"Thousands of years of majesty, the situation is varied, the unicorn of the celestial religion is standing tall, the thunder tower, the Lingyao step, once the turbid sea is washed, all things are beginning to open, and the world is forgotten."

When the younger sister was in danger, Ji Xia Shang, a forgetful unicorn, galloped out in a graceful suit, blocking Yi Yu's life and letting go of mercy.

Fu Zhaoyan, gentle and firm, shocked the urgency of the scene.

Not Shangdao must be in his heart: "Is it the senior brother who is known as the unicorn in the sky?"

"The immortals are so beautiful!" Ji Xia Shang politely clasped her fists in a salute, then looked at the unclothed teacher Yin and the Demon Empress, and said coldly, "This place is not a place of slaughter, everyone please come back!"

Ji Xia Shang is the senior brother of Yi Zong, but he is proud to be the master of Ji Zhongliu (Gui Jue Shen Zhi).

Yizong has a free style and advocates the practice of Yunye. Unlike other sects, which have a similar coercive force to live in groups, the training method is also very special. You can travel around or wander in the mind. Therefore, the brothers and sisters have been scattered all over the world for many years, verifying the results of training, and learning new things. thing.

Jixiashang has also traveled abroad to many places and seen many scenes.

Many years ago, the Li clan's "Evil Lord" aliased "Ao Tian" and hid in Gongyang Zhanfeng with unruly intentions. Later, Ji Xia Shang's identity was revealed. It was sealed by "The Seal of Ninety-five", but Ji Xia Shang was also severely injured by Ao Tian's palm, which damaged several layers of his body, and he was not easy to move. Lone Bamboo Yinlong promised to take care of him until he recovered.

The Lone Bamboo Hidden Dragon has a rough appearance, a resolute personality, and a strong sense of affection. It carries a sack with its usual weapon "Lone Bamboo" inside, and its martial arts are extraordinary.

Originally in Yi Village, he had to leave Yi Village because of a certain matter. Later, Ji Xia Shang was seriously injured to save his life, so he vowed to push the cart for him before he recovered.

Not long ago, Ji Xia Shang finally found a cure to get rid of the old heart disease, but Lone Bamboo Yinlong did not leave, or did not know where to go, so he continued to stay by Ji Xia Shang's side.

The unclothed teacher Yin Guanqi Ji Xia Shang and Lone Bamboo Yinlong are not mediocre, but with the two of them, it is not enough to affect the overall situation, and smiled indifferently: "I don't want to be more bloody, if you all capture your hands, you can avoid death."

"It seems that I want you to invite everyone out!" Ji Xia Shang said in a deep voice, and the battle of the Dao Shore will start a new game....

Chapter [-]: Bloody Battle on the Road

The civil war reignited on the Dengdao shore.

"It seems that I want you to invite everyone out!" Ji Xia Shang said in a deep voice, and the Lone Bamboo Hidden Dragon behind him took out the bamboo sword behind him and confronted Young Master Ziyan.

"Bragging, the sword weeps blood!"

The black-clothed sword snorted coldly, jumped up, and the blood energy of the "Yaksha Sword" surged out.

"Eight Paths of Xianyue!"

The forgotten unicorn. Ji Xia Shang, the wind flips, - awe-inspiring response to the enemy.

Ji Xia Shang and Hei Yi Jian Shao had a close-up attack, Yin Yu Feng rarely saw a black one in a difficult match, so he stood up to help, the "Bi Luo Tian Gong" was divided into two blades, and the hands were crossed and slashed, attacking Ji Xia Shang's waist.

Ji Xia Shang used softness to overcome rigidity, turned the black-clothed sword into a violent blow, swiped the ghost sword, and knocked it back with one palm.


At the moment of contact, Yin Yufeng Shao’s arms suddenly burst into a warm and clear light, and in an instant, a soft light flickered and reflected.

At the same time, Ji Xia Shang's body was stagnant, and his footsteps seemed to be entangled, and he could no longer move forward.

"How could this be?"

Silver Feather Fengshao also sensed it, and his body seemed to be trapped by an invisible lock, and it was even harder to get close to Jixiashang. The strange scene in front of him shocked everyone present.

The four young masters cooperated seamlessly. Seeing that Yinyu Fengshao and Ji Xiashang were imprisoned at the same time, Ziyan Demon Shao made a false move and seized the opportunity to slash Ji Xiashang with a knife!

At the critical moment, the invisible confinement suddenly disappeared, Ji Xiashang avoided it sideways, dangerous and dangerous, a strand of hair was cut off by the magic knife.

However, Ji Xia Shang avoided one sword, but couldn't avoid another sword. The sword in black made a surprise attack, which was the first time for the forgotten unicorn, and a bloodstain was drawn on his right arm.

"Senior Brother!" Seeing Ji Xia Shang's injury, Hit Shao was worried, but was besieged by Yi Yu's life and mercy, and Chi Shan was too busy to take care of himself and couldn't help.


Lone Bamboo Yinlong swung his sword to repel Heiyi, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Young Master Hongliu Xie repelled his opponent, supported Young Master Yinyu Feng, and said worriedly, "Yin Yu, are you okay?"

"What happened just now?" Ziyan Demon Master asked.

Yin Yufeng lightly pressed his chest, and instantly regained his senses: "The jade of light and shadow has a sense!"

"What? The Jade of Light and Shadow will actually be on you!" Ji Xia Shang exclaimed in shock.

Although the light of induction has disappeared, the silver feather is restrained, and the red stream is swung into the battle.

At the same time, the opponents exchanged, and the black-clothed swordsman fought with the Lone Bamboo Yinlong.

The "Yakka Sword" in the hand of the black-clothed swordsman flashed with fierce blood, ignoring the barrier of the air and the wind, and stabbed out instantly.


Lone Bamboo Hidden Dragon's bamboo sword swept across and blocked it, but the strong force of the "Yaksha Sword" also made Lone Bamboo Hidden Dragon's arm numb.

The "Yaksha Sword" in the hand of the black-clothed swordsman was vigorously lifted upwards, and the bamboo sword of Lone Bamboo Yinlong was lifted away, and then the sword edge turned and stabbed towards Lone Bamboo Yinlong's chest.

Lone Bamboo Hidden Dragon's cultivation is slightly stronger and the black-clothed sword is less, but the weapon suffers a disadvantage. The "Yaksha Sword" weighs more than [-] jin, the sword is sharp, and the handle has many spikes, which is full of lethality and suitable for splitting. Slash and other heavy attacks.

The bamboo sword in the hands of Lone Bamboo Yinlong is just a relatively hard spirit bamboo, which is light and fast, suitable for fast attacks, but it cannot beat the domineering "Yaksha Sword".

In addition, the black-clothed swordsman has the protective clothing "Three Silk Clothes", which has both offense and defense, but instead has the advantage.

"Magic Sword, Wind Scar!"

The black-clothed swordsman stood with his sword in hand, and suddenly the air became quiet, eerie and suffocating.

The disappearing breath, the stopped pulsation, is like a still world, only one person stands with a sword.

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