The Daozhen, Daoling, and Daoxuan three veins are the center of the Daomen. Since its establishment, it has always been responsible for eliminating demons and defending Dao and safeguarding the common people in the world.

When the Tianqiang tribe wanted to invade the Central Plains, the Daozhen heroes fought a decisive battle with them, and sacrificed many Daoists to pacify this disaster. The head of Nanzong Yinpyu also lost his hands in this battle, but now Lin Feng came to ask the guilt, plus Ge Xianchuan's The conspiracy is revealed, and the tired harvest day, Yuan Wuxiang and others feel that things are not simple!

Lin Feng looked at the Daozhen crowd and said, "In the beginning, the Tianqiang tribe had no intention of invading the Central Plains at all, it was all deliberately designed by Ge Xianchuan, and the information obtained by the most unworthy hero was also deliberately arranged by Ge Xianchuan, but unfortunately, you, the self-proclaimed righteous people, don't even know the difference. Indiscriminate, just based on the most negative heroic words, he sent a group to kill the Tianqiang people, so that the innocent Tianqiang people were wiped out, such a behavior, I should think that you are naive, and "two six seven" is stupid?!"


When the people of the North and South Dao heard the words, they couldn't help but be stunned, tired of closing the sky, Yuan Wuxiang and other people who participated in the battle of the Tianqiang tribe in person even turned pale.

Back then, they led the Daozhen lineage to resist the invasion of the Tianqiang clan. Their starting point was to avoid the calamity of the people in the Central Plains of China. It was a righteous act. They sacrificed their lives in exchange for the annihilation of the Tianqiang clan, won the victory, and were hailed as heroes!

But now Lin Feng said that this war was a conspiracy design by their Ge Xianchuan, then this so-called just war has changed its meaning!

Ge Xianchuan was lying on the ground in embarrassment and said with a miserable smile: "Hahaha... Yes, I am not afraid to admit that it is now that I gave the most negative hero false information, I have saved his life, the most negative hero and There is no doubt, and then you self-righteous idiots killed the Tianqiang people, hahaha... It's ridiculous, for the so-called justice, you cut down the roots, even the old and weak, women and children, you are really heroes, hahaha... Ah~"

When the conspiracy was revealed, Ge Xianchuan knew that he could not escape death, but even if he went to hell, he wanted to drag Kuan Shou and others with him, but his laughter obviously angered the strategist's anger, and he was kicked in the stomach by the strategist. The whole person curled up like a shrimp.

" can this be, how can this be..." Tired and closed, Yuan Wuxiang couldn't help but lose his mind and fell into confusion, wrong! Wrong!It turned out that everything was their wishful thinking.

Thinking of those innocently killed Tian Qiang people and their fellow Taoists, the Taoists fell silent for a while!

If they protect the world, they can at least comfort themselves in their hearts, and what they do is for justice, but the problem now is that the Tianqiang people are innocent, and they have become out-and-out sinners.

Both the planner and the soul Rushuang looked at the people of the North and South Daozhen with grief and indignation, especially the planner. He paid too much for revenge, and Ge Xianchuan must die, but he would never forgive him lightly.

People in the line of Daozhen are ashamed of others. Looking at the eyes of the planner and Po Rushuang, they all feel that they are guilty.

Yang Qianche sighed and said, "It was Ge Xianchuan who misled Ge Xianchuan about the Tianqiang clan and made this big mistake, but in the end, it's the Daozhen lineage that is sorry for the Tianqiang clan, I'm very sorry!"

Yang Qianche bowed to the planner and Po Rushuang. He could see that Lin Feng stood in the position of Po Rushuang. Now that the big mistake has been made, regretting it is useless. Although it is guilt, he does not want to be true. He lost his life and hoped to compensate the two Tianqiang remnants as much as possible in other ways.

But the planner didn't appreciate it, he snorted coldly, and shouted: "Don't be pretentious in front of me, can an apology bring my Tianqiang people back to life?"

"This..." Yang Qianche knew that he was wrong, and said sadly: "The deceased is dead, and I also know that at this time, the Daozhen lineage can't handle the Tianqiang people, and we will try to make up for it..."

Before Yang Qianche finished speaking, the planner shouted angrily: "Compensation, what compensation do you get?"

There are only him and his younger sister left in the Tianqiang clan. Both parents and relatives died in the hands of Daozhen people. This hatred and hatred, even if the water of the three mountains and five mountains is exhausted, it will be difficult to wash away!

Daopan Shidongji said: "At the beginning, we believed in the words of the most negative heroes, and we were provoked by Ge Xianchuan, so that we made a big mistake..."

