The faces of these two people are almost exactly the same, but their demeanor and clothes are different.

One was dressed in white, with a sunny smile, and he was the Twelve Saint Child Forest.

One was dressed in black with a grim look, breaking his dream for the devil. .

Chapter [-] The Holy Devil Twins

Lin Twelve and Huai Pomeng's faces were somewhat similar to those of King Jianwu.

It was the holy devil twins born by Lin Feng who used "Eating Devil Ruoguo" to combine himself and the blood of King Jianwu into the king tree!

One follows the surname of Lin Feng, and the other follows the surname of Huai Shengqiao.

Lin Twelve and Huai Pomeng possessed the power of a holy demon. Although they were born not long ago, they grew very fast.

Although they are young, their cultivation is extremely high and their talents are extraordinary. Under the guidance of King Jiwu, the two have unfathomable martial arts attainments, and they have inherited the bloodline of killing and slaughtering the island kings. "All of them are fully integrated, and their combat power is comparable to that of top innate masters, but they are lacking in combat experience.

Lin Shishi is a good baby. Growing up in the world of Zhuxian, this is the first time he has come to a miserable world. He feels the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and said with great interest: "Mother, this is a miserable state. The spiritual energy is indeed more abundant than the original world."

"What a fuss, we're not here to see the scenery." Huai Pomeng is a boy with a rebellious personality, and likes to fight against Lin Shishi.

Because he felt that Twelve was more pleasing to his mother than him, and was jealous in his heart, but Huai Pomeng was arrogant and not good at expressing himself, so he always attracted the attention of King Jiwu in this way.

King Jian Wu looked at the two quarreling with a loving smile.

"I haven't seen each other for a few months, Twelve and Po Meng have grown so big! Sister Wang has really worked hard for you!" Lin Feng suddenly appeared on the Xuange, and opened his arms with a smile, wanting to give Sister Wang a warm welcome Embrace.

I saw that the smile on King Jianwu's face instantly subsided, as cold as frost, he punched Lin Feng directly in the face.


The strong force made Lin Feng volleyed [-] degrees and hit the bow of the boat, knocking the hard as iron cloud wood out of a big hole and falling from the bow.

Lin Shizuo and Huai Po looked at each other in a dream, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.


Lin Feng, who fell from a high altitude, smashed directly into the open space between Sanxiantian and Yuanxiehuang, smashing a human-shaped deep pit on the ground.

what's the situation???

Sanxiantian, you look at me, I look at you, and I can't figure it out for a while.

Lin Feng's hand stretched out from the deep pit, grabbed the ground, and climbed up in dismay.

Casually patted the dust, and then Lin Feng looked at Sanxiantian and Yuanxie Huang who were arguing with swords and arrows as if nothing had happened: "I'm just passing by to make soy sauce, you guys continue, continue' . . . "

After he finished speaking, he flew up to Xuange in a flash, as if nothing had happened just now.

Jianzi Xianji, Shulou Longsu, and Fojian have dealt with Lin Feng separately. I wanted to pull Lin Feng into the water, but I thought that Lin Feng would show up and leave. Is it really here to make soy sauce?

Lin Feng used to kill Yuyangjun, repair the pillars of Shenzhou, and surround and kill gods. From the point of view of the faction, he is a righteous person, but for Lin Feng, these are only things that are beneficial to him.

As a drama fan, Lin Feng still has a good impression of San Xiantian, but his position is different. Lin Feng aims to eliminate the three religions, unify the misery, and complete the feats that many bosses have not completed.

But San Xiantian, Su Huanzhen, one page book and these people are absolutely not allowed, so they can only become enemies, not friends.

Emperor Yuanxie glanced at the deity, and at the same time received an order from Lin Feng to "keep three innate and one life".

In a short while, Lin Feng returned to the Xuange in good time, and his body was intact. If it weren't for the broken hole in the bow of the Xuange, Twelve and Po Meng would have thought that they had hallucinations.

Lin Feng stepped forward and touched the heads of the two of them: "I haven't seen each other for a few months, Twelve, Po Meng has grown so big!"

When they left the Immortal Zhuxian World, Lin Shizuo and Huai Pomeng were still in swaddles, and they turned into two beautiful teenagers in a blink of an eye. Lin Feng was really uncomfortable.

But thinking that the bear child of Chiba Legend will be able to walk, dance and do things when he is born, the situation of the twins is not unacceptable!



Twelve and Huai Pomeng have only been born in a few months. If they were human children, they would still be breastfeeding. However, they were born by Wang Shu, and their physiques are different from ordinary people. They are now half-sized children. , only one head shorter than Lin Feng.

"Come, take a look at the gifts prepared for your father." Lin Feng was quite satisfied with his two cheap sons, and directly used [-] million exchange points to exchange two sets of artifacts from the "Mystery System".

The "Devil Wings", "Huntian Halberd", "Tianmo Battle Armor", and "Huangquan Ring" for Mo Zihuai's dreams were broken.

For Saint Child Forest Twelve, the "Tian Shen Wing", "Lightning Halberd", "Glass Immortal Armor", and "Kunlun Ring".

Auxiliary, attack, and defense are all available. Arming the twins to their teeth, coupled with their own cultivation, can even fight against the super innate.

Lin Shizuo and Huai Pomeng were both teenagers, and they were overjoyed at the moment, so they quickly changed their equipment.

With the good genes of Lin Feng and King Jianwu, the twins are already handsome, and after they are replaced by armored soldiers, they are even more heroic and have the style of generals.

King Wu Wu nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Lin Feng, and said coldly, "Who am I going to fight against when I mobilize the army to kill Shattered Island?"

Seeing Sister Wang looking down at San Xiantian and the "Demon Soul" Yuan Xie Huang, Lin Feng said quickly, "Don't worry about the matter here, our goal is the monster market."

"Monster Market, where is that?" Twelve and Po Meng asked in unison.

"The Monster Market is an independent country that exists overseas. The Monster Market itself has a distinct system. The "Emperor" is the supreme ruler, and the subordinates are the "Zai", who are responsible for coordinating military, criminal law and other affairs, and there is a hunting market. The single-floor gate (equivalent to the police agency) and the shrine hall (equivalent to the judicial body) for criminals.

In addition, the entire demon city has six districts and thirty-six tribes, such as the six coastal tribes (pheasant, carp, moth and horsefinch), which are divided into three areas: Tianxia celebrities (aristocratic area), dead children's collection (commercial area), Yongliu Pingyu (slum area), between the poor and the rich, the classes are clearly defined, and no exchanges are allowed.

In the past, it was created by the Kaitian Emperor Long Zhiming, and then the Kaitian Emperor II Longyi took over the power, but also let the people who have the heart to plan a series of power seizures and coups, causing the regime to change hands and ruled by the Shenshen.

In addition, there are many aliens, it is a very chaotic place, and what we have to do is conquer it. "

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