
At the same time, the Demon Emperor slammed his palms together, shaking the sky and destroying the earth!


The Buddha of the sky vomited blood and regressed, and the demonic energy entered the body, and his life was at stake!

"The feast of hell is open, and sacrifice your humble life!" The Demon Emperor looked at the Buddha of the sky with a victorious attitude, and held up the "Magic Mirror Emperor Slash" in his hand, but he did not act immediately.

The Buddha of Heaven was fearless, and said coldly: "Looking at the past and present, when it's the devil's turn to sentence the Buddha, let's move forward!"

"Fear, what makes you awed becomes your poison. Unwilling, what makes you confident becomes your shatter. If you cling to the illusion, you forget the truth that belongs to you." The Demon Emperor looked at the Buddha in the sky with a complicated expression.

The Buddha of the sky has an angry look on his face, and the Buddha's essence in his body rotates rapidly: "Condense your word game, Lou Zhiwei will not allow others to tease."

"Hum! It's really righteous, hypocritical glory can't cover up the truth, ah high above the heavenly Buddha, have you forgotten the white bones under the wall of repentance? The wall of sin built by the flesh and blood of thousands of people in the border city binds the people above it. The wronged soul is still weeping, who gave you the power to judge other people's life or death? Buddha? Ridiculous." The Demon Emperor dismissed it.

The Buddha of Heaven has a high degree of self-awareness and autonomy for sin, and is a sin-body Buddha known for his ability to bear all sins and make supreme vows. Because of his special practice, he has a strong mental cleanliness, and he has a passion for slaying evil. With a resolute attitude of Wei Wei, he is also a faction of the main battle, guarding the common people and the hometown of Tianfo with extreme measures.

At the beginning of the confrontation with the calendar of the sky, in order to avoid the sacrifice of more people for the overall situation, the Buddha of the sky negotiated conditions with the King Zhou of the bardo realm, built a wall of repentance, and at the same time attracted the red tide to achieve the purpose of sealing the power of the sky.

The wall of sin is built by combining the flesh and blood of the border city, and it is maintained by the power of resentment.

Only when the Buddha of Heaven goes to repent in person can the wall of sin disintegrate and liberate the bound soul. Lou Zhiwei Tuo used this as a defense against the red tide.

From the overall point of view, the actions of the Buddha in the sky have indeed saved more people and avoided suffering from being involved in the boundless war.

However, for the people in the border town who were sacrificed, the Buddha of Heaven was an unforgivable person.

is it wrong?When Lou Zhi Wei Tuo asked himself, he was upset!

He shoulders the heavy responsibility of eradicating the power of the sky, and builds a wall of sin. All kinds of pasts are the best execution plan he chose.

In exchange for the sacrifice of a small number of people, in exchange for the quelling of the war for thousands of years, even if he starts again, the Buddha of Heaven will not change his original intention.

"I can't... stop here and drink!"

The Buddha's flames are transpiring, and the eight wastes are shattered. In an instant, "Zen Tian Jiu Ding"

Very tricky to get started.

"Guangguo is superior to the world!"

The Buddha of the sky is full of Buddha light, and he is determined to fight to the death to protect Mingluan.

"Three Magical Insights. Extreme World. Demon Scorpion Destroyed!"

With the blessings of the heavens, the Demon Emperor is in a situation where he must win, and he will cut off the past, and fully enrich his Yuan Gong. In an instant, the magic energy explodes, and the Pang Ran sword qi runs through the sky.

I can't fall here, and I don't want to be defeated by the demon emperor. The Buddha of the sky goes to extremes.

The skill level is instantly improved, which is to fight with life.

It is extremely tricky to get started, and life and death are at stake. Just when the weapons of the two sides are about to exchange, the time of the wild and the sky will enter the time of Mao.

"Uh~ how could it be a reversal of Shengke!?"

I was shocked to see the reversal of life, and the demon emperor's breath was disordered, but at this time it was critical, and it was already too late.

The Buddha of the heavens is determined to seek victory, and the sword can be shaken without a return.


The collision of extreme moves, suddenly the rocks collapsed and the ground cracked like a sinkhole, just like a scene in the future.

The Demon Sovereign couldn't get out of it, and in shock, the Buddha Qi was used to the body, and the meridians suffered heavy setbacks!

At the end of the battle, the Demon Emperor returned to the Asura Guique with serious injuries, and was taken to the Ming Pond by his Hua Chan to recuperate.

On the other hand, the situation of the Buddha of the sky is not much better, and he has already been injured again. Although the time of the sky is reversed at a critical moment, the Buddha of the sky can turn defeat into victory in one fell swoop, but the injury is even more serious!


263 And beyond Mingluan.

San Xiantian came as a strong aid, but attracted a more powerful opponent, Yuan Xiehuang.

On the peak, Lin Feng, who had returned from the Black Sea Prison, watched from a distance the battle between the Ming and Luan Mountains.

The saint and the devil, the soldiers exchanged three thousand, and the sound of battle rumbled and shook the rivers and mountains.

"Let's fight, let's fight! The more wars and disasters, the more heroic generations, the road to the strong will eventually need to be paved with bones!"

Indifferent words fell, and the golden blue light flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, his hands were dragged, and the overwhelming force of space reversed the void.

Suddenly, Lin Niao was startled, Wan Lai was restless, and the forces of several parties paused briefly and looked up.

I saw above the sky, a huge space crack appeared, and hundreds of huge Xuange came from the void.

It symbolizes the Xuange of killing the king of the broken island, breaking into a miserable situation, like a giant lion, arrogant to the heroes.

"The killing in the beginning, Jian Wu;

Chaos slaughter, militia. "

Hidden above the bow of the ship, a familiar figure stood proudly. The long-lost king was plentiful. He was dressed in a white battle robe, holding an "or halberd."

Behind King Jianwu, two blond teenagers stood side by side.

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