"You... what do you think?" Jianzi Xianji said helplessly and aggrievedly. As the three big hooligans in the plight, he has never been afraid of fighting, but fighting to this extent is really hard.

The Buddha Sword and Longsu also waved their hands and feet indiscriminately, but unfortunately it was completely useless.

It's not that we are weak, it's just that the enemy is too cruel!

Emperor Yuanxie put away the "Doomsday Myth" and "Demon Sword Creation", and knocked on Sanxiantian's forehead: "You didn't expect to have today!"

"Oh, it hurts!"

The white-haired Jianzi covered her head and face that was bulging. It was originally a porcelain doll carved with jade, but now she was crying and looking extremely aggrieved.

"God, it shouldn't be!"

Jianzi Xianji wanted to cry but had no tears, and Longsu and Fojian also had a lifeless expression.

Emperor Yuanxie transformed into a mirror and placed it in front of Sanxiantian. Buddha Sword, Longsu, and Jianzi looked at the three bare-ass little boys in the mirror, their faces full of resentment and grievance, and there was a trace of the peak of the Three Sects. looks like.


Longsu screamed in the sky, showing two small tiger teeth in his mouth, with a look of shame and anger on his face, he almost fainted, his gorgeous and unparalleled image was completely destroyed!

"How about it, are you still thinking about killing in a desperate situation, etc., it's useless..." While speaking, Yuan Xiehuang waved his hand to open the space wormhole connecting the world of "Peace Hotel", and threw San Xiantian into it.

"Reality is so cruel... and I am reality."

· ·For flowers 0

San Xiantian quickly disappeared from this world, leaving only the three weapons humming in place!

"Peace Hotel" belongs to the era of the end of the law, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth basically does not exist, there is no too strong personal force, and no matter how high the martial arts are, it is afraid of a kitchen knife.

Throwing San Xiantian into that world, with their knowledge and ability, should be no problem to save their lives, but it is almost impossible to retrain the martial arts.

The only thing is that the physique of the Shulou Longsu bloodthirsty clan is somewhat special, but it is not a big problem. Even if Sanxiantian turns the world upside down, it has nothing to do with Yuanxiehuang.

For Emperor Yuanxie, this was already considered merciful!

Left three congenital and one life, and at the same time prevent them from coming out to do things again.

Putting Sanxiantian's weapons into the inner space, then, Yuanxie Huang looked at the broken Yansheng Mingluan, and muttered to himself: "One page of the book, it's really true, then, it's your turn!"



Intermediate realm.

Hades recovered more than half of his injuries, and came to the outside of the Great Wall of Despair impatiently.

I came here to seal the strength of the sky here.

Back then, the Li clan fought in all directions, and they were invincible, and they finally provoked the war cloud world among the four wonders.

The people of Zhanyun Realm are born with the power of thunder, which can suppress Li Yuan, so it is a matter of course for the Li family to be tragic!

Captured by Zhanyun Realm, he became a prisoner.

In order to gain freedom, Tian Zhili traded aggression against hardship as a condition.

Zhanyun Realm didn't want to leave the trouble of Tian Zhili in the realm, so he let him be a pawn and invade the misery.

Coincidentally, Yama's deputy brain, Shensi, came to the plight, and found that the demons in the plight were powerful. In order to counterattack the plight in the future, the gods attached to the first generation of ghosts and hells, inspiring the troll gods of the war cloud world to fight the six masters of the demon world, killing the fighting power of both sides.

The result was also as Shensi expected, the monster clan suffered heavy casualties, and the four troll gods of Zhanyun also suffered three injuries and one death.

After the war cloud world was sealed, Tian Zhili became a wild horse, and his belligerent personality allowed him to launch his hegemony.

The Buddha of Buddhism and Heaven saw that the plight was caught in the flames of war, and the souls were devastated, so he came out to uphold justice, which turned into a dispute between Buddha and Li.

In the end, Tian Zhili was defeated by the hands of the four swords, including the Buddha of Heaven. In order to protect himself, Tian Zhili had to use a secret method to turn it into a huge stone statue. He was sealed by the Buddha of the sky and between the misery and the bardo realm, his feet were pierced. Sealed outside the Great Wall of Despair. .

Chapter [-] Yuan Zhong Ba Li 【For Collection】

Distress, Huangji Seven Elements Palace.

Six streamers of yellow, red, orange, green, cyan, and blue flew in.

In a flash of light, six figures appeared in front of the six steles engraved with the characters earth, fire, thunder, ze, wind, and water, and there were two steles of sky and mountain vacant beside them.

These six people are the earth's calendar, Jiechen, among the eight severities of the Yuan species.

Lei Zhili. Overcome Disaster Underlord.

The wind is fierce. Yao Yao.

The strength of fire. Yan Ming.

Ze Zhili. Greedy.

The Calendar of Water. Ice without Ripples.

Since the ancient Buddhist calendar war, the six calendars are the first time to meet.

Thousands of years of time, the vicissitudes of life, and the history of the earth, Jiechen looked at the other five calendars, and said, "Farewell for a thousand years, everyone will be safe!"

Jiechen is originally a female calendar, with a arrogant and extreme personality, eager to compete for victory, likes to challenge the strong, and her unyielding personality makes her a "zero six zero" who is second only to Tian Zhili.

Later, Tian Li was sealed, and there was ambiguity within the Li clan about the future development direction. Jiechen was persecuted by Yuyue and greedy designs. When his soul body was about to disperse, he met Jian Tonghui (male) who was about to pass away. According to the agreement, Jiechen can be reborn with Jian Tonghui's body, but he must replace Jian Tonghui to keep the heavenly lock that imprisoned the sky.

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