With a helpless voice, the sword came out with a real "Hrajna", ready to fight for life and death.

"Friends, such opportunities are rare, let's come together!" The owner of Fengyou said indifferently, waving his palms, the maple leaves all over the sky, and swept towards Su Huanzhen with a sharp energy.

The unclothed teacher Yin didn't say much, and let go of mercy, and Yi Yu gave orders to attack together.


"Hannya" and "Tian Miao" confronted Chiba's legendary move, Sharp Su, and they were really pressing forward, and they didn't give in at all.

However, Su Huanzhen's opponent is not only the legend of Chiba, his fists are hard to beat with four hands, and he was shot by Yi Yu before, how can he resist the siege of Wuyi Shi Yin and others.

"Kill in one go!"

Letting go of mercy and seeing an opportunity, while Su Huanzhen was dodging a life-giving arrow, he swung his knife to attack Su Huanzhen's next plate!

"Shi Potian shocked the Primordial Palm!"

Su Huanzhen was under the siege of Qianye Legend and others, and there were many dangers. In front of him, the master of Fengyou showed his palm and quickly attacked. On the side, there was Qianye Legend who used his sword to fight. There was no room to escape. Immediately, the left arm, right leg and lower abdomen were injured at the same time.

"Come on, the fire shines on the moon!" Once he raised his robe and jumped up, Shi Yin's unique tricks first appeared, and in the wind, he saw the red fire burst into flames, attacking Suhuan's vacuum door vest!


Su was really hit on the spot, and suddenly he was severely injured and vomited, and he retreated again and again!

"One Feather of Repentance, Seven Kills and Extermination!"

Yi Yu was ordered to see the situation, opened a bow and arrow, shot Zhong Su really in the neck, and saw blood seal his throat!

Surrounded and killed by several parties, the power is unstoppable, and the literati green shirts are dyed bright and bright red again.


Between the slack consciousness, I can't help asking myself, is it time to let go?Are you alone?

As soon as the dust fell, the battle was over, and there was no time to pour out a word, like a torn page, which came to an end in astonishment.

However, seeing that Su was still true, after falling to the ground, a strange strong light radiated, and then disappeared with the wind, leaving no trace!

"Why don't you really see Su?" Shashou Merci was puzzled.

Qianye Legend's face was indifferent, he put away the "Tian Miao", and said Lang: "This is the "Incarnation Technique", you are so wise as a demon, how can you easily let yourself fall into death."

It's not surprising that the unclothed master Yin and the master of Fengyou seem to have known the result for a long time. The unclothed master Yin looked at the messy Kuishan and said coldly: "Zhan Su is really an incarnation, and its body will not be better. Moreover, the army of demons has moved to the outskirts of Tianfo Yuan Township, the army of Tiandu, and the sun-blind people have also arrived a hundred miles away from Yusheng Mingluo."

"Yeah!" The owner of Fengyou groaned: "Yuansheng Mingluan is in charge of Tiandu and the Sun-blind tribe, Tianfo's original hometown is attacked by the army of the demon army and the allied army of the demon tribe, and the Xie Zundao is in charge of landing on the road. We need to fight quickly to prevent variables, so let's do things separately!"

After the words fell, several people went their separate ways and acted independently, leaving only thousands of floating corpses in Kuishan, desolate and full of desolation, drifting with the flow...


In the battlefield of the Great Desolation God's Battle, Yu Sheng Mingluo.

The holy side lost two games in a row, and everyone had a big rock in their hearts.

Su Huanzhen's heart suddenly trembled, cold sweat broke out, and her face showed pain.

403 "Pfft~"

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Su Huanzhen's face was instantly pale, almost unsteady, and a page of books came up to support him, just about to use Fo Yuan to heal his wounds, but Su Huanzhen stopped him: "This is a mental trauma, it is normal The means cannot be cured, and now the decisive battle is imminent, Brahma must not waste his true essence."

Incarnation outside the body is a kind of thaumaturgy, which can be used to practice, fight the enemy, confuse the enemy, etc. Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, the incarnation outside the body has many uses, and naturally there are great risks. Once the incarnation outside the body, its own strength will be weakened. , and if the incarnation outside the body is killed, the part that is divided will be lost forever!

"Why so?" asked a page.

Su Huanzhen shook his head and waved his hand: "It's okay, the matter of the divine decision is the most important thing. The Rubik's Cube has won two games in a row. If we win another game, the barrier will be opened, and we can't afford the next defeat!"

Quezhou Yifandu saw that Su Huanzhen's situation was not optimistic. He could exchange for things that nourish the soul, but these things were expensive and naturally would not be used to "support the enemy", so he didn't say much.

Jing Canglang frowned slightly, looked at the sundial, and said, "How to arrange the candidates for the next battle?"

Su Huanzhen wiped away the cold sweat, resisted the pain of tearing his soul, and gritted his teeth: "In the battle of Taihuang Shenjue, in addition to the ability to control the timing, the timing of the battle is also very important. Previously, it was a dark moment, and the Rubik's Cube had the advantage. The second battle instructed by the Taihuang Sundial is Hai Shi and Chou Shi, and there is no obvious increase or decrease in strength in these two hours. In order to achieve three consecutive victories, the opponent will inevitably have a strong general, deducting the previous battles of the Demon Emperor and Luo Hu...".

Chapter [-]: The Second Round of Divine Judgment

"The second game, Quezhou Yifandu will take over." Hearing Su's truthful words, Quezhou Yifandu said indifferently.

"Well, then there will be Senior Lao Quezhou!" Su Huanzhen spoke for a while, then looked at Qing Haichao, Jing Canglang and Yi Yi Shu, and finally settled on Yi Yi Shu: "The second candidate, a Senior Page Book, it's up to you to fight."

After selecting the candidates for the decisive battle, half an hour passed quickly, and the characters of both sides appeared in the battlefield of the battle of gods.

In the wild realm, the gods will start again, black and white, a world with clear barriers.

At this moment, two worldly figures slowly embarked on the road of bloody battle.

"The world is like chess, the universe is unpredictable, and the heroes are all laughing!"

A page of the book stepped out, and the person standing opposite, with a burly stature and a black wolf-head mask, was the god of war in the dead country - Asura!

"The flames of war are ruthless, you can't bear it!" Ashura pointed to a page of the book and detonated the battle with one sentence.

At the same time, the time starts again, and Taihuang Shenjue enters the fourth chapter.

"Thousands of years of joint cultivation, lack of boats and sails.

Boundless sinking, the sea of ​​France sails. "

"Love this disaster, there are women everywhere."

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