Lin Feng looked at Shidongji, and Lin Feng knew the details of Shidongji. On the bright side, he was the leader of Shangnan Cultivation, but secretly he was the leader of "Thirteen Swords of Heavenly Burial". , got a lot of benefits, and then disappeared mysteriously!

Lin Feng didn't have much affection for Shidongji, the important reason was that he deceived Po Rushuang's "Wa Huang Jing Linggong", causing Po Rushuang to die at the hands of the shepherd.

Preconceived, although the current hole machine did not succeed, but Lin Feng didn't like it, and waved his hand to interrupt: "Trust others, right and wrong, but let others pay with their lives, now it's useless to say these things, blood debt will eventually be blood. Compensation, you must give an account to the innocent people of the Tianqiang tribe.  …”

Tired Shoutian recalled the battle of the Tianqiang clan in the past, and his heart was like a knife. I won't break my hands because of this...

"Forget it, I don't know people well, and I wrongly believed in people. Today, I have died and apologized. I hope that the grievances between Daozhen's lineage and the Tianqiang people will be wiped out!" There is nothing more sad than the death of the heart, and tired of blaming all the faults. As for myself, now I want to sacrifice myself to quell disputes and prevent more people from falling into the whirlpool of hatred.


Yuan Wuxiang understands the tiredness the most, and seeing that tiredness is about to commit suicide by swinging his sword, Yuan Wuxiang's hands transformed into "Silver Pyu Xuanji", blocking the "famous sword Jinfeng".


The iron and steel mingled, and there was a trace of blood on the neck of Kuan Shoutian. If Yuan Wuxiang had not acted in time, I was afraid that Kuan Shoutian would have died and repaid the crime!

Yuan Wuxiang tightly grabbed the shoulders of Wan Shoutian and shouted: "Jan Shoutian, don't do stupid things, even if you die, what can you change?"

Xian Shou Cang didn't want to let the dispute expand, so he became an old man, stepped forward to Lin Feng, and said: "The matter of the Tian Qiang people originated from the conspiracy of Ge Xianchuan. Calculations..."

"So what?" Lin Feng looked at Xiang Cang and said, "There is always a price to pay for doing wrong. This is the grudge between the Tianqiang people and Daozhen. How to choose 5.2 depends on the wishes of the parties. ."

"Hey, when is the time for retribution!" Cang sighed and looked at Po Rushuang and the planner: "The two of you, please listen to me..."

"Don't listen, get out!" The planner was simple and direct, with a big wave of his hand, letting Cang stay where he was cool.

Lin Feng couldn't help giving him a thumbs up, buddy is really awesome!


Cang's face twitched slightly, and he was a famous martial artist anyway. He was the first to meet someone who didn't show respect, but this was a personal grievance between the Tianqiang people and the Taoist lineage. It was really inconvenient for him, and he had no position to intervene.

Po Rushuang is not a person who is easy to kill, but the enmity of the Tianqiang clan cannot be easily put down, the planner looked at Lin Feng, Lin Feng nodded, and said loudly: "The irrelevant people retreat, those who participated in the battle of the Tianqiang clan back then came out to understand! ".

Chapter [-] Exile

In the strange mirror space, with the exposure of the truth, a group of Taoist people have different expressions.

"The irrelevant people retreat, and those who participated in the battle of the Tianqiang tribe came out to make a conclusion!"

Lin Feng's voice reverberated in the wide mirrored space, and some who were purely for watching the excitement, such as Dongjun, Shanlong Yinxiu, Dao Ling, Daoxuan, and scattered cultivators all retreated to the side and watched the changes.

There is no need to say right or wrong. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Daozhen line owes the Tianqiang clan. The two sides obviously have to do a battle. The dead Daoist friend is not the poor Daoist. It's not good to intervene and do thankless things!

In order to avoid being said to be indistinguishable between right and wrong, and using power to oppress people, if their reputation is bad, it will be difficult for them to get along in the future.

It is natural to repay the debt, but how to repay it is worth pondering!

If you insist on paying your debts with blood, it may not be realistic. Human hearts are all selfish, and cultivators are also human beings. They also have emotions and six desires. Even if some people are not afraid of personal life and death, they will never be willing to be 12 in the line of Daozhen. Xianchuan's conspiracy is all involved.

From the standpoint of Daozhen's lineage, they are also victims. If it wasn't for Ge Xianchuan's calculations, they would not have killed Tian Qiang. The big mistake has been made, and compensation can be made. The Yang Qianche, or the Nanzong-style cave machine would not agree.

Such a huge price has exceeded their bottom line.

Lin Feng looked coldly at the gathered people of the North and South Daozhen. He didn't know whether it was because the misunderstanding was resolved and they were united again, or he didn't want to be regarded as people who were afraid of things. Basically, all the people of Daozhen gathered together. The people from the boxing domain of Zong did not join.

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