"Yin-Yang Road" is a weapon of the end of the world. The shape is similar to a scorpion-shaped two-fork. The whole exudes a bright red death atmosphere. The double-edged blades are extremely sharp. There are many scarlet pendants hanging from the handle. Skill-based, with the user's supreme demon energy, it can penetrate any hard armor.

"Overturn Xuanhuang!"

The demon soldier is in hand, the imposing aura of the end of the world is like a rainbow, and the edge is straight to the Xuanhuang.

The Fallen Angel Que handed back the "Three Ways of Suffering", the symbol of the power of the Black Prison, to the Emperor Xuan of Heaven.

"Three Ways of Suffering" is shaped like a trident, and its overall color is extremely bright and golden. The edge of the blade has a silver moon-like cold light, exuding a strong evil spirit. In battle, help the holder to save the day.

"Bury [-] people in Xuanling!"

In the face of the enemy of life and death, Emperor Yutian Xuanhuang also tried his best to destroy the demon essence and deliver a powerful blow.

"God Punishment!"

The Fallen Angels supported the Emperor Tianxuan, and at the same time used demon power to attack the end of the world.


The end of the world and the Fallen God Que, the Emperor Yutian, collided once again.

Just like a nuclear bomb exploded between the three demons, the sand and rocks flew away in an instant, the air waves were layered, the rocks flew, and the unparalleled demon power overwhelmed the sky. Like a basin!

I saw a bottomless crack that was more than ten meters wide and more than ten miles long in the huge deep pit, dividing the deep pit into two!

At the end of the world, Emperor Xuanhuang and Fallen God Que stood facing each other at the two ends of the fault.

"Emperor Xuan is just like that, don't you even have the courage to face Ben Kui alone now?"

At the end of the world, he has not regained his strength, so he has no problem with single-handedly fighting the Emperor of Heaven, but adding a Fallen Angel is too much to bear, so he made provocative words, hoping to provoke the Emperor of Heaven. Take the opportunity to kill him and absorb all his demon power, then it will be much easier to deal with the Fallen Angel!

It's a pity that although Emperor Yu Tianxuan hated the end of the world, he didn't get carried away by the hatred, and said coldly: "Stimulating the law is useless to this emperor, and today is your day of death."

"Hmph, the outcome is still undecided, the sky bans martial arts, chaos has no beginning!"

At the end of the world, he turned the demon power, and then demonstrated the world-shattering exercises. The whole body was filled with demonic energy, just like the substance. The terrifying momentum made the air solidify, and the green demon energy was on the top of the "Yin-Yang Road" at the end of the world. Rotating, these demon qi carry devastating power, as long as ordinary innate masters are hit, they will be directly strangled!

The thin and dead camel was bigger than a horse. Even if he did not recover his skills at the end of the world, his strength could still be ranked among the top innate talents.

Feng Shi Mo jumped suddenly, leaping across the canyon like a demon dragon that would bring disaster to the world, and swooping towards the Fallen God Tower and the Emperor Xuan Huang with the momentum of Mount Tai pressing down on the top, as if to force the two emperors.

Not to be outdone, the Fallen Angels Tower and the Emperor Yu Tianxuan made their own unique moves.

At this time, Emperor Yuan Xie, who had been watching the play, finally made his move!

"Creation of the gods. The first style. Return to the market!"

Emperor Yuanxie rushed into the center of the battle between the three demons at an unparalleled speed. He saw a black circular sphere expanding rapidly, and the three demons' devastating attacks hit it, but they entered the sea, no waves, and nothingness. .

Returning to the Ruins is an application of space ability in Chuangshenjue. It is a means of both offense and defense. It can be used for defense, direct attack, or reflected attack. .

Chapter [-] The Fist of Truth

"Chuangshen Jue" is a powerful exercise created by Lin Feng based on what he has learned in his life and combining the martial arts magical powers of many worlds.

It is extremely inclusive and is mainly divided into nine attributes: wind, fire, water, thunder, light, darkness, thunder, extinction, time, and space.

Each type is divided into three types: Beginning, Upper and Final.

The first form belongs to the martial arts of the near god level, the upper one is the martial arts of the god level, and the final one is the martial arts of the slaying god level.

With the current ability of Emperor Yuanxie, if he did his best, even the initial form of "Return to the Ruins" would be able to involve the entire hometown of Heavenly Buddha into the turbulent flow of space and turn it into nothingness.

But there is no need for this at present, one is to hide strength.

The reason why the hole card is called the hole card is because others can't figure it out.

There are all kinds of laws in the world, there are some things that can be broken, and there is no invincible martial arts. Once exposed too much, someone will always find a way to restrain them.

The second is to get more exchange points. If you use a devastating attack, it will be completely thankless.

Thirdly, the strength of Black Prison and Beginningless Dark World is not bad, and they are the targets of Emperor Yuanxie, otherwise Emperor Yuanxie wouldn't wait until the end of the world and Emperor Xuanxuan to break the seal.

"Well, master!"

When Feng Shi Mo saw that Emperor Yuan Xie easily blocked the attacks from both sides, Xie Li's eyes suddenly showed a dignified color.

Although his current strength has been greatly reduced, in order to deal with the Profound Emperor of Heaven and the Fallen God Tower just now, he had put all his strength into it, and it was impossible for them to leave the Fallen God Tower, but the person in front of him lightly dispelled the three The demon's attack can achieve such a level, even in his heyday, it is impossible!

"Is it enough?" Emperor Yuanxie wandered through the void, staring coldly at Emperor Xuanzang, the end of the world, the three demons of the Fallen God Que.

The power of the demon clan is also considerable, but there are also many flaws.

Yu Tianxuan Huang's methods are more tender, and his position is not firm. In the original plot, Su Huan really incarnates Sanyu Wumengsheng and flickers around, and the good monsters actually go to be the pillars of the righteous path, but they all become cannon fodder and die. clean.

On the other hand, Feng Shi Mo is ambitious, vicious, selfish, and belongs to the other extreme. To be honest, they are not qualified leaders.

In contrast, Emperor Yuanxie was more like the Demon Emperor. Fallen God Tower.

As for the Lord of the Holy Infant, Yan Wushang, he is completely a bear child. It's okay to be a thug, and let him lead the demon clan. It is very likely that he will be fooled and lead the demon clan into the ditch.

Although it is not impossible without the demon clan, no one under his command will think too much, and the demon clan will be subdued, and the three religions will be confronted in the future, so as to avoid the fact that it is not true.

As for the direct grievances between Emperor Yutianxuan and Feng Shimo, Emperor Yuanxie had no plans to settle things with the old man.

The art of the emperor is about balance. The two demons, one soft and one rigid, are hostile to each other, and they just check and balance each other.

"Who are you 々"?" Feng Shi Mo was rebellious and would not bow his head easily. Although he was afraid of Emperor Yuan Xie, he did not give in.

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