
Cold sweat fell madly from his forehead, Ju Ye Fengtan stood on the spot like a puppet, and his body trembled slightly uncontrollably: "How can such a powerful defensive air cover be possible!!!"

At this moment, Ju Ye Fengtan felt aggrieved and wanted to die!

The conscience of heaven and earth, with all his strength, he couldn't even break through the opponent's body shield, and he didn't even set off a wave!

This is so completely unscientific! !


Emperor Yuanxie smiled lightly, and with a single blow from the "Myth of Doomsday" in his hand, he blocked the "End of Suffering" in Ju Ye Fengtan's hand, and lifted his foot and put it on Ju Ye Fengtan's abdomen: "With your strength, you can also Can you be the judge of the Buddha Township?"

With a "bang", Ju Ye Fengque was kicked flying on the spot, smashed heavily on the ground, rolled around ten times in a row, and crashed into the direction of the Fallen Angel.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him.

The Demon Emperor Fallen God Que seized the opportunity, with a majestic palm piercing through the body of the Juye Fengchuan, with supernatural powers shattering it, pulling out the Buddha bones of the Juye Fengchuan, helping to become a fierce soldier.

Wang Chenyuan was also very shocked. Seeing Emperor Yuanxie looking at him, he suddenly became agitated and hurriedly bowed to Emperor Yuanxie.

"People of the Desire Realm."

Emperor Yuanxie looked at Wang Chenyuan, he was not unfamiliar with the world of desire, and it was a cult organization, but Emperor Yuanxie Zhanshi had no plans to target the world of desire.

Although the enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend, but the time has a common goal.

Dealing with the three religions is not a one-time event, the strength of the Desire Realm is not bad, but it has a certain use value.

Emperor Yuanxie waved at Wang Chenyuan, and said coldly, "Go back!"

"Thank you for being merciful to the evil emperor, and the world of desires must remember this." Wang Chenyuan heard the words, as if receiving a pardon, he quickly stepped aside.

Now that Heavenly Buddha's hometown is in trouble, it is beneficial and harmless to the world of desires.

Maybe we can take this opportunity to speed up the destruction of the seal of the Xingyun River and rescue the Demon Buddha Bo Xun!

Chapter [-]: Prison Emperor Xuanhuang

Tianfo's hometown.

The corpses are piled up into mountains, the blood flows into rivers, the once pure land is now devastated, the solemn Buddha statues are broken countless times, and there are scenes of demon roars and demons dancing wildly everywhere!

The number of people in Foxiang was not dominant. As the high-end combat power fell one after another under the sword of the Emperor Yuanxie, the battle situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.

The innate masters of Buddha Township were quickly beheaded by Emperor Yuanxie. For Emperor Yuanxie, the innate masters were only as simple as chopping melons and vegetables. Only the super-innate masters were worthy of his three points of seriousness. The two super-innate Buddhas, Ksitigarbha King, are still trapped in the Great Desolation.

The demon has gained power and is unforgiving, wielding slaughter knives and claws unscrupulously, killing intent is clear, and the demonic atmosphere is surging!

There are only a hundred monks left in the original hometown of Tianfo, and everyone is injured, and their eyes are full of despair and will to die!

At this point in the battle, they had no hope of victory, and even keeping the whole corpse became an extravagant hope. Looking at the large group of monsters and demon soldiers with their teeth and claws in front of "[-]", the only thing they could do was to do their best. Pull as many demons as possible to be buried with you.

After half a column of incense, the people of Buddha Township were annihilated.

Those dead monks, demon clan, and demon soldiers were all converted into exchange points by Yuan Xie Huang.

Seeing that the bodies of the dead were turned into light spots and absorbed by the Yuanxie Emperor, although the allied army of demons was amazed, they did not say much.

The Demon Emperor's Fallen Angel's attitude towards the Yuanxie Emperor also changed a bit.

As the emperor of the demon clan, the Fallen Gods Tower itself is a proud generation. Originally, for this demonic alliance to attack the Buddhist township, the Fallen Gods Tower was based on the face of the demon emperor Zhixin, plus the emptiness inside the Buddhist township and the Buddhist township. He only agreed to send troops to help after the seal had the former Lord of the Black Prison.

Regarding the Yuanxie Emperor, although the Fallen Angels had heard about it before, they didn't pay much attention to it, but after this battle, the Fallen Angels realized that his previous concept was terribly wrong!

He has played against Ju Ye Feng Que, and he knows his strength very well. Although Ju Ye Feng Que is generally weaker than him, it is not easy for him to win Ju Ye Feng Que.

Ju Ye Fengtan just attacked with all his strength. If it was against himself, even if he could take it, he would inevitably end up with a lose-lose end.

However, such a powerful attack did not cause any damage to Emperor Yuanxie.

In this world where the weak eat the strong and the strong are respected, maintaining a arrogant attitude in the face of people who are stronger than you is either stupid or impatient!

The Fallen Angels were naturally not stupid, nor did they live enough. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, the Fallen Angels gradually became more respectful towards Yuan Xiehuang, at least on the surface.

Emperor Yuanxie didn't care so much about this. After transforming and absorbing all the dead people, demons, and demons around him, he ordered people to clean the battlefield and collect Buddhist weapons and magic weapons.

Although these weapons are not considered to be peerless weapons, they can only increase the power of the "Scar of the Sky", but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and it is not a good habit to waste it.

After these days, Lin Feng's three bodies, the deity, the "sacred soul", and the "demon soul" each practiced exercises. At the level of Rank [-], his physical body is comparable to a top-level magic weapon. It cannot be said that the golden body is indestructible, and all methods cannot be invaded. However, in the Thunder World, apart from the ancient gods in the six-day world, there are very few people who can threaten him.

It didn't take much effort to destroy the Yuanxie Emperor of the Buddha Township.

There are a lot of benefits, nothing else, just exchange points, you can exchange for not heaven and earth treasures from the system, and compete for your own heritage.

Killing [-] enemies and self-destructing [-], the allied demons and beasts have the advantage, and the loss is still close to three layers, but compared to the destruction of the original hometown of Tianfo, this loss is still acceptable.

The next thing, Emperor Yuanxie didn't ask any more questions, and let the demon clan and the people of the world of desire act independently.

The Fallen God Que was half happy and half worried, happy that the Buddha Township was annihilated, and the demon clan took revenge and raised their eyebrows.

The worry is that the Yuanxie Emperor will command the demons, and the demons will inevitably become vassals in the future!

Although he was worried about gains and losses in his heart, Fallen Angel Que did not forget his original purpose, and began to use the secret method of the demon clan to search for the location of the Xuanhuang Emperor.

The Emperor Yutian was originally the Lord of the Black Prison, a strong man supported by the Fallen God Tower and the first generation of Guihuang, with soft wrists, able to bend and stretch.

A long time ago, Emperor Prison Heaven and the Lord of the Unbeginning Dark Realm, at the end of the world, participated in the battle of the six demons and the troll gods, and they both lost.

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