The words fell, the three innate tacit understanding, swung their swords to attack, the three people's shapes moved instantly, and attacked the Yuanxie Emperor in three directions, but they saw that the Yuanxie Emperor stood still, but the three people's attacks were blocked by the invisible air cover , difficult to move forward.

"Is this feeling..."

The familiar touch aroused the taboo deep in the hearts of the three of them, and the image of Abandoning the Heavenly Emperor and the Devil God entering the world could not help but emerge in their minds.


San Xiantian's attack came back without success, and what he faced immediately was an overwhelming impact.

The reappearing body shield, San Xiantian, who was flying upside down in mid-air, looked at each other, a trace of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and his heart was covered with a haze!


And in the battlefield of Taihuang Shenjue.

Quezhou Yifandu is hanging the ghost Tathagata.

The huge Tathagata Dharma image, the Buddha's light lingers, the ghost Tathagata is in the hands of the Tathagata Dharma image, as small as an ant...  

The next moment, Quzhou's five fingers folded together, and the Buddha's palm like a mountain began to fold. The ghost in the palm of the hand had no time to dodge, and was suppressed by a huge force. It made a noise, as if it was about to be crushed into minced meat.

The Ghost Tathagata struggled to support, and finally persisted until the end of the divine decision, and moved out of the battlefield in embarrassment.

Next is Demon Emperor Zhi Xin versus Buddha of Heaven. Lou Zhi Wei Tuo.

As soon as the two appeared on the battlefield, Su Huanzhen, who was watching the battle, and others looked aside, because the Demon Emperor Tianshiwei (son) was the death of the Buddha (Si) of the sky.

On the battlefield of the gods, the wind is blowing, and the two people involved in cause and effect will meet in the battlefield!

The one-sidedness of the past, the unbearable past, struck the heart of the Buddha in an instant, and at the moment of facing the Demon Emperor, a crack was added to the Buddha's heart, causing a faint heartache.

"Killing, a self-deceiving disguise. A lofty, fragile disguise. I pity you in front of me, under the disguise, there is nothing left!"

Facing the Buddha of Heaven, the Demon Emperor was also filled with emotion. He was born of the Buddha of Heaven, so he should be regarded as his mother (should be), but the other party abandoned him like a sham, and even wanted to put him to death. !

Now that the battlefield is reunited, should I draw an end to this unbearable life experience?

Right now, Yusheng Mingluan was in danger, and the Buddha of Heaven did not want to be entangled in the past.

"Infinite light and silence!"

The Heavenly Buddha played and killed, and the "Profound Truth Veda" appeared accordingly.

"Quenching the stars and refining the clouds!"

Seeing this, the Demon Sovereign was as steady as a deep stream. He moved his feet to move the flames, turned his hands, and started the "2.9 Demon Mirroring Sovereign Slash".


The first time the battle was exchanged, the Buddha of Heaven felt that the Buddha's essence was inexplicably depleted. He turned around, shook his head, and the wind swirled.

"The Demon Emperor is the son of Heaven, and it is my death. Could it be the arrangement of fate!" Being overcome by the attributes of time, the Buddha of Heaven fell into a disadvantage.

"Let's meet the trial! The Three Magic Mirrors: Swallowing the Heaven and the Flames!" The Demon Sovereign had an absolute advantage, the magic power urged, and the red-red demonic fire spread to the wild realm.

"I can't just fall down, boundless pure joy!"

Knowing that he is trapped in death to overcome the battle situation, the Buddha of the sky is worried about the common people, and he is fighting for life and death, hoping to obtain the slightest chance of victory before being forced into a desperate situation.

The Buddha's light shone, the magic flame stopped suddenly, and the scene of the divine decision fell into a state of silence.

At this moment, the crackling sound pierced through the silent space. .

Chapter [-]: The Sin of the Heavenly Buddha 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

The Taihuang God's final battle will start again.

The demon emperor fought against the Buddha of the sky, and the scene was full of strong winds.

"Buddha's birth demon body is a big sin karma. If you come out of yourself, I have the obligation to cut off the sin karma!"

Even if the sky is restrained, the Buddha of the sky still slays the karma, the sword of the "Vedas of the Profound Truth" screams, and the clouds roll over like a raging wave, symbolizing the roar of the heaven, blowing down the auspicious atmosphere of the eyes!

"Save it, hypocritical words can only deceive yourself. The crime is yours, not mine. If you want to beheaded, why not behead yourself first?"

The Demon Emperor Zhi Xin swung his sword coldly, with an ancient magic power, along with the sound of ghosts crying and gods howling, extending the entire battlefield!


The Buddha and the devil fought each other extremely, the space was shattered, the mountains and rivers were torn apart, and the Buddha and the devil energized each other, forming a huge air mass that was boundless and turbulent, traveling through the battlefield.

The trick of the Demon Buddha's peak merged into chaotic profound energy, rushing in all directions, and inscribed all kinds of unbearable beacon fires.

The smoke and dust floating slaughter, the Demon Sovereign stood in the void and looked at the Buddha in the sky coldly, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and said coldly: "Your breath disgusts me, and your beautiful face makes me inexplicably throbbing. The beauty of the rotten breath makes me 13 intoxicated, and I have decided to grant you a trial."

"I...the Buddha of the sky." Lou Zhiwei Tuo's white clothes were stained with blood, and he clenched the "Vedas": "My sword - is the Heaven's Judgment! There are no clouds!"

The sword intent exploded in an instant, the sword of the Buddha of the sky soared into the light, and suddenly there was a radiance of violet brilliance, and the mighty power rushed to the four fields.

"Three Magical Insights. The Battle of the Heavenly Wolf!"

The Demon Sovereign did not give in, and during the transformation of his body shape, the Demon Sword absorbed the aura of black and yellow, and directly faced the Heavenly Buddha's ultimate move.


The soldiers and fronts intersected and shot ten thousand points of Venus, and the energy swept across, and the sky collapsed in an instant, and the wind and sand rushed.

Originally, the Buddha of Heaven had no unity, and its foundation was stronger than that of the Demon King, but after being overcome by the death of the heavens, he could not help but succumb to three points.

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