The rising sun was rising, and the hidden gullies were vast. Qing Haichao and Jing Canglang were invited to come. Looking around, they saw that the famous mountains and holy sages spontaneously showed their true appearance.

Yideng Chan, who led the way, explained: "This place is where I practiced after I left Yungu Leifeng. This place is the place where my fellow practitioners of the three religions live—Yansheng Mingluan!"

Qing Haichao looked at the towering pagodas in the Mingshan Mountains in Yansheng, and praised: "It is a special and extraordinary realm when it enters the hidden valleys at night, and the bright peaks appear in the daytime."

"This compliment, I will accept it for Yansheng Mingluan first!" Yidengchan said sternly: "But this time, the reason for the two of you to come here is not so simple as a visit."

"The holy record is opened, the six sons open the edict, Mingluan opens the god, and the war seal opens."

Bird Flower Yipin appeared from the golden flower, facing Jingcanglang, holding the tide of the sea, Yidengchan and three people.

The three of Qing Haichao also bowed politely, and Yidengchan said to Quehua Yipin seriously: "Has it been confirmed that it is Tianyan Demon City?"

"Yes, ready to fight!" Quehua Yipin also looked serious.

Beilie Jingtao Qinghaichao said indifferently: "How many days are left?"

Listening to his tone, he was a little dissatisfied. Qinghaichao was originally in the silver bowl to fill the snow and hit the coral, but he was approached by the people who came to the road, saying that the father of the coral hit the middle stream, and he secretly smuggled the "Sacred Demon." The key", and plotted that the head of Jing Wuhuan before landing on the road, wanted to attack the coral to ask for an explanation.

As a wife and mad demon, Qing Haichao became angry when he saw the people on the road scolding the coral for hitting the coral. He didn't give him any comments on how to hit the old man in Jizhongliu. tolerate.

At this time, the Qinghai Chaogong Body was in its heyday, and its combat power exceeded the table, so that people on the road could learn what the wrath of the whales is!

A group of Taoist priests were beaten by Qing Haichao, and this Liangzi can be regarded as settled.

Naturally, the people who came to the shore would not let it go. They came to the door one after another, making Qinghai Tide very annoying. He was not afraid, but he didn't want to hurt the coral, whether it was physically or mentally.

If it wasn't for the right people on the road, Qing Haichao would have shot them to death with a "whale wave and the wind in one fell swoop"!

Later, the people of Yansheng Mingluan came forward to mediate, and said that the middle-class hit was dead, and the talents who got on the road did not continue to investigate.

And Yansheng Mingluan also took advantage of the opportunity to invite Qinghaichao to participate in the battle of the Holy Demon. As a condition, Yansheng Mingluan was willing to tell the truth about the middle stream of the year, and to eliminate the misunderstanding between the shore and the coral.

 Hearing Qing Haichao's words, Yidengchan said: "In three days, this time, Tianyan Mocheng and Tiandu are united, and the coming is fierce, everyone remember to be careful!"

Jing Canglang said loudly: "It turns out that you have already paid attention to this matter at Yidengchan, why didn't you tell it before?"

"I didn't hide it deliberately, but let's go into it and talk about it in detail!" Yidengchan said, and was about to enter Yansheng Mingluan.

"Hold on." Yipin Quehua on the side waved to stop Yidengchan, and said solemnly: "Your Excellency, the Lord of the Mountain has made a special explanation. This is a big matter. Before the holy record command, the first rank of Quehua must take another step."

"That's it!" Yi Dengchan had nothing to do with the rigid Quehua Yipin, looking at Jing Canglang and Qing Haichao: "But I'm afraid these two will be impatient."

Jing Canglang said casually: "As soon as you come, you will be safe, please start!"

"Please!" Qing Haichao took it lightly.

When the words fell, I saw that the first-rank sleeves of Quehua turned into elegant and immortal style, and the "feather feathers" slowly floated in the air, sprinkled with golden rain, dotted the characters, and hidden in front of them, forming a golden portal.

After the completion of the matter, Quehua Yipin bowed to Jing Canglang and Qing Haichao and said, "... ¨Respectfully invite the two gentlemen to enter Mingluan."

Qing Haichao and Jing Canglang looked at each other and stepped forward at the same time. After the golden word, it was like washing the wind and washing the moon, and it was covered in vulgar dust, and then the figure gradually disappeared into the Mingluan.

Yidengchan watched the two enter and tuned in: "It's just certification, do you need to be so imposing?"

"The ceremony can't be abandoned, your lord please!" Quehua bowed humbly.

Yidengchan shook his head helplessly: "You are still so serious. Forget it, let's go!"

Having said that, Yidengchan and Quehua Yipin also entered the Mingshan Mountain.

Inside the Yansheng Mingluan, a mirror pattern is engraved.

"Sure enough, it's time for the engraved mirror pattern." Yidengchan really looked like this.

Qing Haichao frowned slightly: "I don't know any information about the Holy Record."

"Don't be in a hurry, sir, wait for a while, sir, and you will know the answer." Quehua Yipin replied indifferently.

At this moment, an amazing scene was created in the center of the engraved mirror pattern.

"According to the cause of right and wrong, the truth of the soul is thousands of bodies, in the misty place of the homeland, the gods and Buddhas are free from greed and hatred."

I saw a solemn Dharma figure, dressed in a white casserole, with a crown on his head, holding a "dry meditation wheel and pestle", and carrying the "image of all living beings", just like the Buddha of Ksitigarbha Ming King suddenly appeared.

This person is the real master of Yansheng Mingluan—Yunguo Dihun!

Since the burial world, Diao Xiongguyue was exposed as the Buddha of Heaven, and after Yunguo Dihun was surrounded and killed, Yunguo Dihun officially stepped onto the stage and took charge of Yansheng Mingluan.

"See Mountain Lord!"

"Participate in the Lord of the Mountains!"

Yideng Chan and Quehua Yipin bowed to Yunguo Dihun at the same time.

Yunguo Dihun returned the salute kindly, and then waved his hand, the pattern rose to a wonderful image, and the sacred record revealed the divine light.

I saw a vain scroll rising into the air, staying in the air, and the golden light on the scroll slowly emerged.

"Yeah!" Qing Haichao whispered, "It's the name of a page."

Chapter [-]: Siege of the Magic City

Yan Sheng Mingluan, the holy record point general.

Yunguoti said in a loud voice: As you can see, the Yi-Page Book is the first Holy Guardian appointed by the Holy Record. "

Another name appeared on the Golden List of the Holy Records during the talk - Kunchen Qiangu!

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