The frivolous action caused the blue veins on Yan Wang's forehead to jump violently, and his fist clenched with a "click".

Hades is very ambitious, but his mind is very small. He hates Lin Feng who sabotaged his overall plan. The cold killing intent radiating from his body made the entire Jialuo Temple covered with frost.

"No matter what your plan is, if you are my enemy, there is only one dead end." The King of Hell stared at Lin Feng coldly, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but he didn't launch the attack immediately, as if he was waiting for the best opportunity.

"Really? But why do I feel that you are a little nervous?" Lin Feng said with a half-smile.

Yan Wang looked gloomy, suppressed his anger, and asked: "You are not a prisoner, why are you fighting against me everywhere? Do I have a grudge with you?"

The many actions that Lin Feng made when he came to the prison were watched by the King of Hell, which was obviously aimed at him, but the King of Hell did not know Lin Feng.

Moreover, the aura on Lin Feng's body was very strong and unfamiliar, which made the King of Hell fearful and puzzled.

Did he kill the other's family, or friends or something?

As a hegemon, countless people died at the hands of the King of Hell.

Since ancient times, a general’s success has been exhausted. In order to achieve hegemony, the King of Hell has sacrificed many people. If Lin Feng is the descendant of these victims, the King of Hell will recognize it!

But this is obviously because the King of Hell thinks too much!

Lin Feng is not a person from this world at all, and naturally has nothing to do with the King of Hell. He is targeting the King of Hell simply because he does not like the King of Hell.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly, threw away the unfinished melon seeds at any time, and clapped his hands: "There is no enmity between you and me, just like the innocent people you killed, do you have any enmity with them?"

"Humph! How can this king be compared to those incompetents." Hades snorted coldly, looking extremely egoistic.

 As the Lord of the Prison, King Hades is accustomed to holding power in his hand and is above all living beings, as can be seen from King Hades calling himself the "God of Destiny".

The villain died talking too much. Lin Feng had little interest in chatting with King Yama, his sloppy eyes gradually subsided, and he said lightly: "Okay! Let's stop the boring topic here! It seems that you are almost recovered. Talk with your strength!"

It's not that the King of Hell is looking for something to talk about, the conversation is just to buy time to restore the body!

The long-term imprisonment has caused a lot of wear and tear to the strength of the King of Hell. Although the return of the three-headed Yunjiao has further improved the strength of the King of Hell, the aging body is difficult to adapt for a while, and it takes a period of time to buffer.

In this regard, Lin Feng can naturally see it, but he did not attack the first time. It is not Lin Feng's general demeanor, but his confidence in his own strength.

Not to mention the half-crippled King of Hell, even in his peak state, the King of Hell holding the "Magic Luo Tianzhang" is not his opponent.

Lin Feng said that such a king of hell, he can beat ten!

Seeing through Lin Feng's thoughts, King Yan's expression changed slightly, but he quickly hid it again, his face was calm, and the moment he met his eyes, there was a flash of murderous intent: "As you wish, the extremely evil Emperor Waterfall!"

The sound of killing began, the flames of war raged, and the King of Hell angered and destroyed the Demon Yuan. With one step, the hard-as-iron floor of the Jialuo Temple shattered into countless cracks. The entire Kaluo Temple was lit up.

"Not bad, Tianshuangquan!"

Lin Feng clenched his right fist, the temperature of the air dropped rapidly, and the icy cold air kept emerging from his fist. Although "Tian Frost Fist" is a martial art in the world of wind and clouds, it is very different from the martial art in the world of thunder, but Lin Feng's foundation is unparalleled in the world. Even ordinary moves can exert great power in his hands.


The ice and fire collided, and an earth-shattering explosion broke out in the Jialuo Palace. The entire Jialuo Palace was instantly turned into ruins. Even Heiyue Atian was affected and began to vibrate violently.

"Bang ~ slap slap..."

In the smoke and dust, Yama's body flew out, hitting the obstacles continuously, and finally fell from the black moon.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Lin Feng chasing out, a high-pressure leg in the air, and his heel kicked Wang Yan 563's abdomen fiercely.


Affected by the strong impact, the speed of the King of Hell's fall suddenly doubled. With a "bang", he smashed the cliff and traversed the blood waterfall. Before the person fell to the ground, Lin Feng's figure flashed, and he appeared under the King of Hell in an instant, and his left knee collided. Back to the King of Hell.


The sound of bone cracks came from within the King of Hell, the King of Hell fell to a halt and reflected in the air, and then Lin Feng appeared above the King of Hell again, punching the King of Hell's cheek, and several bloody teeth flew out of the King of Hell's mouth. The whole person also flew out, but Lin Feng did not stop there, his figure flashed quickly, and his fist hit the King of Hell like a storm.


In mid-air, Lin Feng's power was controlled within a certain range, and he hit Yan Wang with a [-]-stroke combo. When Yan Wang was sent flying by Lin Feng's dragon, his whole body was swollen, especially his face. , is simply beyond recognition, horrific.


Hades crashed into a piece of wasteland on the bank of people's heads like a cannonball, smashing the ground into a deep pit.


The King of Hell fell into seven meat and eight elements, and his head was dizzy. He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of old blood, and lay desolately in the dust.

"Destruction of the Six Paths: The King of Hell commands orders!"

At this time, the evil phase of the King of Hell sensed the crisis of the King of Hell, and he was extremely angry! Extremely angry! He didn't want to entangle with the people who had turned black and others.

Chapter [-]: The Tiger Returns to the Mountain

In the battle of the blood waterfall, the evil phase of Yama, who was besieged and besieged by the betrayal and relatives, was furious, and he knew that only a desperate fight could have a chance for life.

"Destruction of the Six Paths: The King of Hell commands orders!"

At the juncture of life and death, the evil appearance of the King of Hell is unreserved, and all potentials are stimulated. In an instant, the demonic energy surges, and thousands of ghosts howl, and the radius of a hundred miles is like a ghost realm.

"Seven Absolute Palms of Yuan Spider!"

"Dragon Martial Strikes Thunder!"

"The Shadow Strikes the Dragon and nods!"


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