The demon clan and the Buddhist clan share a feud, and the Buddhist people talk about slaying the demons and eliminating the demons every day. On the contrary, the demon clan and the demon clan also hate the Buddhist clan deeply. If they have the opportunity to eliminate the Buddhist power, they will naturally not be soft-hearted.

"Well, that's very good..." Emperor Yuanxie looked at the Yansheng Mingluan on the other side, his eyes were cold: "The Tiandu army has assembled a hundred miles away from the Yansheng Mingluan, this battle will be a success in one fell swoop, it cannot be given to Any chance of a comeback for the Holy Party."



Ming Luan dared to order a hundred soldiers to face the fog hidden demon soldiers.

At this time, the main force of the demon army had left the teleportation formation, and only [-] demon soldiers continued to attack the pass under the cover of demonic energy.

On the high mountain in the distance, Su Huanzhen was watching the battle below, but because of the demonic energy, he could not judge the real number of the demon army. Although he had doubts in his heart, but at this time the arrow was on the string, he had to send it, and thought expressionlessly: "Sure Due to the terrain restrictions, the demon army cannot move in unison, as long as the righteous people of Mingluan can hold the pass for three minutes, then the demon army will be covered by Tianshui, and all will be wiped out!"

"We will never let the demon army enter the Central Plains, kill!"

In order to fight for the chance to win, he dared to kill a hundred soldiers, fought each other desperately, ignited the explosive fire letter on his body, and rushed into the enemy army. The battle was tragic.

"Enter the army in the Central Plains, strengthen my demon power, kill it!"

And the demon army also killed each other for the final victory.

The dead men of Ming Luan fought to the death and fought to the death, and the spirits of the demon army never ceased, leaving no room for them.

"The army of demons has left, the plan to confuse the enemy has been completed, the demon emperor, the demon clamor of Zhang Ming has been loyal!" Just as the demon clamor of Zhang Ming was thinking, he saw the yellow smoke of the unicorn rising in the distance.

When in doubt, a sudden change occurred.

Above Tianxue Mountain 5.0, when the four dead men saw the signal, they jumped down into the cold Tianquan without hesitation, swam shallowly with their breaths closed, and came to the bottom.


I only heard the sudden explosion of the Tianxue Mountain, and then the sky shook, the lava rumbled, the volcano erupted, and the snow collapsed for three thousand miles at a time, and the evil water and fire broke out.

The villagers living in Tianpen Mountain panicked and tried to escape. However, the water and fire were merciless, and the sky and water were swept in, and all living beings were spared. Tianpen Village was wiped out overnight because of this disaster!

The water was thunderous, and it rushed straight to the pass. Immediately, the turbid waves came from the sky and swept the four fields with special disasters.

Immediately, there was a loud bang, the water washed away the blood on the battlefield, and the unparalleled force broke through the sky, and the water flowed directly into the Huangquan nine thousand feet.

Chapter [-]: Fight to the death

It is rumored that in the first World War a hundred gods were worried, and the strong troops on both sides of the strait had not stopped.

Whoever Dao Kuishan always has nothing to do, has been fighting for blood recently.

The mountain pass.

The volcano erupted, melted thousands of meters of snow, turned into a monstrous torrent, and devoured life.

Natural and man-made disasters, merciless water and fire, mountain torrents and lava swept through Tianxuandao, and residents in Tianpenkou were also affected.

Before his death, he cried and cursed loudly, resentful to the sky.

And the two sides of the holy and demon who fought at the entrance of Tianxuan Dao Nina were the first to bear the brunt, and they were doomed!

"Finally... I live up to my life! Haha!" Zhu Yundu, the general of the Holy Party, had long since stopped the demon army from entering the Central Plains with a will to die. Now, seeing the monstrous torrent swept across the sky, not only did he have no fear, but he evoked a touch of relief. Smile, with heroic laughter, submerged in the torrent, generous sacrifice!

Death is lighter than a feather and heavier than Mount Tai. He believes that with three hundred daring men, dragging tens of thousands of demon troops to bury them, their sacrifices are... worth it!

"Evil Emperor, the last will not be able to follow you anymore!" Zhang Ming Mo Xiao looked at the monstrous torrent indifferently, knowing that there was no way to avoid it, he knelt down on one knee, let the torrent engulfed him, and returned to Huangquan!


The screams continued, the dead men on both sides of the holy demon were swept away by the torrent, the rocks collapsed, and before the power of heaven and earth, the demonic energy dissipated, revealing the true face below.

Above the peak, Su Huan really saw this, and he was shocked, because at the moment when the demonic energy was dissipated, he realized that the number of the demon army was wrong, not to mention [-], not even a thousand troops.

"Not good, the trick!"

An ominous premonition loomed over him. In order to deal with the demon army, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the innocent people of Tianpenkou, but the situation in front of him was far from achieving the expected effect. Hundreds of demon armies, where will the other demon armies be?


Before he could think deeply, an arrow suddenly pierced through Su Huanzhen's right shoulder.

"'The Divine Bow of Stealing Li', it's the Unclothed Master Yin!" Just when Su Huan was really surprised, he heard three Qinglang Poems again.

"I've been tired of writing for three years, but now I don't know the book.

If you are tired of writing and regret your future, it is not as good as when the fishing woodcutter did not know it. "

"It does not belong to the sky, it does not belong to the earth, it is born outside the three realms, and it does not perish in the six realms.

The lotus blossoms in Chiba, the legend is eternal, the gods are only me, the legend of Chiba. "

"Laugh and see the bright red dyed in the middle of the mountain, the wind is thousands of miles between the white clouds.

Xiaoyao is not a guest here, and the three talents of heaven and earth are ordinary. "

The unclothed master Yin, Qianye Legend, and Fengyou master appeared at the same time, followed by Yi Yu, who gave his life to the two of them. They flanked around and surrounded Su Huanzhen.

Su Huanzhen was at a loss for a moment, and a dead end came.

"Su is really true, I didn't expect you to be able to make a move, but unfortunately you miscalculated!" Qianye Legend whispered, "Tian Miao" unsheathed and took the lead.

Thinking of the innocent people who died in Tianpen Village, Su Huan really felt like a knife, but the matter has come to this point, he has no way to retreat, let alone retreat!

"I'm helpless!"

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