On the battlefield, just looking at the eyes, evoking blood feuds in the rivers and lakes, burning anger and turning the waves, a thought in the heart, in order to avenge the revenge of the heaven and the extreme industry, the love and disaster girl Rong Ning notes that the boat sails without a boat, and the evil flames are [-] extravagant. , only to kill the Buddha.

"Three thousand fires of love fill Luoman!"

The evil flame is surging, the fire is terrifying, and the love and disaster girl Rong, who completely absorbs the "power of the mysterious female", is three points stronger than before, and the evil flames are swallowed up by the Buddha.

"Buddha's Light Appears!"

The "Tathagata's Palm", which was exchanged by the ferry messenger from the boat and the boat, had a Buddhist seal in the hand and a heart seal, and I saw a Buddhist soldier flying out.

"Tathagata's Palm" is a martial art in "The Legend of the Son of Heaven". It originates from the great wisdom and wisdom of the Buddha Sakyamuni in seeking, proving, and attaining the Tao. It combines the heavenly spirit, the earth's energy, and the human power to maintain the three worlds.According to legend, in order to purify all living beings, liberate robbery and eliminate misfortune, the Buddha passed down a set of unique and unique skills that have been passed down to the world.

Brahma seal knot, Buddha soldiers came out, and in an instant, Shen Jue opened a new chapter.

"Damn, God-creating style. Forgive the heavens without love 々~!"

The woman who loves disaster is so mad, she doesn't realize that the time is passing, and the red sleeves are firm and soft, which motivates the power of the sky, and fights out of thin air.

At the same time, Shen Jue opened again, and the god of war Asura confronted Brahma with a page of books. His immortal majesty, defying the sky, detonated a peerless battle.

"Dark Burst!"

"Great Brahma Sacred Palm!"

At the beginning of the extreme move, Asura's destiny was "Hai" at the moment, and one page of the book was "Chen". He was restrained by Asura, plus one page of the book was incomplete, and he lost instantly. !

"Dark Vortex!"

Asura took advantage of the time, the flames of war broke out in the body, the power of darkness surged, and the violent dark energy swept out like a tornado.

"Dragon Roar!"

With one move, one page of the book knew that the situation was unfavorable, and immediately inhaled into the body, the chest and abdomen drummed, the Buddha Yuan urged, suddenly shouted, the sound shook the eight wastes, the Sanskrit sound turned into a dragon, and the world roared.


The strength of the two people was incompatible with each other, and their energy swept the four fields, causing shocks and explosions, and the earth was instantly devastated.


A page of a book is restrained by time, and with half the effort, one's strength can only be used for seven layers. On the other hand, Asura has increased in time, and his momentum is like a rainbow.

For the prosperity of the dead country, Asura made his move mercilessly, his figure suddenly appeared, his back bone wings spread lightly, and with a slight shock, a force of death spread rapidly!

Upon seeing a page of the book, Buddha Chen flicked his shoulders and punched out with a majestic palm, trying to block the power of Asura's death!


The fists and palms were facing each other, and the sand and stones flew in an instant, and the energy radiated in all directions. The two forces intersected for a moment, and a page of the book could not bear the powerful force of the other party. Add injury, vomit vermilion!

However, Brahma's will was firm, and as soon as he landed, he rushed up regardless of the injury, his soles exerted force, his waist was shortened, his body was short, and he moved between lightning and fire, and the violent palm of a page had already hit Asura's chest.


With a muffled sound, Asura took two steps back, his feet slammed, the ground burst, and he threw his fist at the door of a page of books. A page of books knew that the heart was invincible, avoiding the real was empty, his head turned sideways, and his whip legs were like poisonous snakes. With a piercing scream, it attacked Asura's head.

Asura's eyes flashed, and his moves instantly changed, his right arm bent over his head, and his left hand curled his fingers into claws.


A page of the book was kicked on Asura's arm, with no less than ten thousand force. .

Between the light and the flint, Asura pulled with his strength, and his left hand suddenly smashed a page into the ground.


The earth was cracked, the waves were surging, and a page of the book slammed into the ground on its back. Broken ground, hit Asura's left rib.


After receiving this blow, Asura immediately vomited blood and flew back. A page of the book slapped the ground with his backhand, and his body burst into the air. Although the blood stained the monk's robe, his aura did not diminish in the slightest.

"...Respectable opponent, the wrath of the sky!"

Asura wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and the wound that penetrated was aching faintly. The scorpion's physique was special, and martial arts in ordinary hardships could not be killed, but the Buddha's essence in a page of the book was not trivial. Extreme move, the power of thunder is condensed in the palm of the hand, constantly flashing, swiping the palm to strike, a powerful and incoherent move, the thunder swept past, and the talent was split in an instant!

"Lianhua Holy Road is open to the sky!"

Knowing that the opponent is strong, a page of the book urgently urges the Buddha's Yuan, and the Buddha's light shines in an instant, and the holy lotus bursts out.


Yansheng Mingluan within.

Seeing that Yi Ying Shu and Asura were at a disadvantage in the battle, Su, who was watching the battle from the outside, couldn't help but worry about it.

Qing Haichao said solemnly: "Although Asura's strength is strong, it is impossible to suppress Brahma to such a degree.

"The importance of this battle is well understood in a single page, but it is restrained by the heaven and the season, and the odds of winning are slim. The time is too! The fate!" Yun Guo (Nuo Zhao Zhao) sighed deeply.

The Buddha of the Heaven looked at the other side of the battlefield and said, "Quezhou has the upper hand in this battle, but if Brahma is defeated, the barrier of the Asura Ghost Tower will still be opened!"


Battle of Gods.

Compared with the hard work of a page of books, sailing without a boat is easy and enjoyable.

The moment of lack of boat destiny is "noon", Kehai, and Xu; just in the time of "cheng", the love and disaster of the female Rong, plus her own strength is stronger than the female Rong, the battle will naturally be effortless.

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