Duan Junheng patted his forehead, as if he suddenly realized: "I couldn't extract the demon emperor's soul back then, because I owed my cultivation, and I didn't expect this son to be so talented that he secretly learned the "Transfer Art" and escaped to a miserable situation. The Buddha's body is in a miserable state, so he should know better than me!".

Chapter [-] Tianqiang Ruins 【For Collection】

In the middle of the underworld, the Great Wall of despair.

After a long talk, the Buddha of Heaven still didn't get any useful information from Duan Junheng's mouth, plus he was worried about the battle of the Holy Demon, and finally returned without success and left Huaguang.

"The Buddha of the sky, the power of the sky, and the battle of the holy demons are really a unique gamble. It would be a pity not to participate!"

Seeing the Buddha of Heaven leave, Duan Junheng in the prison instantly turned into a little bit of aura and disappeared. It turned out that Duan Junheng who was in the prison was just a projection!

The real Duan Junheng has actually been living at home all the time.

Taking back "The Art of Projection", Duan Junheng breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally, I have sent this great god away, and the city owner is also true. It's not interesting that he didn't help me block it first!"

Meisheng, who was dressed in white and had two ponytails, said, "The Buddha of the sky must be here under the guidance of the king, and the city lord had to let him go, but Meisheng didn't understand, why did the lord avoid it?"

Meisheng is a servant girl who was sent by Gucheng Buwei to serve "Seven Six Zeros". She is responsible for taking care of the daily life of Lord Lingshou. However, because Duan Junheng has no air, the interaction between master and servant is very interesting from time to time.

Duan Junheng quipped: "When gambling, you are most afraid of meeting monks, let alone the Buddha of the sky. If you encounter this level, if you don't pay attention, you will lose everything!"

"Gambling?" Mei Sheng wondered, "Is Lord Lingshou a gambler?"

"Ha." Duan Junheng chuckled: "Life is a big gamble. In this sinister society, only proper disguise can protect one's life. The agreement and consensus on the table are just a perfect illusion!"

"Then what is real?" Meisheng asked again.

Duan Junheng looked into the distance with deep eyes, and said sternly: "The highest principle is to use any means to achieve the goal."

Hearing this, Meisheng was silent for a moment, then hesitantly said, "Sir, there are some words that Meisheng should not say or not?"

"But it doesn't matter." Yi Duan Junheng sat on the chair indifferently, picked up the crystal skull wine glass on the table, and drank the wine with a straw.

Mei Sheng reminded kindly: "Lord City Lord once said that the bardo realm should not have too much contact with the human realm, and the adult's current identity is sensitive, if it attracts the attention of the king, I am afraid it is not appropriate."

Although she can't guess Duan Junheng's mind, she has followed Duan Junheng for a long time, and she faintly feels that Duan Junheng intends to leave the bardo.

Duan Junheng does have plans to leave the bardo realm. In the last battle of the Holy Demon, the death of the Demon Emperor Zhixin has always been his lingering pain, and he will never let such a thing happen again.

However, it is inconvenient to tell Meisheng about these things. It is not because he does not trust Meisheng, but because there are many "Spiritual Control Techniques" in the bardo realm. There are countless ways to make people speak. Telling Meisheng about them is harmful to her.

With a lot of thought, Duan Junheng changed the subject without changing his face and said, "When did the city lord become so fearful?"

Mei Sheng touched his long hair and said, "You can't say that. Although the city lord is the king's younger brother, the master should know the means under the king's rule."

"Clearly, a tyrant!" Duan Junheng pouted, obviously disagreeing with King Zhou's approach.

Meisheng was startled when he heard the words, and looked around while covering his heart, "Sir, be careful that the walls have ears."

Although people in the bardo realm all know that King Zhou is a tyrant, few dare to say this, because most people who say this have died extremely painfully!

Duan Junheng said dismissively: "I've already become an outlaw, what should I be afraid of?"

Meisheng was a little speechless, such arrogant criminals are rare, but he was still worried: "What if the king has murderous intentions?"

Duan Junheng's eyes were bright, and his aura was suddenly shocked, and he said disdainfully: "So what? Can he kill me?"

If it wasn't for Duan Junheng, Gu Nianduan's family, who received the grace of the emperor and did not resist, it would be impossible for King Zhou to take him down, and the behavior of King Zhou in recent years has made Duan Junheng more and more disappointed. After all these years, Duan Junheng also figured it out. Now, if King Zhou really wants to move him, then he will not let King Zhou do whatever he wants.

Mei Sheng is still very confident in Duan Junheng, knowing that he is not talking empty words, his two little hands cluttered together: "Your Excellency is not afraid, but Mei Sheng does not want the city lord to be implicated."

"Oh! So you're not worried about me." Duan Junheng made a distressed expression.

If you don't know Duan Junheng, you may really be deceived by him, but Meisheng doesn't want to eat this set, and complains sharply: "The adults are already outlaws, are you still afraid of this?"

"Cough cough!"

Duan Junheng was two years old with a dry cough, and said sternly: "I have my own measures on this matter, and I will explain it to the city lord.

"It would be great!" From Meisheng's tone, she was clearly not at ease.

Duan Junheng said earnestly: "Meisheng, I usually treat you well, what kind of resentment or dissatisfaction do you have towards me?"

"Dissatisfied, how could it be? Meisheng is very grateful to Lord Lingshou!" Meisheng said faintly: "If the city lord sent Meisheng to serve the lord, Meisheng is just an ordinary military guard, and it is impossible for him to learn as he is now. Various skills...such as cooking, pouring tea, carpentry, tailoring, laying bricks, growing flowers and plants, all of which are due to the care of adults~~”

"Okay, I'm sure you are really dissatisfied with me..." Duan Junheng shook his head and said, "Forget it, go and call Nineteen!"

"Got it!" Mei Sheng made a face and walked towards the garden.

When Black Nineteen has no assignments, he spends most of the time in the garden.

Duan Junheng looked at the huge stone statue with a giant sword in the distance, and muttered to himself: "The more taboo and dangerous challenges are, the more worth it is. Life is a big gamble, and the most important thing is whether you have lost everything. Consciousness, if you can’t get all the benefits, you’d rather be smashed to pieces. Such stimulation is the taste that Duan should have!”


Distress, Tianqiang ruins.

The wind and sand are long, the sun is shining, and there are no battles buried in the deserted landscape.

Now there is no blood, and nothing remains!

Lin Feng and Po Rushuang came to this desolate place. Looking at the scene of right and wrong, Po Rushuang wrinkled slightly: "Huh? Did I come to the wrong place?"

The landforms here are no different from the Tianqiang people in Po Rushuang's memory, but the former clansmen have disappeared. In hundreds of years, too many things will change.

Po Rushuang found a battle axe with a special material in the ruined ruins, and his face turned white: "It's the battle axe of the Tianqiang people, why is there no one? Battle axes, scattered under the loess."

Lin Feng originally planned to tell Po Rushuang later, but today Po Rushuang planned to return to Tianqiang on a whim, knowing that sooner or later this day would come, Lin Feng did not intend to hide it any longer, and said, "Actually, when you are frozen by ice, During the seal period, the Tianqiang 4.8 clan has been exterminated!"

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