The warriors of Tiandu are also heroic and good at fighting, fighting with blood, and under the leadership of Huang Quan, they are like a broken bamboo.

The evil spirits do not give in too much, the demon empress fights the three sects alone and the arbitration is very troublesome, there are few swords in black clothes, few red evils add attacking knives, mad swords, few purple flame demons singled out Zong Lao, and silver feather winds are less than a hundred paces to penetrate Yang, shoot Kill the remnants of the three religions.

"Clang! Clang..."

Swords, lights, swords and shadows, sword energy radiates in all directions, the fighting figures are galloping, the swords collide, sparks are dazzling, and the sound of "clanging" is endless.


The black-clothed swordsman let out a strange cry, and then used "Magic Sword" to kill Ye Xiaochai. The red-clothed evil young man's face was cold, and the evil blade drew out a fiery edge.

"No black, no white, no sword, no sword, no heart, no madness!"

Blood-stained shirts, Ye Xiaochai still does not lose the demeanor of mad swordsmanship. In order to protect Mingluan, he will not give in an inch, and the swords will come out together. Once again, a new realm of swords and swords will emerge. In the battle of life and death, break through the original realm and reach a new height.

However, the previous battles had exhausted Ye Xiaochai's real energy.

Black-clothed Swordsman and Hongliu Xie Shao are not comparable to Ye Xiaochai in terms of combat experience and martial arts, but they are better than waiting for work, and they are in a stable state.

The sword whizzed past, intending to take the sword first, and before they fought head-on, the black-clothed swordsman and the red-flowing evil young master felt a great threat, and they swung their evil blades and ghost swords with all their might to resist.


The swordsmen clashed, and the two weapons of Heiyi and Hongliu were shocked.

Ye Xiaochai, who was close to the limit both physically and mentally, did not dare to be careless in the face of the evil master and the Taoist young masters, and his heart was uncertain.

"It means shape, heart is sword, no heart is heart, no sword is broken, there is sword!"

The mind is the sword, and the will is the sword, Ye Xiaochai struggled hard, the sword light pierced the void, and galloped towards the evil gods.


"Blood and evil pervade the sun!"

The black-clothed swordsman and the red-fluid evil young master cooperated tacitly, and they came out in a row.


A shock, the victory and defeat have been decided!

Although "Heart Sword" is a top-notch sword move, Ye Xiaochai is exhausted and unable to exert his full power.

"Ye Xiaochai!"

"Too martial!"

Seeing that Ye Xiaochai was wounded and vomited blood during the confrontation, the people of the ancient Wu clan suddenly turned pale with fright.

"Su is really true, I have borne your trust!"

The sword was stationed, Ye Xiaochai was exhausted, but the arrogant still stood upright, the wind was full of grief, and the ancient Wu clan was miserable.

Ye Xiaochai, who led them to hope, was defeated, so the fate of the ancient Wu clan can be imagined!

"Knife mad and sword idiot, although your position is different, you are indeed an opponent worthy of respect!"

Swordsman in black sighed with emotion, he admired Ye Xiaochai sincerely, but he had no mercy for opposing positions. For the sake of the Evil Dao and the Demon Empress, Swordsman in Black raised the "Yaksha Sword", ready to end the sword legend.

the other side.

Huang Quan's silver spear swept across the sky, swept the ten-kill strike into the air, and then chased up. The silver spear pierced the opponent's body, smashed his internal organs, and ended the life of the ancient warriors in front of him.

Picking up the corpse, Huang Quan looked around, and he was already a worthy enemy on the battlefield.

At this time, the elites of the ancient Wu clan were all wiped out, and there were only dozens of remnants of the three religions left. It was only a matter of time before they were wiped out.

And Duanmie Chan mentioned that he came to the last spiritual cave of Yansheng Mingluan, ready to destroy it and completely disintegrate Yansheng Mingluan.


At this moment, Duanmie Chanti suddenly heard the sound of breaking the wind, looked back, and saw a huge sword qi coming straight from the sky.

"Xuan Lei Furious Slash!"

· · · Flowers · · ·

Duanmie Chanti felt the crisis, the magic energy was injected into the "Xuan Lei", and he slashed to the sky.


With a loud explosion, the qi and energy canceled each other out, and Duanmie Chanti looked up at the sky with a dignified expression on his face.

Jian Shao in black and the others also stopped their movements, looking at the sky, they were still struggling with the Demon Empress, and their faces showed a hint of joy.

All the attention, only to hear the familiar poem number resounding through the sky.

"Why do you need to compete in swordsmanship? Thousands of people refer, ten thousand people seal, you can ask the peaks of the rivers and lakes; three feet of autumn water is clean, and the world is unparalleled."

"At the beginning of Huayang, Hongmen was red, and the sparse buildings were changed. Longlin did not lose his style; Zijinxiao, Baiyuqin, palace lanterns were bright at night, and Tanhua was flourishing, and they shared a leisurely life."

"Killing life to protect life, killing business is not killing people."


As the poem spread all over the battlefield, above the sky, the peaks of the three religions descended, and Ling Ran's aura was shocking.

The strong aid of the three religions suddenly arrived, and Chiba Legend's eyes froze.

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