Prison Emperor Xuan looked at Emperor Yuanxie, while Fallen God Que told Emperor Xuanzang of Prison Emperor Yuanxie's deeds.

Emperor Yuanxie said indifferently: "This Emperor Yuanxie, if today the hometown of Buddha has been destroyed, but the depths of the hometown of Buddha are still there, instead of killing each other here, it is better to think about how to restore strength earlier!"

Emperor Yu Tianxuan felt that what Emperor Yuanxie said was reasonable. His grievances with Feng Shi Mo couldn't be put aside for the time being. After all, compared to Feng Shi Mo, the original hometown of Tianfo was the real enemy.

However, compared to the reasonable Emperor Xuanhuang, Feng Shimo is not so easy to talk about. When Yuanxie Huang heard his words, his taste changed, as if he was mocking him. Feng Shimo immediately said angrily: "Ben Kui does things. , it's not your turn to point fingers."

With this outburst of temper, it is a miracle that whoever is caught and who is still alive is alive to this day!

"Qongkui, you won't be trained by the demon pool to lose your IQ! Do you want to humiliate yourself just by relying on your incomplete body?"

Yuan Xiehuang is not a good-tempered person. He always has a radish and a stick in his hand. Since he doesn't want to eat the radish, he is ready to welcome the stick.

There are madmen every year, but this year is particularly large. I don’t know if it is a special relationship in the world of Thunderbolt. There are many madmen in this world, and they all have the confidence of being fascinated!

Just like the end of the world, a half-ruined demon clan, who doesn't know how to be a demon with its tail tucked, instead looks like the boss of the sky, the arrogance of my second child.

This is a disease that needs to be cured!

Emperor Yuanxie held the fist that contained the truth, and was ready to treat this severely ill patient.

"Crackling...bang bang... ah... Ben Kui fought with you... bang bang... ah... help, kill the demon!"

Emperor Yuanxie's body moved in an instant, and he was punching and kicking at the end of the world. There was no mysterious power, and he didn't use supernatural powers. It was just pure strength. At first, he was tough and fought back, but after being beaten [-] times, he finally succumbed to the fist of truth from Emperor Yuanxie.

A good demon does not suffer from immediate losses, you wait for Ben Kui, and I will definitely take revenge!

Feng Shi Mo had a bruised nose and a swollen face. His originally handsome face was swollen like a pig's head. He turned into a circle in his heart and cursed Yuan Xie Huang to die, but he didn't dare to show it.

Emperor Yuanxie seemed to have seen through Feng Shimo's heart, smiled, and squeezed his fists "kindly" and said: "Why, it seems that you are still very unconvinced!"

".~ Mo You, Mo You, Xiao Kui will be the leader of the Evil Royal Horse in the future!" Feng Shi Mo saw his hair stand up and confessed in a second.

The brutal and brutal beating just now caused a great shadow on his heart.

"Well, today is just a lesson for you. If you want to take revenge on the emperor, you can, but remember, there is only one chance!" Emperor Yuanxie naturally knew that the end of the world was not the same. Hesitantly, he shot at himself.

However, Emperor Yuanxie didn't care, because he would not give Feng Shimo such an opportunity, nor did he think Feng Shimo would have such an opportunity.

And Emperor Yu Tianxuan saw that Feng Shimo was beaten by Emperor Yuanxie, even if he was a mortal enemy, he couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for him.

At the same time, I have a clearer understanding of the strength of Emperor Yuanxie. From the Fallen God Que, we know that Emperor Yuanxie is the highest leader of the demon clan today, and Emperor Xuanxuan's attitude towards him has also changed a lot.

The Demon Race, the Demon Race, and the Li Race are of different origins. According to the ancient contract, the Demon Race is superior to the Demon Race, and it is not unacceptable that they are inferior to the Evil Emperor!

Um! (Wang's) This emperor respects the ancestral system, not because of fear of being beaten!

Emperor Yu Tianxuan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and stood respectfully beside Emperor Yuanxie.

And on the other side.

Wang Chenyuan came to the symbiosis pool and took out the "Black and White Double Jade Buddha" in the pool.

The reason why Feng Shi Mo and Yu Tian Xuan Huang were never refined was not because the Buddha was kind-hearted, or the two demons were too powerful, but because people from the Desire Realm deliberately used it to cover up the truth that Shen Que was sealed.

After the battle of Chutianbi, the vitality of the Desire Realm was severely damaged, and the three sinners were unable to destroy Shenque, so they could only use the "Jade Sea Nine Roulette" to seal Shenque and the Desire Realm.

And the "Black and White Double Jade Buddha" is the key to unlock the seal of the Great Array.

As Wang Chenyuan took down the "Black and White Double Jade Buddha", the Buddha Township became unbalanced and began to vibrate violently.

Forgetting the predestined relationship to seize the opportunity, using the Buddha's forged method, the Buddhist village began to split inside and outside, just like the end of the world!

The dusty Buddhist township Shenque has opened again....

Chapter 3 The Evil Phase of Hades [3/[-]]

Black Sea Prison.

When the "Demon Soul" Yuanxie Emperor destroyed the Buddha Township, Lin Feng was not idle, and now he is actively paving the way for killing his husband and proving the way after he turned black.

The King of Hell is a ruthless man who will do anything for his own ambitions!

Since the break of the three suns in the same sky, the King of Hell cannot escape the erosion of time. Although the Thunder World is a high martial world, it is limited by the laws laid down by the God of Creation. Humans, demons, or aliens have a limited lifespan.

With the physical body getting old, in order to survive, the king of hell used the method of seizing the body, occupying the body of the heirs, and seizing the body from generation to generation to regain the throne of the king of hell.

There are many scum fathers in the world of Pili, but like the King of Hell, the best scum fathers who have smashed [-] generations in one ditch are definitely the best among dungeon professionals.

Originally, after hundreds of years of planning, although there have been many setbacks and many accidents, in general, Yama's plan is gradually moving closer to the expected direction.

However, the arrival of Lin Feng completely broke the wishful thinking of the King of Hell.

Lin Feng has a very good understanding of what the King of Hell has done, as well as the overall plan and the site. It is known that he knows himself and knows the enemy and is victorious in a hundred battles. In addition, Lin Feng's own strength is superior, and he kills King 097 under the circumstances of mental calculation and unintentional calculation.

And after they turned black, they didn't have much affection for the plastic couple with King Yama, otherwise they wouldn't be so troubled!

So I decided to go further and further on the road of killing my husband and proving the Way...

In order to consolidate power, after turning black, he cooperated with Lin Feng inside and outside, and soon divided the prince of the prison.

The current situation in Sen Prison is as complicated and nonsense as a court ethics drama. In order to compete for the throne of Hades, there are only thirteen princes left divided into several camps, each controlling part of the forces in Sen Prison, fighting openly and secretly.

Among them, Prince Xuanmie and Prince Xuanxiao fought the most fiercely, while Prince Xuanpin and Prince Xuantong were relatively low-key.

Many dynasties set up princes to stand on the ground, but the Black Sea Prison is different. The prophecy monument is used to reveal the next successor. However, in this generation, the King of Yama, for his own ambition, established four princes at the same time to compete for the throne.


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