realm. She is charming in nature, feminine in her methods, good at sociability, and is quite intelligent and capable. She is also the concubine of the king of the bardo realm, one of the few who can The person who let King Zhou accept his opinion.

At the height of the altar, the immortal emperor opened his eyes, and when the kingship was established, he suddenly saw thunder in all directions, shaking the world!

King Zhou is the lord of the bardo realm, and controls the relay station of life and death. He is scheming and introverted, but his personality is uncertain and he likes to play with people's lives. has absolute power.

Looking at Concubine Mian dancing on the altar, King Zhou laughed: "Concubine Ai dances gracefully, it is rare in the world, hahaha..."

At this moment, a Buddha shadow in the distance, Wei Ran descended.

"Seven loves are not ignorant of the four kinds of grace, and the eight rafts often return to the souls of the ten realms.

Negative karma, all the dust and sages have crossed the calamity, and the boundless water and moon are stored in a thousand. "

King Zhou looked at the person who came, squinted his eyes, and said meaningfully: "Lone and the sky are fierce, I miss you all the time, the Buddha of the sky!"

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