Although Jiuzhijiaoxiong now knows that it was Ge Xianchuan's conspiracy to kill the Nanzong, but it was the person who killed his younger brother after all. Such a blood feud cannot be solved by a single misunderstanding, and they also He didn't participate in the battle of the Tianqiang tribe, so it was understandable to choose to watch from the sidelines.

Yuan Wuxiang looked at some Daoists who had not participated in the battle of Tianqiang, such as Dao Kui Yang Qianche, Dao Pan Shidongji also stood beside them, frowned slightly, and said apologetically: "Daoist friends. I didn't participate in the battle of Tianqiang, so I don't have to walk with us."

Yang Qianche shook his head and sighed: "The bank note is a bad statement. I didn't notice Ge Xianchuan's conspiracy back then, so that it made a big mistake. Any blame should be faced together, and he can stand on his own."

"Yes, since the grievances and grievances in the past have been uncovered, this matter, my South Cultivation is also indebted, and should face it together." Dao Pan Shidongji also agreed.

The surrounding people from the North and South Roads released their suspicions and shouted in unison: "We are willing to share the guilt with Bei Fangxiu, the head of the bank!"

Listening to the people of Daozhen shouting in unison, Lin Feng rubbed his forehead helplessly. If you want to be so unreasonable, Nima is also strong. It is obviously your group of scumbags who randomly destroys the human race, and now it looks like you are a big villain. , it makes sense to have more people!Can you not be responsible if you have integrity? What nonsense!

Seeing that everyone had finished standing in line, Lin Feng waved his hand, and the mirror space began to rearrange, directly isolating the strong onlookers such as Cang, Shanlong Yinxiu, Dongjun, Daoxuan, Daoling, and Quanyu.

In the blink of an eye, Cang, Shanlong Yinxiu and the others returned to the main hall of Daozhen North Sect.

Xian Shou Cang looked at the changing scene and sighed: "It is possible to manipulate the power of space so easily, Lin Feng's strength seems to be stronger than the last time we met! I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse!"

There is no lack of worry in his tone. He has had several encounters with Lin Feng, but he has never seen Lin Feng.

Repairing the pillars of Shenzhou and beheading gods. On the surface, what Lin Feng did was beneficial to the common people, but Cang always felt that Lin Feng was planning a great deal!

"It seems that the Daozhen lineage is in trouble!" Dongjun said indifferently, and then his eyes changed, only to see Lingxi Zhixia and Shanlong Yinxiu chatting hotly. Sour gas.

"Shanlong Yinxiu!" Dongjun muttered to himself, then with a cold face, he walked away.

The nine-fingered arrogant in the boxing domain, along with Dao Ling and Dao Xuan people felt that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time. After a short conversation, they left each other. Only a few people continued to stay in the North Sect Hall to wait for the result.

in the mirror space.

The planner and Po Rushuang handed over the right to speak to Lin Feng, firstly because of their trust in Lin Feng, and secondly because only Lin Feng has the strength to suppress the Daozhen lineage.

"Life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are in the Tiantian Qiang people, and they are not at war with the world, but they are affected by the infighting of you Daozhen people. Although the initiator Ge Xianchuan deserves to die, you are also to blame." Lin Feng said and looked at Ge lying on the ground. Xianchuan, said indifferently: "There is a beginning and an end, let's start with you!"

The planner had long wanted to smash Ge Xianchuan's corpse into tens of thousands of pieces, just to be able to attack the Daozhen lineage and to give justice to the Tianqiang people until now. The fist directly hit Ge Xianchuan's shoulder.


With a heavy punch and endless hatred, Ge Xianchuan's blood and flesh flew out, his bones were broken and his meridians were broken, and he screamed again and again.

The planner didn't care, each punch was more fierce than the other, and the punch was heavier than the other.

Po Rushuang looked at the murderous appearance of the planner, and knew that the elder brother was blinded by hatred and worried about him, but he did not stop it. !

Ge Xianchuan's physique was abolished, and he quickly became a mess under the iron fist of the planner. He died in a very painful state. It is estimated that even if his mother came, he would not be able to recognize him today.

