Xuanbin, as the eldest prince of the Black Sea Prison, walks with a slight limp and holds a gentleman's cane.

He usually ignores the battle for the throne of the Black Sea Prison, and seldom interacts with other princes, so he is regarded as weak and fearful by other princes. Even the wise and resourceful state minister Qian Yuxian once said that his style of behavior and personal charm are all the same. Not as good as other princes.

At the starting point, Xuanpin can be said to have all the disadvantages in one.

An "accident" many years ago made Xuanpin seriously ill and disabled, making it difficult for him to be like Xuan.

Less contact with brothers, not the attention of the King of Hell, it is difficult to win over talents publicly like Xuan Xiao, but all this does not mean that he cannot, his forbearance is only because the time has not come.

Xuanpin's tolerance and scheming can be said to be a movie emperor created by the environment, a deformed family, and a struggling emperor's family. He inherited the deepness of the king of hell, knowing that he showed his edge prematurely, but he only made himself the target of public criticism.


Xuantong is the fourth son of the Hell King of the Black Sea Prison, and one of the four who was established as the crown prince. He is indifferent to the power struggle between the princes of the Prison, but in fact, he values ​​love and justice, and is one of the three peerless swordsmen in the Prison of the Black Sea.

In a ruthless and ruthless environment, Xuantong's pure swordsmanship and swordsmanship are the objects of his complete trust.

Because of the relationship between "Mo Luo Tianzhang", Xuantong was suspected by the King of Yan, and even the King of Yan once took action to kill Xuantong, which also caused Xuantong's personality to be very affectionate and timid, and could only disguise himself with indifference.


 Xuan Mie is the ninth son of the Hell King of the Black Sea Prison. He holds a crystal ball and ranks among the four princes of the Black Sea Prison.


Xuan Xiao is the eighteenth son of the Hell King of the Black Sea Prison, a handsome young man with beeg talent. He has the calm and domineering arrogance of a king. He will come up with incredible solutions, his behavior is unexpected, and his personality is decisive and daring, so he will be established as the crown prince with the status of the eighteenth son, and one of the four candidates for the establishment of the emperor.

However, the overlord-like character of Chu not only shaped his unique personality charm, but also made him many enemies because of his sharp-edgedness.

Although Hades set up four princes with ill intentions, but as a stepmother, after she turned black, she gave full play to the dark side of her stepmother, and she was happy to see it.

After turning black, he was originally the leader of the Tianqiang people, "Fan Xue.

In the past, the Dao-Qiang War was defeated and destroyed. Yi Dongqing had nowhere to go.

Unexpectedly, he was rescued by King Yama of the Forest Prison, became the queen of the Black Sea Prison, and gave birth to the [-]th prince, Tian Luozi, but because Tian Luozi had the fate of warding off dead siblings, he was convicted by the King of Hell and was sentenced to death. Imprisoned in the Eternal Cold Tree for life.

It was not until Prince Xuanpin "accidentally" contracted a serious illness, that Yi Dongqing rescued Xuanpin by means of a different technique from the Tianqiang tribe, and was able to regain his freedom.

But a lot of injustices, as well as the child-protecting nature, made Yi Dongqing's character turn to extremes, becoming evil and cold and cruel.

It's all because of fate, the annihilation of the Tianqiang tribe, the ruthlessness of the King of Hell, and the discrimination in the prison, all of which have hit Yi Dongqing, and his son is regarded as a disaster star, so blackening is reasonable.

Later, the blackened Yi Dongqing became black and conspired with a thousand jade chips to imprison the King of Hell.

However, after Hades was imprisoned and turned black, although he was in charge of the prison in name, most of the people did not listen to the propaganda, and there were not many forces that really belonged to her.

But now it's different!

Now that her family is coming, she will naturally support her to the end. With her elder brother Baili set, her younger sister is as strong as frost, and her prospective younger brother-in-law Lin Feng, she has hope that she will truly stand at the pinnacle of prison power.

After some open and secret battles, after turning black, he took control of the prison with the help of Lin Feng.

All the bear children of the King of Hell were suppressed by Lin Feng.

As for Hades, he was trapped in the "Eight Mirrors Formation" in the Jialuo Temple. Although he learned part of his appearance through a secret method, it was very difficult to escape.

At the beginning, King Yama was deliberately imprisoned by Qian Yuxian, the minister of state, after turning black, so as to secretly plan, but after turning black and Qian Yuxian, they did not dare to take it lightly, so it was almost impossible to break the formation from the inside.

However, the three caves of the cunning rabbit, the king of hell is scheming, of course, it is impossible to press all the treasures in one place.

In addition to the ticket bird boy, Yan Wang has already separated the evil phase of Yan Wang from the body just in case, in order to deal with unpredictable variables in case of emergencies.

Now is the time to come in handy.


With a roar like a beast, the evil phase of the King of Hell was inspired by the King of Hell and rode three cloud floods straight to the sky above the black moon...

Chapter 1 Father and Son Kill Each Other [3/[-]]

"There is no need for seven captures to convince one's heart, and three arrows to defend against insults;

There is nothing wrong with the high pillow and the quiet window, and Westerners dare not shepherd the river. "

Suspended faintly, vaguely ignorant, in a vast darkness, there is a place where the prison is the most inaccessible, and the people who are the most inaccessible in this prison are imprisoned.

Mori Prison Hades wears a special style mask, showing a mysterious-ancient civilization style.

Due to being imprisoned in the Jialuo Palace for a long time, Hades showed a sense of old age and decline, his black cheeks were dull, and his dark royal robes also became damaged in the endless years, giving people a feeling of thick and abject _!


In the "Eight-faced Realm Array", I can only hear the murmur of the King of Hell, the giant mirrors are circulating, and different mirror images reflect familiar but unfamiliar faces.

Magical in the mirror, crazy outside the mirror, the sharp eyes vaguely revealed, as if hiding a powerful past.

"Lin Feng, where exactly are you holy, to break my situation, can you bear the wrath of the King of Hell?"

Whispering in a low voice, like anger, like self-talk, and like contemplation.

Although he was trapped in the Jialuo Hall, the invisible hand of Hades enveloped the entire prison and even the misery.

But the current situation has far exceeded the expectations of the King of Hell!

And when Yan Wang was thinking about how to fight back after he was about to get out of trouble, a layout against Yan Wang had already begun.


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