Suddenly the wind picked up, carrying a little dust, and the flying red hair covered the cheeks of the black-clothed swordsman, but he couldn't hide the black-clothed deep eyes.

Lonely Bamboo Hidden Dragon's heart is awe-inspiring, and he secretly destroys Era, waiting intently.

I saw Jian Shao in black instantly split into two, and two identical figures stood side by side, one was cold and mad, the other was calm and happy.

The madman's black clothes took the first shot, and the "Yaksha Sword" carried unparalleled power and slashed straight down. The calm black clothes stood on the spot, just at the moment when the evil mad black clothes and the Lone Bamboo Hidden Dragon Sword came into contact.

The shadow that can't be seen, the wind that can't be guessed, another black-clothed display with astonishing speed, appeared behind Lone Bamboo Yinlong in the blink of an eye, facing Lone Bamboo Yinlong's right arm holding the sword is a sword.

"So fast!"

Lone Bamboo Yinlong was startled, this sword not only interrupted his movement, but also forced him to face the attack of the black-clothed swordsman in front of him.

"Chutian is just a stone's throw away!"

Lone Bamboo Hidden Dragon quickly changed his moves, but facing the strange sword move, he was caught off guard and lost the opportunity, and was pierced by the mad black sword through his left shoulder.

Li Clan's vitality is strong, even if its limbs are cut off, it can use the epoch to regenerate. Such an injury, if it is an ordinary person, would have to lose half of his life, but for Lone Bamboo Yinlong, it is not fatal enough.

"Destruction alone!"

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

The evil madman Heiyi was unexpectedly slapped by Lone Bamboo Yinlong's palm, but the black-clothed swordsman is not a vegetarian. When flying back, he did not forget to twist the hilt of the sword to enlarge the wound on Lone Bamboo Yinlong's body. The sword was drawn, and blood spattered.

And Lone Bamboo Hidden Dragon had no time to take care of the injury, and when he turned around, it was a violent blow, but when he swung his sword and swept over, the other black clothed by his side had already retreated from his attack range.

on the other hand.

"The fire of the coat administration!"

"Yanhuang Qitian Sword Dao is coming!"

After the demon sacrificed the "Demon Sword Art", a pair of Jing Wuhuan's "Xuanji Heart Method", the two went back and forth with swords, collided with brilliant sparks, and refused to give in to each other.

"Jing Wuhuan, you are the lover of the young master of Tianyan Demon City. Wouldn't it be better to capture it now, to avoid unnecessary resistance?" Even though the Demon Empress said so, there was no pause in her hand, and the "Xie Zun Dao" was unpredictable. , The demon light is rustling, Lingling is windy.


"Tao is different and not conspiracy. Today, Jing Wuhuan protects the Dao shore." Jing Wuhuan seems to be gentle and calm, but in fact, his temperament is firm.

In contrast, it is much more miserable if you don't get on the Tao. Under the attack of the unclothed teacher Yin, he vomited blood again and again, and gradually became exhausted!

The unclothed teacher Yin Yizhang will not be able to hit the road, and shake his head slightly: "Actually, I am a gentleman, why do you have to force me to do it!"

"Wum...cough..." Bu Shangdao coughed out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Shi Yin without clothes with an angry face: "You bastard is blacker than anyone else...cough..."

The unclothed teacher Yin said coldly: "Surrender now, you can avoid death, otherwise you will be destroyed on the road!"

"Do your Spring and Autumn Dream, and give this immortal to death! Gan Zhen and Kun Li · Tai Chi has no boundaries!"

"Looking for death, six wrong divisions!"

If you don't use Taoism to envoy Taoism, the unclothed master Yin cold-eyed kills, and the Taoist sect is a pair of exotic thaumaturgy.

At the same time, Shushou Mercifully swung a knife towards Jishao. Seeing that Jixiashang was defeated, Jixiashang repulsed the three young masters.

He let go of his hands and said mercifully and coldly: "You also want to block me!"

"He is my prey, Zihong Qingyu!"

The Ziyan Demon Shao drank angrily, swung his knife to attack, and thousands of demonic fires stirred up.

However, Ji Xia Shang's brows sullenly sullen, one hand lightly presses his waist, his foot lightly taps, and he swirls up in the air, his sleeves are unrestrained.

"One Feather of Repentance, Seven Kills and Extermination!"

"Blue and Yellow Springs!"

Yi Yu gave the order, Yin Yu Feng Shao two archers aimed at Ji Xia Shang at the same time, and the two arrows shot at Ji Xia Shang's vital points at the same time. .

Chapter [-] Bloody Battle of Mingluan

The battle for landing on the road is still in full swing.

The bamboo sword is like a gust of wind, and its divine will is as fast as lightning. It is fighting strength, and it is racing.

Lonely Bamboo Hidden Dragon was so scarred that he was pushed to the limit under the swordsman in black.


With a loud howl, the moment he turned around, Lone Bamboo Yinlong's eyes did not hold people's hearts, only the animal nature was left. The black-clothed swordsman saw a vision, and the ultimate move was in front of him.

Even though the black-clothed swordsman "Magic Sword" started at will, it was still a half-step slow, and all of a sudden there were dangers.

"The demon sword kills the ghosts and gods!"

The Demon Empress was worried about the safety of her beloved son, Xie Yuan urged her urgently, and the sharp blade became more and more ruthless, forcing Jing Wuhuan to be unable to resist for a while.

On the other side, Ji Xia Shang's "The Legend of a Gentleman" got started, and it was dangerous and dangerous to block the next feather. Wounded.

Red Liuxie is rarely seen, and draws the "three two seven" body to support the black clothes, the ghost sword evil blade will meet the bamboo front, and the action is reversed again.

Even though Lone Bamboo Yinlong was brave, he was still invincible.

The black-clothed swordsman looked at the Lonely Bamboo Yinlong who lost his combat power: "This person is weird, take it back and ask him where he came from."

"Yeah!" Shao Hongliu Xie responded lightly, and was about to capture the Lone Bamboo Hidden Dragon when a green-green beast shadow suddenly entered the battle, and the beast's claws shot out fierce energy.

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