They are not a family, do not enter a family, and after they turned black, Xuanpin, Xuanxiao and others began to work hard when they saw the evil appearance, and they each made a great move, and their moves were all ruthless and ruthless.


The extreme moves are opposite, the thunder light is dazzling, the dragon shadow is hovering, the demonic energy is violent, the thunder and fire are burning for a hundred miles, the sand is flying, the ground is splitting thousands of feet, and the two sides are wounded and vomited blood and fly back.

The evil character of the King of Hell is single and weak, and lost to the others after he turned black. His injuries were even more serious. Fly to the main body of Hades hundreds of miles away.


Knowing that releasing the tiger back to the mountain will cause endless troubles, Xuan Xiao wants to lead the crowd to hunt him down.

After turning black, his eyes flickered, and he said coldly, "No need to chase, leave it to Lin Feng!"


Xuanpin pondered and remained silent, but in his heart he pondered the deep meaning of this move after turning black.

Could it be that the queen doesn't trust Lin Feng completely?


the other side.

At this moment, King Hades had a blue nose and a swollen face, lying in a wrecked body among the ruins, his eyes staring blankly at the sky, his eyes showing doubts.

who am I?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

Yan Wang was beaten by Lin Feng, and now he began to doubt his life. His mind was briefly fragmented and blank.

Lin Feng stood on the edge of the giant pit, the wind whistled, his black hair fluttered in the wind, slightly tilted his head, and looked at the evil appearance of the King of Hell, who was galloping.

The villain looked vigilantly at Lin Feng with all his attention, but Lin Feng spread his hands, expressing your casual look.

The King of Hell didn't stop him from meeting Lin Feng. Although he was puzzled, he did not give up this great opportunity and instantly merged into the King of Hell's body.

"Lin Feng, I'm going to kill you ¨"~"

With a loud shout, the King of Hell, who was lying in the ruins, opened his eyes, and his aura suddenly climbed to a new height, breaking through the bottleneck of the top innate and entering the ranks of the super innate.

The whole person burst into the air, suspended in the void, bloodshot eyes stared at Lin Feng fiercely, the demon energy on his body quickly gathered in his palm, evoking the dark energy of the prison!

"The Six Paths of Demon Destruction, Uninterrupted Destruction!"

The demonic atmosphere is heavy, oppressing the world, and countless evil green energy quickly gathers in the palms of the King of Hell, synthesizing a majestic force of destruction!

"Yutian Five Forms, Five Dragons Shake!"

Lin Feng's face was calm, his robe was fluttering, and he started to reproduce the imperial style. He saw the sacred air of the sky and the sky, and the five dragons appeared at once, twisting and winding, directly facing the fierce killing style of the King of Hell.


Two earth-shattering forces collided in mid-air, and the energy that destroyed the sky and the earth erupted. The huge shock wave spread and swept everything, the earth trembled and shattered, the blood river rioted against the sky, the gust of wind was everywhere, destroying the dead and the ground, and the ground was constantly bursting and destroying. The human head embankment that stretched for hundreds of miles was erased from the prison map in an instant.

The entire Black Sea Prison felt a violent vibration at this moment.

After the blood waterfall turned black, Xuanpin, Xuanxiao and others quickly flew back a hundred miles, while some prisoners who were unable to react in time or were unable to escape were suddenly torn apart by the violent energy storm and exploded in the blink of an eye. Death.

"It's such a strong power, I didn't expect the King of Hell to hide it so deeply!" After turning black, there was a look of fear in his eyes. If it wasn't for Lin Feng's appearance, I'd be afraid that he wouldn't be playing with the King of Hell in the applause.

However, Lin Feng also made her feel a lot of pressure. The reason why she let the evil spirits leave was not only to avoid the evil spirits jumping over the wall and breaking the net with them, but some of them also wanted to test Lin Feng's ideas.

All the prison princes watched the battlefield nervously. Although the King of Hell was their father, they did not want the King of Hell to win the victory. If they could die together with Lin Feng, that would be the best!

In the center of the battlefield, in the hands of Lin Feng, the power of the "Royal Heaven Nine Styles" is more powerful than Liuzhuyi.

The five dragon-shaped Qi Jin stalemate for a moment, and after two broken, the power of the six demons was blasted away, and the remaining three dragons were unstoppable and strangled towards the King of Hell.

Everything is a long story, but in the eyes of Hades, it is only a blink of an eye.

The three dragon qi came to the King of Hell in an instant, and at the juncture of life and death, the King of Hell did his best to wave his palms to resist.

"Block me~"

In the face of Lin Feng's attack, Yan Wang could only resist, because Yan Wang's qi machine had been locked by Lin Feng for a long time, and there was no way to avoid it.


The dragon qi shattered once again, and the remaining two slammed into the King of Hell.


The blood in the mouth of the King of Hell spurted wildly, and the whole person flew out like a cannonball. The space was also shattered by this force, generating a huge suction, and the King of Hell was involved in the turbulent flow of space.

After everything was calm, there was no sign of the King of Hell, leaving only Lin Feng standing above the void.

"Is the King of Hell dead?"

Soul Rushuang suddenly appeared and came to Lin Feng and asked.

Lin Feng looked at the healed space crack and shook his head slightly: ".¨Let him escape, but with his current injury, it's not easy to think about it."

"With your strength, how could you let the King of Hell escape? Say, what is the conspiracy?" Po Rushuang looked at Lin Feng in confusion. Lin Feng's strength was the only one she had ever seen in her life, even the top experts from Xianmen she had seen before. There is no better.

Although the strength of the King of Hell is strong, it is still far from Lin Feng. It stands to reason that it is impossible to escape!

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