In the gloomy hall, offering sacrifices to the sky and pondering, several domineering auras are faintly restless.

Demon Sovereign Xin said solemnly: "The time of day is coming, and the time for the decisive battle is finally here!"

Suddenly, the evil thunder swept the nine heavens, the evil spirits rushed to avoid, and the sky was turbulent, like a leak in the sky, the thunder was like a wave, and the demonic power of the world, the Emperor Yuanxie in uniform came into the world magnificently.

"In the early Yuan Dynasty, the Hongmeng Candle created the world, and the evil eyes stared at the eight wastes;

Jiuxiao's magic moves the red dust, and the eternal soldier Xianwu is the emperor. "

When the words fell, Emperor Yuanxie stood on the throne, watching the six demons, Wujun Luohu, demon emperor Zhixin, Asura, love and disaster girl Rong, ghost Tathagata, Duanmu Xianlong, as well as his Hua Chanti, cut off Chan Ti and the others said loudly: "The decisive battle of the Holy Demon is today. He Hua Chanti, you are more aware of the rules of the God's Judgment, and the Taihuang God's Judgment will be dominated by you!"


He Hua Chan responded with a sound, and immediately held up the "Magic Seal Staff", the magic energy was smashed, and all of a sudden, Haoguang covered his eyes, and the demonic energy surged.

Suddenly, the chaos is out of balance, and the holy devil double qi strikes at the moment, collapses like the beginning of the flood, I see yin and yang intertwined, Taiji totem cuts the chaos, and the battlefield of the gods takes shape!

Asura Ghost Tower and Yansheng Mingluan were like yin and yang fish eyes, shrouded in a huge barrier and completely isolated from the outside world.

This barrier was laid out when Demon Emperor Zhixin and Yunguo Dihun signed the war-stop agreement in the last battle thousands of years ago. God's decision is over, otherwise no one can leave.

Of course, things are not absolute, at least Yuan Xie Huang can forcibly break the barrier!

"The magic formula is opened, and the two sides of the holy demon are already within the Taihuang Barrier!" Demon Sovereign Zhi Xin said with emotion.

Duanmu Xianlong looked at Hua Chanti and asked, "Demon Lord, when is the first battle?"

He Hua Chanti looked at the sundial in the hall with the hour and said, "Zi Shi."

"Where are the candidates for the battle?" Ghost Tathagata asked coldly.

He Hua Chan waved his hand, and transformed into a wooden board with the arrangement of the twelve hours depicted on it.

Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Xu, Hai.

Noon, Wei, Shen, You, Chen, Si.

He Hua Chanti explained: "Zi Chouyin and other six hours belong to the devil, and the other six belong to the saint. If the foundations are the same, the two sides are superior, and the decision is mainly based on the restraint of the time. My side, Yin Kewei, control the afternoon; Mao Keshen controls Wei; and so on. On the other side, Shen Ke Chou controls Zi; You Ke Yin controls Ugly~ˇ.”

Rong, the love-calamity girl, wondered, "What's the difference between restraint and restraint?"

"Those who are controlled are easy to be defeated, and those who are overcome are easy to die!" He Hua Chanti said sternly.

"Ha, there are so many rules." Rong, the woman who loves disaster, chuckled lightly.

Emperor Yuanxie looked at the Demon Emperor. These rules were all created by the Second Demon Emperor and Yunguo Dihun. I don't know what they thought at the time, but now, Emperor Yuanxie doesn't mind watching this. Big play!

Wujun Luo Hu asked indifferently: "How do you judge who the two sides of the holy and devil are at each hour?"

"After the first battle, that person will appear automatically." He Hua Chanti explained tirelessly.

Asura heard the words and said solemnly: "That is to say, before the battle, there is no way to judge whether the two sides are alive?"

"The God of Desolation is a life-and-death gamble." Demon Sovereign Xin said proudly.

"Well, it's interesting!" Luo Hao smiled sarcastically, he was never afraid of battle, and the unknown battle situation only added to his martial artist style.

"Hahaha, it's really worth looking forward to!" Rong Hongxiu, the woman who loves disasters, has a sweet smile and a sweet smile. Now she has absorbed all the "power of the mysterious female", her strength is even higher, and her disgust for Buddhism is even deeper. Charming smile, but eyes with murderous intent.

He Hua Chanti looked at the big guys, feeling a little stressed, and said: "This is the first battle, we don't know the root cause of each other, the Holy Party generally prioritizes stability and will not dispatch the strongest combat power, if we do the opposite. Okay, the chances of winning the first game are extremely high, and my goal is to grab three consecutive victories. So it's up to Wujun and Asura..."

Demon Sovereign Zhi Xin said: "Wait a minute. How can I have the first chance to fight without this emperor, waiting is not my style."

He Hua Chanti said: "The opponent may not send Yunguo Di Soul to fight."

"It's okay." Demon Sovereign Xin said.

He Hua Chanti's heart is still very good, he must put temptation first, and what the devil can do, even if he is beaten, he should be able to save his life and return, with a certain mind, he Hua Chanti said: "Okay! It's up to Martial Lord to fight against the Demon Emperor."

"It doesn't seem to be difficult to win three wins," Luo Hu said to himself.

Emperor Yuanxie reminded: "Everyone should not be careless. The secret of survival can only be known by standing on the battlefield. If the strength is equal and the opponent is overcome, the only way to save life is to drag the battle until three hours later, the battle is over."


The people present are all heroic and proud, but they are not reckless and ignorant people, and they naturally know how to judge the situation.

He Hua Chanti looked at the sundial: "Come again, just wait for the instructions of the sundial!"


The top of the mountain.

On the beacon tower, Yan Sheng Mingluan dared to order Baishi to join the beacon tower, and the fire of war would burn the mountain pass!

The three generals stepped forward and said, "We, Yansheng Mingluan's daring striker, Zhu Yundu!"

"Second generals compete for the moon and a thousand rivers!"

".~ The three generals are shining!"

"The special leader dares to order [-] soldiers to meet the fragrant white lotus!" After Zhu Yundu finished speaking, the [-] dead men stood together, waiting for the truth!

Ye Xiaochai stood on the high platform, holding a torch, and said solemnly: "It's true, the three hundred soldiers from Shengsheng Mingluan have arrived!"

As soon as the words fell, the wind blew the yellow sand, and Su Huanzhen walked towards the beacon tower with heavy steps.

"Don't you see that the mud and dust are expansive and yellow into the sky, and the war on the mountain has caused a famine.

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