"What? How is this possible?" Po Rushuang heard that, if struck by lightning, although she didn't want to believe it, she knew that Lin Feng would not joke with her about this, and judging from the current situation, what Lin Feng said was very true. may be true.

"You just wanted to tell me about this that day. Do you know who the murderer of the Tianqiang clan was?" After a while, Po Rushuang asked Lin Feng with a restrained concentration.

Although the soul is like frost and the heart is indifferent, the hatred of the genocide is not shared by the sky, and it must be reported.

At this moment, a man with a brass complexion came over and looked at his soul like a frost.

"Who are you? This respectful appearance is really unpleasant to the eye, let's go!" Now Po Rushuang is in a bad mood, plus the other party's eyes are disgusting, so there is no good attitude.

The man with the strange complexion didn't leave, but came back to his senses and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm your eldest brother, Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy, little sister...".

Chapter [-]: The Past of Tianqiang [For Collection]

Tianqiang ruins.

Chu Kuangshi originally wanted to pay homage to the clan, but unexpectedly saw his long-lost little sister Soul Rushuang, and immediately came forward to recognize each other.

However, when the Tianqiang tribe and Daozhen fought, the Tianqiang tribe was wiped out, and Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy escaped by chance. In order to avenge his blood, he suffered all the hardships and cultivated his bronze body, which made people not like people and ghosts like ghosts. In the name of "Baili Settlement", he went to the "Fisting Domain", which is the enemy of Daozhen.

Because of cultivating the bronze body, Chu Kuangshi's face has changed beyond recognition. He is no longer what he used to be. Even his voice and body shape are very different.

Goodbye to the old man, the planner was in a rush of emotions, and was excited: "Little sister..."

Hearing the unfamiliar voice, goodbye to the unfamiliar appearance of Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy, the soul is like frost, the finger is used as a sword, the wave of stars is like a flying river, and several cold swords are roaring out.

When Chu Kuangshi saw this, he threw his fists to resist. He had a bronze body in training, and ordinary swords were hard to hurt.

Soul Rushuang was upset at this time, and said coldly: "My eldest brother is as ugly as you, and if you don't go, it seems that you want to force me to use the sword."

Master Chu Kuang took a few steps back and said, "Perhaps you already don't recognize my face, but as a member of the Tianqiang clan, you must know the truth of the Tianqiang clan's extermination."

"The truth, okay, I'll listen to what you have to say first." The voices of the people in front of her were completely different from her elder brother's, but the fists used were very similar. Po Rushuang decided to listen and do it first. Decide.

Master Chu Kuang glanced at Lin Feng, who was on the side, and then recalled: "In those days, the Wutian Qiang tribe had no competition with the world, but unexpectedly, Daozhen's lineage was born out of nothing, saying that our tribe had plans to invade the Central Plains, and sent them to attack. Kill the ring!

At that time, little sister, you were traveling abroad, and our clan was in a hurry to fight. Even if the clansmen fought back desperately, they could not avoid the fate of being exterminated.

After the bloody battle, I was seriously injured and dying, and was rescued, but none of my clan was spared. My father, mother, and my second sister, Yi Dongqing, were all killed...

The wounds on my face were left over from the First World War. I did not avenge my blood. I endured the pain in my heart and cultivated the bronze body I am today. However, the enemy is too strong, and I have no grasp of revenge. I am not afraid of death. But if I can't avenge the clan, I have no face to see the clan under Jiuquan...

But it's alright now, little sister, you are back, we brothers and sisters are of one mind, and we will definitely be able to avenge our blood revenge. "

Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy general told what happened back then. There is no reason why he said this. Although Po Rushuang was his little sister, she was the number one expert of the Tianqiang clan back then. Hundreds of years ago, there was a top The innate cultivation base, if not for the soul like frost that year, the people of Taoism led by Tien Shoutian and Yuan Wuxiang may not be able to win.

At the same time, Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy are also a little strange.

"You are really big brother!"

Po Rushuang heard the words of Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy, and already confirmed the identity of the other party. What he just said, there are many topics that only their brothers and sisters know about. Although the person in front of him looks unfamiliar, it is indeed his elder brother Chu Kuang. The teacher is undoubtedly the enemy.

