When the words fell, Emperor Yuanxie slowly raised the "Myth of Doomsday", and saw the demonic flames surging above the blade, exuding a terrifying high temperature, and the air temperature also increased, and the surrounding demons and demons felt a fatal threat. They all retreated quickly, so as not to be harmed by the pond fish.

"Chuangshen Judgment. First Form. Flame God Judgment!"

Emperor Yuanxie instantly gathered his qi and walked, and the demonic flame above the blade of the "Doomsday Myth" turned into a huge image of the flame god, like the arm of a giant pillar holding up a flaming spear, and issued a judgment to Du He and Ye Hu Chan. hit.

"King Kong Crossing the Great Wheel of Evil!"

The killing intent is clear, the magic flame is surging, Du He and Ye Hu Chan feel the threat of death, and they open the Buddhist magic circle under the giant statue. .

Chapter [-] The plan to forget the fate of the world

The judgment of the flame god is like the power of heaven, judging all living beings.

Crossing the great wheel of evil, the Buddha's light is vast, illuminating the great thousand.


The giant spear fell, the ground cracked and the land collapsed, the Buddha statue exploded, the holy ground shattered, and the demons danced wildly. In the whole sky, there were bursts of ghosts and gods howling, as if the sky was crying, the end was coming, and everyone was shocked. Trembling.

Thousands of miles of dust cover up the sight of Buddha, Demon, Monk~.

After a while, the strong wind stopped, the smoke and dust dissipated, and I was shocked to see how the crossing was. The two monks of Yehu and Chan were in the flames, their breath was dying, and they turned into flying ashes without leaving a word!

On the other hand, Emperor Yuanxie was still calm, not even a single strand of hair was damaged.

With a great effort to defeat the two monks, Emperor Yuanxie's imposing aura swayed, and he turned his arms and raised his sword in one go, neatly beheading the three guardians of the heavenly kings, Ershanduo, Wei Jiangdu, and Fan Qiye, who were one step late.

The eminent monks in the original hometown of Tianfo were killed one after another under the sword of Emperor Yuanxie, and there was no enemy of Yihe!

On the other hand, the battle between Juye Fengque and the Demon King also came to a final juncture. The Fallen Angel continued to ingest the corpses of monks around him, casting numerous bone soldiers, which were continuously flying towards Juye Fengque, forcing Juye Fengque to wield his sword one after another. Resist dodge.

However, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it. Seeing the tragic deaths of Buddhist friends one after another, Juye Fengque was instantly injured by the bone spear thrown by the Fallen Angel.

The master of the Buddhist homeland, Zongyao Xian, fought fiercely with the demon leader who seized the head.

Taking the head of the demon leader, the shape is black and white, cold-blooded and cruel, and he is good at controlling "The Curse of Binding the Head" with the magic sound.

On the other side, Wang Chenyuan was facing Jing Leopard, their figures flashed rapidly, Wang Chenyuan's eyes flickered, and they gradually approached the place where Juye Fengque and Fallen Angel were fighting.

Just when Juye Fengtan and the Fallen God Que were fighting against each other, Wangchenyuan saw that the hometown of Tianfo had gone, and he thought again and again in his heart, knowing that no matter how he kept his true identity, he would only be buried with the Buddhist hometown, and finally made a decision.

At the moment, avoiding Jing Bao'er's halberd with Chi Lei, he slammed the empty door behind Ju Ye Fengtan with a fierce palm.


Ju Ye Fengtan was facing off against the Demon Emperor and the Fallen God Tower.


Ju Ye Fengtan tried his best to stand up, looking at Wang Chenyuan in amazement, with doubts and anger in his eyes.

He didn't understand why Wang Chenyuan would defect.

Looking at Wang Chenyuan's thick eyebrows and big eyes, he doesn't look like someone who is greedy for life and fears death!

Wang Chenyuan performed a Buddha ceremony, and said without changing his face: "I, Buddha, I recite the Bala Sea, the most holy and true world of the underworld, seeking selfishness and seeking the evil world, and wanting to kill monks. , for the great cause of my desire world, please offer your meager strength!"

The peaceful and pleasant tone of voice was extremely ironic in Ju Ye Fengtan's ears.

"You... poof~"

Juye Fengque fought against Fallen God Que, and was caught off guard by Wangchenyuan, his energy penetrated his heart, and his inner breath was confused. At this time, when he heard Wangchenyuan's provocative words, Juye Fengque was furious and rushed to his heart, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood stasis. !

Emperor Yuanxie beheaded several masters of the Buddha Township one after another, stepping on the corpses, standing on the ground with a long knife, looking indifferently at the people in the surrounding Buddha Township, and said indifferently: "Those who surrender are born, and those who do not surrender are transcendent."

The arrogance and domineering in Emperor Yuanxie's voice was undisguised. Hearing it in the ears of the monks, it was like a thunderstorm, which made them involuntarily fear and despair. Explosive general!

"Cough cough..." Ju Ye Fengtan coughed two years old, clutched his injured left shoulder, endured the pain, and said angrily: "Usually this is what I say to others."

"Oh, that's right!" Emperor Yuanxie looked at Juye Fengtan and said coldly, "I hope you will have the opportunity to say this in the future."

Mad, strong Laozi's lines, but still so arrogant, is it tolerable or unbearable!

Is it easy to be bullied when the Buddha?!

"Humph! Evil demons and evildoers, committing crimes in my Buddhist homeland are unforgivable!"

In the stern shout, Ju Ye Fengtan's heart was full of anger, he suppressed the injury, and forcibly destroyed the Buddha's essence. With a little foot, his body shot out, and the whole person drew out the afterimage of the Buddha's flame, and appeared in the Yuanxie Emperor in the blink of an eye. before.

"Beacon fire instant kill!"

The Buddhist soldiers in Juye Fengtan's hands made a whistling sound of "chirp", the Buddha flames burst above the edge, and the blazing temperature burned a fire path, and the terrifying pressure swept the audience instantly!

The scarlet blade is pressing towards the throat of Yuan Xiehuang!

At this moment, the expressions of the monks and monks in the Buddhist villages, who were originally despairing, were lifted up.

"sucker Punch!"

Seeing that his throat was about to be slit by the blade, Emperor Yuanxie was indifferent, and his expression didn't even change at all.

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The blade's edge was blocked by Yuanxie Huang's body shield, Yuanxie Huang Wei Ran didn't move, and Ju Ye Fengtan only felt that the blade's blade seemed to be cut into an indestructible diamond.

It seems like a thin layer of air hood, but Ju Ye Fengtan's all-out efforts are in vain, and the force of the shock makes Ju Ye Fengtan's tiger mouth crack, dripping with blood, and it is almost impossible to hold the hilt of the knife.

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