At the same time, Jianzi Xianji and Buddha Sword joined together, and they had a fierce confrontation. All three were sweating profusely and breathing heavily. The sweat ran down their cheeks to dilute the wet blood on the corners of their mouths and dripped together on the scorched earth. superior.

"I kicked the iron plate this time, and I really owe a lot of humanity!" At the juncture of crisis, Baimao Jianzi did not forget to joke.

Shulou Longsu said to Jianzi, "Can a friend have a good plan?"

"Yes, run away." Jianzi said solemnly.

"Won my heart, but even if I die, I still want to maintain my temperament." Shulou Longsu shook his head slightly. If it was just the three of them, it would be shameful to run away, but it would be better than losing your life, but behind them there was a simple Really, a page book waits for someone, so they can't go back.

"The way of heaven is not clear, and the road of goodness is not long. If you enter Shura again, you will be killed by sin!"

"It seems that there is only a trick! Do it."

Jianzi: "The sky is the sun!"

Longsu: "The earth is the moon!"

Buddha Sword: "Man is a star!"

The move to open the sky, the form of the aurora, the peaks of the three religions and the three forms come together, the brilliance of the gods reappears in reverse, and the three holy lights illuminate the Evil Emperor Yuan.

The space around Emperor Yuanxie suddenly collapsed, and the divine splendid "Sacred Light of Heaven" appeared again, like a sharp divine knife, and began to tear apart Emperor Yuanxie's body, trying to tear it apart!

The terrifying power fluctuations, even Chiba Legend and the others who are far apart feel the heart palpitations, you can imagine how terrible the power is, not to mention the Yuanxie Emperor who is in the center of the energy storm!

"Nine Turns Golden Body!"

Yuan Xiehuang's sword stand was in front of him, running "Nine Turns Mysterious Art", bursts of golden light erupted around him, resisting the impact of the holy light.

"Give me... break it!"

Emperor Yuanxie shouted loudly, the sword slashed backwards, and only heard a loud "bang", the heavenly holy light and the surrounding space shattered inch by inch, the sky collapsed, the violent space storm swept all directions, the lava rolled, and even Yan Sheng The enchantment outside Mingluan was also shattered at this moment, and the pagoda was broken countless times...

After a dead silence, the void returned to its original state under the power of world repair.

Emperor Yuanxie held a sword and stood majestically above the turbulent lava, San Xiantian's face was pale, and he vomited blood and retreated a hundred feet away.

Looking at each other, the three innate gods all showed a look of astonishment. They knew that Emperor Yuanxie was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful!

Even their god-given tricks with all their strength can't get the other side, it's annoying to fight like this!

"It's the emperor's turn!"

At this time, Emperor Yuanxie also began to get serious, and two light beams erupted in his cold eyes, displaying the "Time" martial arts that had never been used in "Creation of Gods".

"Creation of the Gods. The above formula. All ages are empty!".

Chapter [-]: The Aggrieved Three Congenitals

"Creation of the Gods. The above formula. All ages are empty!"

As the words of Emperor Yuanxie fell, San Xiantian suddenly showed a look of horror. They felt an indescribable force that enveloped them and imprisoned them, completely losing control of their bodies. Fear.

Looking up, I saw that there seemed to be an invisible field around it, and everything in it was growing in reverse, ~ it was like turning back time!

Dead wood becomes thriving, then shrinks into seed, and finally turns into ash-fly.

Sanxiantian's body is also undergoing great changes rapidly.

But in just a short while, San Xiantian's body shrank rapidly, as if rejuvenated.

When Emperor Yuanxie stopped, the summit of the Three Sects no longer existed, leaving only three and a half-meter-high little kids.

The three children looked like pink and jade, all the clothes on their bodies disappeared, and they were naked, and the little Ding Ding was also exposed, fluttering in the wind.

"What kind of sorcery is this... My voice has also changed!" The white-haired little boy Jianzi Xianji said in a baby voice.

Looking at the smaller Buddha Sword and Longsu, if it is often seen that two friends become bare-ass little boys, the unscrupulous Jianzi will definitely tease him with a black belly. However, think about yourself now. looks like, but he doesn't feel that way.

"My reputation will be destroyed in one go!" The purple-haired little boy Shulou Longsu looked around in incomparable fear. He found that not only had he become smaller, but he had lost all of his cultivation, leaving no strands on his body. Immediately burying his head and beating his chest, he seemed unwilling to believe that all this was true.

The Buddha Sword said that he wanted to pull up the "Buddha" that was taller than others, but only felt that the light "Buddha" was now extremely heavy. The desertified land was unstable, and the "Buddha" fell. Down, directly overwhelmed the Buddha sword.

If it weren't for Jianzi and Longsu's quick reactions, and they used the strength of their milk to move the "Buddha" away, it is estimated that the Buddha's sword would have been tragically crushed to death by his own weapon!

In the face of such a strange situation, even the steadfast Buddha's sword theory could not calm down, he shouted loudly: "Emperor Yuanxie, you... what have you done to us?"

The Buddha Sword said that he was very angry, but the voice of the words was milky and milky, without the slightest lethality, and it was completely different from the slashing industry Shura feared by all evils. Is there a full contrast!

Although the scene of San Xiantian streaking was a bit ridiculous, none of the people who witnessed it laughed.

The legend of Chiba, who watched the battle from a distance, was deeply troubled, and the Demon Empress and others were silent.

It is really terrifying to be able to reverse the chaos of time and space and change the time with one move "Eternal Time is Empty"!

Just ask the world, who can take over?

Ask yourself, if they change places, they will have no way to face this trick!

Even if he was as conceited as the legend of Chiba, he completely gave up the idea of ​​going against the Emperor Yuanxie at this time, and at the same time he was grateful for his original choice.

Emperor Yuanxie looked at San Xiantian, who was only calf-high, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's nothing, it's just that you can return to your childhood, how does it feel?"

San Xiantian wanted to fight with Yuanxie Huang desperately now, but his body was empty, not even a trace of true essence.

Don't talk about it, without the protection of True Yuan, it is very difficult for them to even protect themselves. Their faces are reddened by the surrounding magma, and they dance and dance, which is very funny.

Emperor Yuanxie walked across the scorched earth, his mind moved, and the three little boys Longsu, Jianzi, and Buddhajian floated up involuntarily, with no resistance at all.

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