Don't you see the chaos of the neighboring horses and basils on the journey, and dare to order Baishi to defend the country.

Life is waiting for fame and fame, with a short bow and a spear on his shoulders, holding a bridle to make the spring and autumn turn, and his heart is full of history.

The border is blocked, the long road is difficult, and the journey will never return!

I, Su Huan really wears the talisman of victory, and will be responsible for the victory or defeat of the battle of Mt. I. May all generals share the same robes with me, advance and retreat together, and win in one fell swoop! "

The three hundred dead men around shouted in unison: "Same robe, advance and retreat together!"

"Same robe, advance and retreat together!"

"Same robe, advance and retreat together!"

Su Huanzhen put the military talisman on his waist, took the torch in Ye Xiaochai's hand, and said loudly: "All generals, when the claws of the [-] (Li's) Sixth Army strike, the blood of the [-] dead soldiers can dye Shenzhou red. Is it the earth? All generals, when the hooves of the [-] army smash through the river and mountains, and the heads of three hundred dead soldiers, can they build the Great Wall of defense? Is it possible?”

"We swear to protect our territory with our lives!" Zhu Yundu was a die-hard loyalist of the Holy Party. When he came here, he had already put his life and death aside!

"Guard my territory."

"Guard my territory."

"Guard my territory!"

The surrounding dead men were also ready to stain the yellow sand with blood, and shouted in unison, seeing death as if they were at home.

"One fire washes my ten thousand dusts, leads the way to Huangquan without turning back.

The second fire washes my thousand kinds of karma, and the reincarnation plate will continue my grace! "

Su Huanzhen really lit the beacon fire, and said solemnly: "All generals, follow my pace, step on the pass of Wu, and in the battle of Qishan, swear to destroy the [-] demon army!"

As soon as the order was raised, Bai Shi complied, swearing to stop the mighty army of the demons.

Su Huanzhen threw down the torch in his hand and shouted, "The whole army is ready for war!"

"Battle, fight, fight!!".

Chapter [-]: Taipan First Battle


The horns roared, breaking the clouds and piercing the sky, and the army of demons gathered in the sky, the mighty army, the demonic energy, and the turbulence of hundreds of miles around.

Jing Bao'er stood with a halberd, stood on the high platform and shouted: "O demon soldiers, the horn sounded, it is the call of the great demon emperor, we have been in dust for thousands of years in the realm of Kuishan, and we are waiting for this moment, tonight, the demon The army starts from Kuishan, marches into the Central Plains, and strengthens the power of the devil!"

"The soldiers enter the Central Plains, and the power of my magic!"

"The soldiers enter the Central Plains, and the power of my magic!"

"The soldiers enter the Central Plains, and the power of my magic!"

The group of demons shouted loudly, their voice was powerful, and their morale was high, shaking the entire Quebec mountain range, and the army of [-] demons was ready to go.

"Bang Ming Demon Clan!" Jing Bao'er opened his mouth and nodded.

Zhang Ming Moxiao stood up with a gun: "The last will be here."

"You lead three hundred soldiers, clear the way with poisonous smoke, and clear the pass." Jing Bao'er shouted loudly.

"Bang Ming demon clamor, lead the order."

After the words fell, the demon arrogant led three hundred demon soldiers to clear the way. Although Emperor Yuanxie left a teleportation formation in Kuishan, in order to mislead the holy party, he still sent demon soldiers to attack the pass and create fog.

"Long Kui has no armor, you lead the five hundred demon soldiers and soldiers in a confused formation, and after that, the rest of the soldiers will follow me from the teleportation formation to the agreed place." Jing Bao'er followed the plan of the unclothed teacher Yin Zhi, and repaired the plank road to darken Chen Cang.

On the other side, the three hundred Mingluan dead men sneaked into the Tianpen Mountain Pass, covered with grass and stones around Zhou 047, and waited for the demon army to enter the urn.

At the other side of the pass, the demonic energy covered the sky, and the demonic clamor led three hundred demon soldiers to clear the way.

The three hundred fog hidden demon army swept the road with poisonous smoke, and the poisonous fog spread in all directions. The daring men hiding in the stone wall were smeared by the poisonous smoke, their bodies were poisoned, and their mouths and noses began to bleed, but no one uttered a sound. Use Yuan Gong to suppress poisonous patients and wait for the opportunity.

The poisonous miasma swept through the pass, and there was no abnormality.

After receiving the information, Long Kui Wujia led the [-] demon army to move splendidly. In this misty demonic energy, only the gold and iron horses were heard, and it was difficult to tell the real number.

The plan is in the plan, the plan is in the plan, the soldiers who dare to die will lure the enemy with their troops, the army of demons will march on the Wuna Pass, and both sides are betting on their lives!

Just as the "Army of Demons" stepped out of the pass, all of a sudden, [-] dead men led the way and detonated the flames of battle at the pass.

"Come on!"

The dead man Mingluan blocked the way, carrying explosives, rushed into the demon army, and exploded with a bang.

In a sudden change, hundreds of demon soldiers died suddenly, and the remaining people confronted each other with swords and faced each other at the Tianpen Mountain Pass.


The Great Desolate Battlefield.

The holy demon opened the chapter, and a battle that lasted for a thousand (beba) years was detonated.

Today, the Six Sacred Protectors of Mingluan in Yansheng, the Six Demons in Tianyan Mocheng, the divine generals who belonged to Twelve Days, started the first battle of the past.

At this time, Yansheng Mingluan, who had been pulled into the enchantment of the Great Desolate God, was standing on a vast rooftop with Su Huanzhen in a blue shirt and the Six Saint Guardians.

Looking at the changes in the surrounding space, Yi Ying Shu said loudly: "The geographical location of Ming Lian has changed."

Yunguo Dihun looked at Tianyan Demon City, which was also in the Taihuang Shenjue Barrier, and explained: "This barrier was set up by me and the Demon Emperor in the battle, and it is a world of its own, and only Taihuang Shenjue is the only one. You can leave when it's over."

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