"Women's calamity to the demon industry, open the evil army!"

Several times of confrontation, the love and misfortune women and Rong did not get any advantage, and their hearts were full of hatred and anger. At the moment, the evil energy was full, and a turbulent evil force permeated the world, just like the evil gods from heaven and the world. .

"The Buddha asked Kalan!"

Quzhou Yifan Du had a calm expression on his face, and performed the fourth pose of the "Tathagata's Palm", with his hands tied to the sky and drumming a thunder sound seal, the Dharma-protecting Buddhist soldier "Thunder Sound Ruler" came out in response, the sad sound spread thousands of miles, the vast Sanskrit sound, saving sentient beings …

Chapter [-] The Forgotten Kirin

The Great Desolate Battlefield.

The flames of war were raging, and time passed without realizing it. After several confrontations, they had already judged each other's strength. Relying on the influence of the rules to overcome each other's attributes, Asura seized the opportunity and started to kill wildly. fight hard.

Knowing that Shouke and Asura are fighting each other in a single page, they will not retreat.

"The Seal of the Bodhisattva. The Lotus Dharma Spirit Illuminates the Great Thousand!"

One page of the book found a gap for one breath, smashed the Buddha's essence, and used the "Bodhisattva Seal Ten Forms". The second form, "War is ruthless", the horns are retracted, and the wings next to the face will transform into a hard shield, and at the same time, it is absolutely mastered.

"The madness of the devil!"

Asura revealed the body of a demon god, his body increased by ten feet, and his appearance was ferocious, but he could clearly see the animal bones on the outside, showing a state of connecting flesh and blood, with a pair of huge bone wings behind him, and the "relentless war" in his left hand changed. It is a huge bone knife, showing the invincible power of gods and demons.

The demon god killed Buddha, the moment of victory or defeat, a huge explosion, a page of the book vomited blood and flew out, disappearing out of thin air, leaving only the word "Chen" in place. "The word disappeared into the characters in an instant.

In the Asura Ghost Tower, Emperor Yuanxie saw this and said indifferently: "The third battle of Taihuang Shenjue has been decided."

Asura returned to the Asura Ghost Tower and bowed to Emperor Yuanxie: "Ah 523 Asura, fortunately not humiliated."

During the conversation, the love and misfortune girl Rong returned in a panic, her mouth was stained with blood, her expression was cold and silent, and she was obviously defeated in the battle with Quzhou Yifan.

Emperor Yuanxie glanced at the love-calamity girl Rong, took out the medicinal pill and took it for him. He knew that Quzhou Yifandu had already kept his hand, otherwise, let alone time restraint, even if the female Rong Shike Quzhou would not be able to come back alive.

After winning three Taihuang Shenjue victories, the Asura Ghost Tower began to vibrate violently, and he Hua Chan mentioned the situation: "The enchantment will be opened!"

In an instant, the evil energy surged into the sky, the demonic power regretted the sky, and the enchantment around the Asura Ghost Tower shattered.

The unclothed teacher Yin, who had come to the periphery of the Asura Ghost Tower, saw this and entered in an instant.

Emperor Yuanxie looked at him and said, "According to the plan."

"Yes." He Hua Chanti said coldly, and asked him Hua Chanti and the ignorant law to join the Heavenly Capital according to the previous arrangement, and the Japanese blind tribe attacked Yansheng Mingluan.

At this time, Yin Wuyi entered the Asura Ghost Tower and came to report on the battle of Kuishan.

Hearing that the demon army had marched towards Tianfo's original hometown, Emperor Yuanxie stood up abruptly: "It's time for this emperor to go to the event! Taihuang Shenjue will be presided over by Hua Chanti and the unclothed teacher Yin."

As for the wisdom of Hua Chanti and Wu Yi Shi Yin, the Demon Emperor, Luo Hu and others all understood and did not object to them, each performing their duties.


Mocheng has won three games and has the right to go first.

Above the wilderness, Duanxie Chanti and the ignorant law karma led the demon army to join the Tiandu and the Sun-blind tribe, and forcefully attacked the Mingluan.

In order to protect Mingluan, Ye Xiaochai led the people of the ancient Wu clan to go to support, and joined up with Yipin Quehua, who was in deep distress and others who stayed behind.

When the two sides meet, their positions are clear, and they line up, it is a bloody battle.

on the other hand.

Inside the reconstructed Dengdao Shore, the two women, Shacoral and Jing Wuhuan, were sitting in the pavilion, each thinking about it.

Qinghaichao participated in the Taihuang Shenjue because of the maintenance and attack of the coral, which was dangerous and unpredictable, and the coral attack could not help but worry about it.

And Jing Wuhuan, who has just been reborn, is worried about the death of Chanti. From the standpoint of the right way, she does not hope that the side of Chanting will win, but from a personal point of view, she does not want Chanting to bring things up. Dilemma, extraordinarily tangled!


Suddenly, a shrill scream rang out, and several Taoists who were guarding the Dao shore flew in.

Then I saw the unclothed master Yin, Yi Yu gave life, let go of mercy, and the evil goddess.

"It's really annoying to dare to come to the shore to make trouble!"

Hearing the sound without going up to the Dao, seeing someone knocking at the door, he became angry and led the crowd on guard, and the situation between the two sides was about to erupt.



The black-clothed swordsman did not want to say more, and between swinging the sword, the sword energy instantly slashed the two Taoists on the road.


When Bu Shangdao saw his disciples being killed, his anger was unstoppable, and Jing Wuhuan also looked cold.

One sword breaks two souls, and the bloody battle to the death kicks off, let alone hesitation, there is no room, just to kill and seek (befh) life


The demon queen has no illusions against Shangjing, and the undressed master Yin is not on the road. On the other side of the battle, Concubine Mu Chang, Xu Ying Shenweng, fighting with Yinyu Fengshao, black-clothed swordsmen, Hongliu Xie and Ziyan The Demon Young Master attacked other people who came to the shore, and it was like no one for a while.

One feather gave his life, and when he let go of mercy, he surrounded the coral and attacked the coral. Just when the coral was in danger, it was dark night, generous and bright, and it was as bright as a new sun, as bright as a long rainbow.

"It's Xuanyuan Deng, it's the senior brother." Seeing this, Jian Shao's face immediately showed a happy expression.

The unclothed teacher Yin frowned slightly, and with one palm he couldn't get back on the road. Looking around, he saw a dazzling light in the bamboo forest, the lights were bright, and two people were reflected. , leaning on the reclining dragon cart, holding a royal fan, wearing a white snow coat, stepping on Lingbo golden carp, and came out in response to the glow.

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