Chapter [-] Ge Xianchuan [two more]

"These things are supposed to be secret, how did you know?" Chu Kuangshi was dubious about Lin Feng's words, and then he said, "And now that Ge Xianchuan is dead, if you say these things, it's a foregone conclusion."

The object of his hatred has always been the tired, the homeless, and the three most unworthy heroes. He has always wanted to take revenge, but now Lin Feng said that his real enemy was someone else, and he really couldn't accept it for a while!

"Who told you that Ge Xianchuan is dead, have you seen his corpse?" Lin Feng said indifferently, the brain is a good thing, but unfortunately not everyone has it. Being used as a pawn without knowing it, typically being sold and helping others count the money!

"Could it be that Ge Xianchuan is cheating to death?" Po Rushuang still trusts Lin Feng. This world cheating is nothing new. Many people like to use this trick. One move, since Lin Feng said so, it must have its basis.

"That's right, after the Battle of Tianqiang, Ge Xianchuan failed to achieve his goal. Instead, he made Tien Shoutian's prestige even higher. Ge Xianchuan failed to achieve a plan, and made another plan to kill the leader of Daozhen Nanzong in the battle of Daozhen North and South Sect," Bao Pu said. Son", made Beizong's reputation discredited and people betrayed! At this time, only Kuan Shoutian was willing to stay with him, Ge Xianchuan took the opportunity to cheat his death, and retreated to advance, first let Kuan Shoutian inherit "Bei Fangxiu" with guilt Titled and "Famous Sword", and painted the body of the "Famous Sword" with a colorless and tasteless poison that confuses people's hearts, so that the wearer who holds the "Famous Sword" rushed to the Southern Sect, so that the Daozhen line was completely split. At the same time, we are secretly planning, wanting to get tired and die!"

Having said this, Lin Fengrou looked at Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy with deep meaning: "Don't you ever think that when the Tianqiang clan exterminated, why was you the only one who was saved by others?"

"What do you mean?" Chu Kuangshi's heart tightened, and he had a bad premonition.

Lin Feng looked directly into the eyes of Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy: "The mysterious person who rescued you and instigated you to sneak into the boxing realm and steal the Southern Xiuzhen martial arts after the Tianqiang clan extermination was actually Ge Xianchuan."


This news was like a bolt from the blue to Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy. The "beneficiary" he had always been grateful for turned out to be the culprit that led to the annihilation of the Tianqiang clan, and he even foolishly became a knife in the opponent's hand, willingly How ironic it is to be used by it!

"Big Brother ¨々!" Po Rushuang looked at Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy worriedly.

"Ge. Xian. Chuan!"

Chu Kuang's teacher hated his heart, and his iron fists made a "click" sound. If what Lin Feng said was true, what was his plan over the years?

Po Rushuang looked at Lin Feng and said solemnly, "Is what you said true?"

"I said yes, do you believe it?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.


Po Rushuang said without hesitation.

Lin Feng nodded, looking at Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy whose eyes were spitting fire: "Ge Xianchuan is now under the pseudonym He Wuhuai, he should have contacted the planner secretly, I think you should know his approximate location, just give it a try, know the truth.”


With a cold voice, Chu Kuangshi turned the enemy into light and left.

Po Rushuang and Lin Feng looked at each other, and at the same time Huaguang followed.


Nanxiuzhen is located in the Nanwu Forest of Zhongzhou in a difficult situation.

In a deep mountain a hundred miles away from the boxing domain.

Ge Xianchuan's pseudonym "Forgetting Worldly He Wuhuai" sat in a wheelchair, drinking tea outside the thatched hut, thinking about how to solve the serious problem of tiredness.

Speaking of which, he is a senior of Kuan Shoutian, but whether it is martial arts, fame, or looks, Kuan Shoutian dumps him a few streets, he is not convinced!

Why is the tiredness overpowering him in everything? In front of the tiredness, his "Northern Fangxiu" can only be reduced to a foil, from jealousy to hatred, and the heart is dusty, he wants to die for the tiredness, no matter what. He also has to die. Only when he dies, can his heart be unraveled, which has almost become his demonic hindrance.

"Calculate the time, the strange poison that was on the 'famous sword' that year should have erupted. Humph, I want to see how you will fight me after you lose all your five senses."

Just when Ge Xianchuan was thinking about the next step.


 Hearing a loud shout, Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy came in anger.

Anger is born from the heart, let the anger full of anger toss the inner yuan, and the fist is vented.

"Shake the sky!"

Chu Kuangshi's enemy iron fist slammed into Ge Xianchuan's face with a violent momentum that seemed to smash him to the ground.

Ge Xianchuan wondered why Chu Kuangshidi knew his real name. Although he had been secretly pointing out Chu Kuangshidi, he was always cautious and never met him, but Chu Kuangshidi revealed his real name. , and the shot is the ultimate move, does the other party know the truth of the year?

Although he thought a lot, Ge Xianchuan's skills were not slow. When he was dying, he didn't care about continuing to hit the disabled, and jumped up from the wheelchair with one step.


Quan Jin smashed the wheelchair into pieces, and even made a big hole on the ground.

"Ge Xianchuan, pay for the Tianqiang people!"

Seeing Ge Xianchuan's lifelike appearance, Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy further confirmed that there was something wrong with Ge Xianchuan. The enmity of the Tian Qiang people was played hard by him, making Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy like a raging lion, with no room for any move. Swallowing mountains and rivers with rage, almost instantly, Ge Xianchuan's hidden place was bombarded beyond recognition.

"."It was Tien Shoutian who killed the Qiang people in the sky. They had no hometown, so what did they have to do with me?"

"Hmph, if you didn't give the most negative heroes false information, how could they have made a move?" Chu Kuangshi couldn't stop angering the enemy: "You designed the Tianqiang tribe to compete with Daozhen for your own selfishness. The Qiang people save me after the defeat, and use me as a blade to deal with the tired and harvest heaven.

"How did you know about this?" Ge Xianchuan was shocked. These were all things he planned in secret, and he never told others, how did Chu Kuang's teacher and enemy know about it.

"So, you admit it!" Chu Kuangshi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he said bitterly, "I trained to be a bronze body, and I originally wanted to kill the tiredness, but now I'll let you pay for your life first! Tiger! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The fire of hatred burns fiercely, suffering for half a lifetime, but it is in the calculations of others. This hatred and hatred will never end! Chu Kuangshi's enemy sacrifice fist is fierce, and the six evils and nine evils are like tigers, and they will devour the prey in front of them!

"Hmph, it's just a chess piece, and I want to eat the master!" But he saw Ge Xianchuan's sleeves fluttering, his long sword came out of his body, and a torrent of frost poured out between his body.

"Six Techniques of Cold and Heat: The Silk Road of Tianchi!"

 (Money to Zhao) "Clang!"

Seeing Ge Xianchuan's copper-colored sword flying out, fists and swords clashed, Chu Kuang Shidi only felt a chilly qi rushing into his body along his arm, like falling into an ice cellar, his breath weakened, and he retreated again and again.

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