Yunguo Di's soul wheel moves, and with one blow, the battle begins!

The burning flames of war, the boiling fighting spirit, drink up a world-shattering battle, weeping ghosts and gods.


While the blade was wandering, the Buddha and the devil were fighting, and the Yunguo Di soul wheel and pestle flew away, and at the same time held the Buddha's seal in his hand.

"Exercising the fetal hell to save sentient beings!"

Seeing that the fruit of the fruit and the soul and the sword and pestle are combined, "Eight Sufferings Listening" is ready to start, and I want to break the mighty power of the demon emperor!

"The evil of the Buddha's sin, it is up to me to judge! The three musts of the magic mirror. The battle of the heavenly wolf!"

At the same time, the Demon Sovereign also exercised his powerful Demon Yuan, and the sword imprints entered, and the "Three Mustaches of Demon Mirror" struck the sky and shook the earth.


Violent explosion, smoke and dust.

Unexpectedly, Yunguo's soul was reborn, and under the strong fight, he was suddenly injured.


Blood spurted out, Yun Guodi's soul was puzzled, but there was no time to be distracted on the battlefield. The Demon Emperor deeply hated the holy party for betrayal, and started killing moves without mercy, but at this moment, the battle situation has added more variables.


The hour enters the Mao hour

, The power of Taihuang is implemented, the dark power enters the stage of weakening, the soul of the fruit is aware of the abnormality, seizes the opportunity, and the real essence is instantly enriched.

, and then urged extremely tricks.

"Pingding the other side of the evil root to die!".

Chapter [-]: The Soul of Accumulating Fruit

Taihuang's first battle and even the last moment.

When the time comes, the light will first appear, the soul of the fruit will go all out, and the "Hearing of the Eight Sufferings" will be transported to the extreme.

"Pseudo-Buddha, welcome to the trial! The three magic swords. Swallow the flames!" Demon Emperor Zhi Xin shouted loudly, "The Demon Sword Emperor Slash" broke the sky with a sword, the boundless magic flame penetrated into the surrounding space, and there were massacres. Buddha power.

"The demons are mad!"

The sword and stick in Yunguo Dihun's hands were combined into one, turning into a "withered wheel of all appearances", fighting to the extreme, merciless, all fighting for their lives, walking on the edge of life and death step by step.


Extreme confrontation, in an instant, the two were knocked back thousands of feet by the strong gas explosion, and each was injured.

Knowing that it is extremely difficult to get rid of the devil, the soul of the fruit is unwilling to admit defeat. As soon as I landed, the Buddha Yuan was strongly lifted, and the boundless Buddha force suddenly turned into countless golden instruments. Unswerving will to synthesize the image of King Jizo! "Five Two Three"

The Demon Sovereign also hurriedly urged the Demon Yuan, and the qi of "Magic Emperor Slash" broke through the sky, just at the juncture of the ultimate move, the time for the decisive battle had come, and various moments of destiny appeared at the feet of the two, indicating the end of the battle.

"Well, you are very lucky." The Demon Sovereign snorted coldly, retracted his sword and returned to the Asura Ghost Tower.

"Amitabha!" Yunguo's soul converged on the Buddha's essence, couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood, and returned to Yansheng Mingluan.

In the first game of Divine Art, the Rubik's Cube won two wins.

Inside the Asura Ghost Tower, Rahu and the Demon Sovereign returned and immediately closed their eyes to heal their wounds. Although they won the victory, the Buddha of the Heavens and the Soul of Yunguo are not easy ones, and they also suffered some injuries.

Emperor Yuanxie took out several "Dragon Blood Pills" for the two to take to help them recover quickly.

Duan Mie Chan mentioned that the Demon Sovereign was fine, and he breathed a sigh of relief, saying: "We have won two consecutive games in Taihuang Shenjue, as long as we win one more victory, we can break the enchantment. In the case of two consecutive defeats Next, in the second round, the holy party must be blocking the trump card, Yunguo Dihun and Tianzhi Buddha are not lightly injured, and the battle is only a drag, Jingcanglang and Qinghaichao have relatively weak foundations..."

"That is to say, in the next match, Sheng Fang's candidate is a book and a boat to cross." Emperor Yuanxie sat on the throne, tapping his fingers on the armrest, thinking in his heart: "The Buddha of the sky is now, Yun If the soul of the truth is in the unitary time, there are still four o'clock in the afternoon, the end, the Shen, and the chen. Duanmu Xianlong lacks the foundation..."

Emperor Yuanxie looked at him and asked Hua Chan: "In the second game, who do you think should play."

When the six demons around him heard the words, they all looked at him Hua Chanti.

He Hua Chanti said solemnly: "In the second game, the love and disaster girl Rong and Asura will fight to regain the victory, so that our plan can be carried out."

"Yeah." Emperor Yuanxie nodded slightly when he heard the words. This candidate coincided with what he had in mind. Although it was only a battle, Emperor Yuanxie had already obtained a lot of information from it. The Buddha, the love-and-disaster girl of Xu Shi, the soul of Yunguo Truth of Rong Keyou Shi.

And the Buddha of the sky restrains himself and loves and harms the female Rong, and controls the ghost Tathagata;

The God of Heaven, who killed Nurong, has been wounded. In addition, Nurong has the "power of the mysterious female". Except for the lack of a boat, the Holy Party has no one to kill.

As for Asura, Kechen, and Zhi Yunguo Di Soul in Hai Shi, as long as a page of the book is not at noon, there is a great chance of winning, and as for the lack of boats, there will be no danger to life.

Emperor Yuanxie looked at him Hua Chanti: "Outside, what are your arrangements?"

After deciding on the candidates for the second round of decisive battles, Emperor Yuanxie began to pay attention to the problems outside the barrier.

He Hua explained a plan in advance, and talked eloquently: "Yu Sheng has three spiritual acupuncture points around Mingluan, which are the foundation for supporting Mingluan. As long as the three needles of Yunmeng, Lishu and Tiruo are penetrated respectively, the devil energy will be eroded. Collapse Mingluan, Taihuang Shenshu will be defeated without a fight! I have arranged for the ignorance of the law to prepare military horses, and I will attack immediately as soon as I give an order."

Emperor Yuanxie said: "I'm really resourceful and resourceful, so I must have prepared for it early, ignorant of the law and industry to lead the army to attack, I'm afraid the casualties are not small."

 "Under the fire of war, life and death should have been awakened long ago." He Hua Chanti did not waver, there is no undead in war, and since becoming a warrior, you must have the consciousness of being wrapped in horse leather.

Emperor Yuanxie was not an indecisive person, he just reminded him Hua Chanti not to underestimate the enemy, and then said: "The army of demons in Kuishan has already begun to march towards the hometown of Tianfo, and without the Buddha of Tian and the soul of Yunguo to guard, they will be destroyed. It is not difficult to be in a Buddhist town.”

Having said this, Emperor Yuanxie paused and looked at Demon Emperor Zhixin: "Can the demon clan on the Hundred Demon Roads in Qiushan respond?"

"I have been in touch before, the Black Prison. The Fallen God Que has promised to send troops to the Buddhist village." The Demon Emperor Zhi Xin believed.

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