"Little sister, you are finally willing to recognize me!" Chu Kuang said happily, but there was no smile on his brass-like face. For revenge, he... sacrificed too much!

"Cough cough!"

Lin Feng coughed twice to show his sense of existence. Seeing that Po Rushuang and Chu Kuang's master were looking at him, Lin Feng said slowly, "There are actually a few deviations in what the planner just said."

Chu Kuangshi's brows furrowed. "Strategist" is his name in the boxing field, few outsiders know it, and he didn't mention it just now. How did the people in front of him know about it?

With a hint of vigilance in his heart, Chu Kuangshi said to Po Rushuang, "Little sister, who is this?"

"It's under Lin Feng." Lin Feng introduced himself. Although he was not very optimistic about Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy, but the other party was the eldest brother who was like frost, so he still had to give some face.

Chu Kuang's teacher was shocked when he heard the words: "You are killing Yuyangjun, beheading Dongfang Yi, and killing the god Lin Feng with Yuanxie Huang and others!"

Chu Kuang’s teacher and enemy still have heard about the major events that happened in the outside world. At the beginning, the Rebellion of the God of Death attracted worldwide attention. Although it was smaller than the turmoil of Abandoning Heaven and Destroying the World, it was still enough to attract attention, because it was a true god-level powerhouse. , the rare rival in the world!

And people who can kill gods naturally attract the attention of all major forces, Chu Kuangshi said to the enemy: "If you can get the help of such a person, it will not be difficult to destroy the Taoist lineage, it seems that the other party and the little sister It's a very close relationship, maybe..."

Lin Feng nodded and continued, "I actually know a little about the truth about the Tianqiang clan being wiped out."

"What's going on?" Po Rushuang asked eagerly.

Lin Feng stood with his hands behind his back: "Speaking of which, the origin of all this stems from one person - Ge Xianchuan."

When Master Chu Kuang heard the words, he wondered: "I have also heard about Ge Xianchuan, he is Bei Fangxiu, who was in the line of Daozhen, but it is rumored that this person has long since died. connection?"

Chu Kuang Shidi has been lurking in the Southern Cultivation Boxing Field all these years. He knows a lot about Daozhen's lineage, and he has also heard of the name of Ge Xianchuan. Pyu belonged to the former head of Nanzong, who taught "Baopuzi" martial arts. Baopuzi died of serious injuries after the war. Ge Xianchuan was accused of being incompetent, and Beizong was separated. Ge Xianchuan committed suicide to prove his innocence. Famous swords and the title of "Northern Fangxiu" were passed down from the days of tiredness.

Later, Tien Shoutian violently killed Shang Nanzong, and Nanzong was killed and injured so many times that the North-South Road really broke apart!

Po Rushuang didn't know the connection, looked at Lin Feng, and waited for his answer.

Lin Feng explained: "Ge Xianchuan used to be the true leader of Bei Dao 140. Although he has the reputation of "Famous Sword and No Name", he is narrow-minded and jealous of Tien Shoutian's prestige in Bei Sect, so he has been deliberately trying to get rid of Tiredness. Day off."

Having said this, Lin Feng paused and looked at Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy: "The Tian Qiang people are the victims of Ge Xianchuan. You must know the most negative hero!"

"I was the most negative hero back then. The three people led by Kuangshoutian and Yuanwuxiang attacked the Qiang people in my country. I will not forget it!" Chu Kuang said through gritted teeth. He had an unforgettable hatred for the three of them.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly, and then said: "The most negative hero is good at intelligence collection, and the information has always been accurate. Back then, the most negative hero collected the information that the Tianqiang tribe wanted to invade the Central Plains, so the Daozhen lineage decided to attack first."

"Daozhen's lineage is too hasty to act like this!" Po Rushuang said angrily, massacring the Tianqiang people for the sake of one person's words. Such acts are different from demons.

Lin Feng looked at Soul Rushuang and said: "The most negative hero is not low in Daozhen, so there are many believers in what he said, but these news were actually misled by Ge Xianchuan. Ge Xianchuan did this to borrow money. The battle of Tianqiang eliminated Kuan Shoutian, but Ge Xianchuan did not expect that you happened to be out at that time, so that the battle strength of the Tianqiang clan was greatly reduced, and even the clan was wiped out!"


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