"I just led the Guwu clan to investigate Tianxue Mountain. This mountain is extremely cold, and the Tianquan is frozen inside. It is very difficult to flood the demon army with the water of the Tianquan." After Ye Xiaochai subdued the Guwu clan, he Under the treatment of the ancient martial arts prophet Liumei boy, he has recovered his ability to speak, but he can't help but worry when he sees the demonic energy in the distance.

Su Huanzhen looked at the frozen mountains in the distance, and vowed 14 times: "Tianxue Mountain is a dormant volcano. As long as the right method is used, it will cause the volcano to erupt, and the fire and heat will melt away most of the snow and turn it into a monstrous sky. torrent."

Ye Xiaochai asked, "Since we are dormant, how can we trigger the eruption of the volcano?"

Su Huanzhen waved a few more objects that looked like iron balls, handed them to Ye Xiaochai, and said: "I have asked Qu Shitu to refine several "Thunderbolts" with the "Thunder Mountain Strange Stone", this bullet contains the power of thunder and fire , the power is extraordinary, at that time I will use the unicorn yellow smoke as the news, you will lead people into the Tianxue crater, and use this bomb to trigger the volcanic eruption."

"Yeah." Ye Xiaochai never doubted what Su was really saying, and carefully put away the "Thunderbolt".

Now that the enemy is stronger and we are weaker, the ancient Wu clan is no more than a thousand people. Even with the addition of hundreds of elite soldiers from Yansheng Mingluan, it is impossible to compete with the army of tens of thousands of demons. It is a good way to use the terrain and the power of heaven and earth.

Ye Xiaochai put away the "Thunderbolt of Thunderbolt", and then asked: "What do you want to do when I order someone to investigate the entire Kanjing water conservancy system in Dooshan?"

"Using the underground ditch, diverting it and sealing it, can guide all the water from the Tianxue Mountain Tianquan to the Tianpenkou, and rush down the Wuna Pass, its fierce water potential and lava will be a huge natural resistance to the army of fallen demons. Strength." Su Huanzhen looked at the mountain range below, and accurately predicted the flow of Tianquan, striving to annihilate the demon army in the largest area.

Ye Xiaochai thought of the hundreds of residents of Tianpen Village at the foot of the mountain, and said solemnly: "Since this is the case, I will immediately send people to evacuate the residents of Tianpenkou."

"Ye Xiaochai...don't go!"

Su Huan really stopped Ye Xiaochai, why didn't he know that the water and fire were ruthless, the Tianquan was pouring, and the people of Tianpen Village must have difficulty escaping.

However, moving the village overnight will definitely cause a commotion, and the residents who have lived here for generations may not be willing to cooperate. If the situation is publicized, I am afraid that it will attract the attention of the demon army, and all previous achievements will be lost.

In fact, as early as when thinking about the flooding, Su Huanzhen really thought about the price to be paid!

Hearing this, Ye Xiaochai froze and looked at Su Huanzhen in disbelief: "Do you know what you are doing?"

"The inferior knows!" Su Huan really nodded firmly. As the decision maker of the Holy Party, he must put aside some of his feelings, weigh the pros and cons, and win the victory with the smallest sacrifice.

Ye Xiaochai clenched his hands tightly and shouted angrily, "You know that they are all innocent people. To win the victory for the Holy Party, they will do whatever they can, is it worth it?"

Whether it's worth it or not, just hearing his heart, Su still closed his eyes lightly with some pain. If there were other ways, he wouldn't have resorted to this.

"This sin is shouldered by the inferior."

Hundreds of inhabitants, what is the trade-off compared to the comfort of the whole plight?

In his position, even though Su Huanzhen is extremely helpless, he can only choose to give up the small and protect the big!

When Su Huanzhen opened his eyes, his eyes were already firm: "Calculate the time, the three hundred warriors of Lusheng Mingluan should have arrived at Mt. Mt. You go to Mt. Mt. Boundary to meet them! Let's meet at the Beacon Tower!"

Ye Xiaochai really wanted to stop Su Huanzhen's plan, but she knew that this was the only way to stop the demon army. This is the cruelty of reality. Many times, people have no choice!

"I understand!"

Ye Xiaochai said bluntly, then turned and left.

"If you can't be cruel, the world will be wiped out by the devil. I... can't retreat!" Su Huanzhen had a firm look in his eyes. For the sake of the overall situation, sacrifice is inevitable. The difference is that some sacrifices are voluntary, while some sacrifices are not. Imperative!



Yin Wuyi, Master Fengyou, and Legend of Chiba sat in a courtyard chatting, not worried about the upcoming battle.

After getting along for a period of time, the three gradually developed a friendship, especially the unclothed teacher Yin and the master Fengyou. The two were old acquaintances, but they conflicted because of their positions. Now the united front has become a conversation. buddy!

The owner of Fengyou tasted the tea brewed by Qianye Legend, and his expression was intoxicated. The unclothed teacher Yin Qing sniffed the smoke from the furnace in his hand, and said lightly to the owner of Fengyou: "Wedge, ask the two of you to come here, not just for tea!"

"Yeah." The owner of Fengyou groaned: "I was worried that you would go to Kuishan, so I asked you out, but now it seems that it is a step slower."

Chiba Legend said with a smile: "Su is really going to count the big army of the demons. As a Rubik's Cube think tank, we will naturally not let him do so."

"However, there is a poor village that will perish because of you." The owner of Fengyou put down the teacup and looked at Yin and Qianye Legend.

Wuyi Shi Yin and Qianye Legend are both smart people, and they naturally know that their plan cannot be hidden from the eyes and ears of Fengyou Master, Wu Yi Shi Yin Yipin Xiangming, said indifferently: "This plan is for the evil emperor Qianqiu's hegemony. Moreover, If Tianpen Village really perishes, the biggest reason is not me and Chiba! 787"

"But you can't shirk your responsibility." Master Fengxiu looked directly at Wuyi Shi Yin and Qianye Legend, observing their expressions.

Qianye Legend did not change his face, filled the two with tea, put down the teapot, and said casually: "I and Shi Yin don't care, just like you, we never care."

"Oh~ how can I see it?" Fengyou master said.

The unclothed teacher Yin held up the teacup, sniffed the fragrance of the tea, and looked at the master of maple pomelo meaningfully: "If you care, why would you drink tea with us here."

"Oh, then you say, what do I care about?" The owner of Fengyou asked with a smile.

The unclothed teacher Yin put down the teacup and said lightly: "For example, the food in the prison in the upper heaven, or..."

"Cough cough... This tea is good, Shi Yin has two more sips." When Wu Yi Shi Yin brought up the embarrassing incident, the owner of Fengyou quickly changed the topic, covering his face with a feather fan, thinking about how to get the place back.

When Qianye Legend heard this, he was a little curious about the dark history of the owner of Fengyou, and joked: "Fengyou, your ability to change the subject is a bit blunt!"

"Having said so much, aren't you thirsty? Drink tea, drink tea." Fengyou master drank tea on his own, regardless of the two.

The unclothed teacher Yin smiled indifferently and changed the subject: "What do you think about the battle of the holy demons here?"

Chiba Legend pondered for a moment and said, "Now that the demon side has the upper hand, if external factors are not taken into consideration, this battle will undoubtedly be won."

"What do you mean by external factors?"

"Three Teachings!".

Chapter [-]: The Great Desolation

The final battle of the Holy Demon is coming.

Inside the Asura Ghost Tower, the six demons gathered again, waiting for the moment of decisive battle.

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