Huai Pomeng was very excited when she heard the words and felt very interesting.

(Zhao Liao's) But Twelve, this good-hearted baby, knew that people would die in war, and he couldn't bear to say: "Aren't we doing well in the world of Zhuxian? Why do we want to seize other people's places?"

"The spiritual energy in the world of Zhuxian is not sufficient. It is possible to be a big rear, but it limits development! Twelve, you have to remember that if you fall behind, you will be beaten. This world belongs to the strong, you don't fight to get stronger. , then sooner or later, you will become the prey in the eyes of others." The reality is so cruel, no matter in any world, it follows the rule of survival of the fittest.

After doing some inner work for the Twelve Babies, Lin Feng said to King Jianwu: "Let's go, the specific situation of the monster market, I will tell you in detail on the way."

Hundreds of Xuange turned their bows in the air, and under Lin Feng's instructions, they headed for the monster market.

At the bottom, looking at the powerful pressure on the realm, but hurried away, the broken island Xuange, Sanxiantian is full of black lines.

What is this, run away after pretending?!.

Chapter [-] The Holy Light of Heaven

Seeing Lin Feng leaving, Emperor Yuanxie said to San Xiantian, "After all, your strength is not enough, and you will only lose if you fight again."

"Even if we know that our strength is not as good, we can't retreat!" Jianzi Xianji is a Taoist fairy, not like a normal game.

"Divided, not divided, can't help but say." The Buddha Sword Division is as short and concise as always, and if you don't agree, you can do it.

Longsu asked, "Emperor Yuanxie, who are you?"

After several battles with Emperor Yuanxie, Shulou Longsu discovered that Emperor Yuanxie's body shield is very similar to that of the "Holy Devil Primal Embryo", while Yuanxie Huang's demon essence is extremely pure, regardless of quality or quantity. far surpass them.

You must know that San Xiantian cultivates the "Sacred Light of Heavenly Pole" and uses the divine pillar to expel the five turbid and evil qi in the body.

This feeling made Longsu seem to be returning to Panyin Shrine to fight against the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor, and even more depressed.

This is by no means a human power!

Jianzi fairy tales and Buddha swords have the same feeling.

"Today, the Luansheng Mingluan is gone, you all struggle!" Emperor Yuanxie did not answer Shulou Longsu's question, and there was no need to answer.

San Xiantian glanced at each other, knowing what the other party meant in his heart. 710

Jianzi Xianji: "To win the chance, the only way is to attack with attack, not let him make moves."

Shulou Longsu: "Break the body shield, only the 'Buddha dish' is waiting for the opportunity."

Buddha Jianfen said: "Yeah!"

"Daowei Zhentian!"

"The mountains and rivers are full of red!"

The tacit understanding is in the heart, Jianzi, Longsu takes the lead, the two swords are combined, and the Confucianism and Taoism are absolutely unified.

"Wusheng forgives sins, the sword is broken and reincarnation!"

The Buddha's swords were divided into two parts, and the two came first, and the three swords came out at the same time.

The peak of the three religions reappears, the three qi of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are connected, and the yin and yang of the weather are adjusted at the same time, turning things into nothing, forming a mighty force.

There is a Buddhist sword in front, a Taoist and Confucian benefit in the back, the Emperor Yuanxie has an inexplicable smile on his face, the swords of "Doomsday Myth" and "Magic Sword Creation" are mastered, the magic essence is injected into the sword, and the "Chuangshen Jue" wind-type martial arts is used. Decisive, in an instant, the demonic energy is in the world, the wind is galloping in the sky, and the dark clouds and evil obstacles cover the sun and the moon.

"Creation of Gods. First Form. Reverse Blade!"

The swords were swung in unison, and the endless demonic energy erupted violently. Its momentum was truly breathtaking. The air shook the mountains and rivers, the wind crushed the dust and the waves, and the power destroyed the world.

I saw the demonic energy exploded violently, causing the heaven and earth to galvanize, tearing a gap in the void, forming a huge black dragon hurricane, sweeping everything in a radius of [-] meters.

Emperor Yuanxie is a real god (Taiyi Jinxian), and there is no defect in the "Sacred Demon Primordial Embryo". In addition to practicing "Nine Turns Mysterious Art", it integrates "Void Bloodline", which is stronger than the physical body used by the Abandoned Emperor's lower realm. A few chips, San Xiantian wants to use the method to deal with the black abandon to deal with the Yuanxie Emperor, it is impossible.

As for "God of Creation", Emperor Yuanxie has not yet fully controlled it, so he intends to use Sanxiantian to practice his hands, but he does not use all his strength.

The four of them clashed fiercely. Sanxiantian has only recovered seven or eight layers of skill, but it is far from being comparable to ordinary martial artists. His movements are as fast as lightning. Swaying, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air.



The surrounding demon army and the people of the three religions retreated far away.

Seeing Yuanxie Huang fighting against Sanxiantian, even the Demon Empress, Qianye Legend, Duanmie Chanti and others would be amazed!

Emperor Yuanxie's eyes were like electricity, his blood was fluttering, and a deep cold air erupted from the "Demon Sword Creation", a sword pierced through Long Su's heart.


The magic sword entered the body, Shulou Longsu's body trembled, the blood was frozen before the blood flowed out, and then he was kicked and flew out by the Yuanxie Emperor!

"Dragon House!!"

Seeing this, the Buddha Sword and Jianzi were shocked and angry, and the two swords swung angrily, leaving trails of afterimages in the air, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of sword qi were continuously released, and they violently attacked and killed the Yuanxie Emperor.

"Horizontal knife. Split the ground!"

Let him be so mysterious, I slashed him with a single sword, and the unparalleled sword smashed through the sword energy. The Buddha sword and the sword did not dare to touch them, so they flew to dodge, only to see the blood-colored sword passing by, and the earth instantly split and cracked. Thousands of feet, billowing magma spewed out.


Emperor Yuanxie stood tall and his eyes were calm and indifferent. It seemed that this level of battle could hardly arouse any mood swings in him.


Shulou Longsu shattered the ice on his chest with his backhand, and let out a painful roar. The bloodthirsty undead characteristics were exerted. In a blink of an eye, his chest returned to its original state, but his face was a little pale.

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