Watching the planner brutally kill Ge Xianchuan, Lin Feng turned to look at Yan Shoutian and the others. He didn't care whether these people had participated in the battle of Tianqiang. Everyone has the right to choose, and they have to choose accordingly. result.

Since these people chose to share weal and woe with Kuan Shoutian and others, that is to stand on the opposite side of Lin Feng, with a different position, Lin Feng naturally would not let go.

"Isn't the Daozhen lineage responsible for maintaining the common people in the world? Then I will give you a chance to choose." Lin Feng said, waving his hand, a door of space opened in the mirror space, and there was a sinister atmosphere on the opposite side. You know it's not a good place.

Lin Feng said indifferently: "The opposite is the Nether Realm. Compared with the Tianqiang people, they are the invaders who really want to get their hands on the plight. Although they are sealed, they have always been eyeing the plight. Don't you like eliminating demons and defending the way? Where do you believe it will be very suitable for you? ."

The words fell, and an unrivaled burst of incomparable radiated from Lin Feng's body. Tired of the sky, there was no homeland, Yang Qianche and others were suddenly unable to control themselves, and were sucked into the secluded world by the vortex of space. After a while, the entire mirror space was only left. Xia Lin Feng, the planner, and the soul such as frost.

After the Daozhen lineage was exiled, Lin Feng said to Soul Rushuang: "The Daozhen lineage entering the Netherworld must be extremely dangerous, and it can be regarded as a due punishment. This matter is put aside, you see it."

"Listen to you!" Po Rushuang sighed softly, she was indifferent and didn't like killing.

The strategist said a little unhappily: "It's cheaper for them!"

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "This is the end of the matter. Besides, Yi Dongqing is not dead!"

"Second sister!"

"Second sister!"

Lin Feng nodded and said: "She is now in the Black Sea Prison, and after she has become a black prison, if you want to see her, I can take you there."

Chapter [-] Uncle and Uncle

The Daozhen line disappeared in a day, causing a lot of shock, and no matter what kind of turmoil would be brought about by the people like Wanshoutian after entering the secluded world.

Let Daoxuan and Dao Ling be shocked.

Although they don't want to admit it, the Daozhen lineage is indeed stronger than their two lines, but they still can't resist, and they can't help but be vigilant and take precautions.

On the other side, after the Daozhen lineage was exiled, Lin Feng took Soul Rushuang and the planner to the Black Sea Prison to let them recognize the transformed black.

The three are the only remaining members of the Tianqiang clan, and they are also brothers and sisters. They are naturally overjoyed when they meet each other. After they turned black and learned the truth of the Tianqiang clan's annihilation, their mood was extremely complicated.

She could never have imagined that the Tianqiang people were implicated because of Ge Xianchuan's virtuous and virtuous abilities. She thought of the people who died in vain.

And Po Rushuang and the planner also learned about the current situation after turning black.

The forces in the Black Sea Prison are intricate and complex, the princes of the Prison are rebellious, and Lin Feng has pointed out the conspiracy of the King of Hell, which makes Po Rushuang and others worry, and decides to stay and help to take charge of the Prison after turning black.

After turning black, he learned that Lin Feng had exiled the entire Daozhen lineage by himself, and was impressed by him, and occasionally revealed some intentions to unite against the King of Hell in his words.

Lin Feng couldn't comment too much on the plastic couple who turned black and the King of Hell, but he readily agreed to deal with the King of Hell.

And just when Lin Feng was stirring up the situation in the Black Sea Prison, the battle between the holy demons in the bitter realm was about to kick off, and the two sides of the holy demons had entered the final preparation stage.

The candidates for the Six Magic Cubes have been selected, they are: Demon Emperor Zhixin, Dead Country Asura, Heavenly Capital Rahu, Love Misfortune Girl Rong, Ghost Tathagata and Duanmu Xianlong!

The Holy Square Set also began to point to the Six Guardians.

Yan Sheng Mingluan.

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