The sin knife cut off the Buddha, and the sound of "clang" resounded throughout the opening scroll.

"Tathagata's Palm" not only has high attack power, but also has extremely strong defense power. Although the Tathagata's Golden Body Dharma has cracks under the "Rhinocero Horn", these cracks are all fleeting, and the blessings of Buddha Yuan in the lack of boat down, and instantly returned to normal.




Lightning flashes, ghosts sigh, the craziest fire of toes, in front of you, only swallowing strong enemies.

 As Lin Feng's "Holy Soul", Quezhou Yifandu represents Lin Feng's kind side, but it does not mean that Quezhou is a saint who can't fight back or scold him. Power, the giant palm that covers the sky entrains the momentum of thunder, tearing apart the space, and brazenly photographed.

The giant palm exuding Buddha light looks huge, like a mountain, but it is extremely fast, as if it can cross the distance of space, and it comes to the ghost Tathagata in an instant.

"The Tathagata weeps, the ghosts howl, the blood is broken, and the god strikes!"

The shadow covered the top, the ghost Tathagata exerted all his strength, and his left hand turned into a "Buddha Punishment Zenna", which flowed side by side with the "Purification Rhinoceros Horns", piercing the face and hitting the palm of the Buddha's palm.


With a palm that destroyed the world, a huge palm print was made on the battlefield of the gods, and the layers of air waves swept the world with smoke and dust.

However, outside the Yansheng Mingluan, the fire of war reignited.

At this time, Mingluan had been broken through two levels by Qianye Legend and others. The holy stream had flown to the sixth floor, and the Ancient Martial Clan suffered heavy casualties.

If it weren't for the scruples of the Buddha in the sky, and the violent monks such as a page of books, the child of Chiba Legend would have led people to step on the Mingluan!

After grinding down the two-layer combat power of the Ancient Wu Clan and the Three Sects, the Sun-Blind Clan, the Demon City, and the Heavenly Capital are being renovated.

At this time, the demon queen who stepped on the road and brought people to meet.

Inside the enchantment, Ye Xiaochai and Sorrow knew that the enchantment where the holy energy was condensed was dim and dull, and the next fierce battle was coming, and the ancient martial arts and the remaining members of the three sects were all ready to fight.

The moment the barrier disappeared.


The Sun-Blind Clan, Tianyan Mocheng, Tiandu Army and Xie Zundao attacked at the same time.

The Red Evil Young Master has the "Blood-Drinking Evil Blade" in his hand, and he turns like a god.

The black-clothed sword and the young ghost sword are fierce and bloody.

The ancient martial generals are like clouds, fierce and sturdy, and there is no sign of cowardice.


The magic weapon got started, Taiwu. Ye Xiaochai, reappearing the unparalleled abundance, swords and swords, fiercely fighting against the evil and the Taoist.

Immediately, the light of the sword shocked the rain, and the wind of the sword thundered.


On the other side, the demon queen arbitrates the three religions. She is deeply worried, and the "Demon Sword" reappears, and she is about to scare the soul and kill people.


With a clanging sound, the stars are ten thousand, the Ru Feng Yaodao is first meeting, and the anxiety of the injury is deeply felt, and I add new creations.

At the same time, Zong Lao fought against Ziyan Demon Shao, Lixue Jade Langya against Silver Feather Feng Shao, and Yan Dao Zuo Heng and other ancient martial arts masters fought against the Sun-Blind Clan.

On the other side, Duanxie Chanti led the demons to take advantage of the emptiness to enter,

However, in the event of the elites such as Dang Shi Jue, the army is waiting.

As the war spread, it was another battle of beacon fires, the sun-blind people, the evil gods, the heavenly capital, the magic city, and the ancient martial arts, the three religions, the same fiery, the same tragic.

The purple flame demon is less vigorous, the sword is more prosperous, and the madness is urged, angering the old man of Daizong

, Although Lamb Hundred Years is undiminished, he has not seen the upper hand.


The silver feather wind and the bow and the sword swept across, and the double profit was like a cut. In an instant, the ancient Wu clan added two new souls.


Huang Quan was not to be outdone, the "Lengyue Silver Spear" took off like a fire dragon, chopping melons and vegetables.

The Evil Dao, the Demon City, the Sun-Blind Clan, the Heavenly Capitals split up and attacked, and the Ancient Wu Clan fell into a fierce battle with fellow practitioners of the three religions.

The morale of the Rubik's Cube coalition is like a rainbow. Although the ancient warriors are brave and good at fighting, and the three religions are united, they are still unable to parry with the disparity in numbers and strength. .

Chapter [-] The summit of the three religions [seeking flowers]

Yansheng Mingluan outside.

In the end, the holy demons were at odds with each other, the battlefield was divided, and the sound of fighting resounded through the sky.

Under the siege of Tianyan Mocheng, the Sun Blind Clan, Tiandu, and Evil Zun Dao, the ancient Wu Clan and the people of the three religions, who were already tired of running, suffered heavy casualties.

At this critical juncture, the ancient Wu clan was already sparsely staffed, and now facing an exponentially stronger enemy, even if they were brave and skilled in battle, they still could not change the situation of the battle.

The demons hate the betrayers so much that they are merciless, wanting to wipe them out completely.

Although there are not many people from the Sun-Blind Clan, their combat power should not be underestimated. There is no master to contain them. Eternal Sky, Ying Wuyan and other Sun-Blind Clan masters are completely crushing and killing people from the three religions.

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