Later, Shanzhili. Yueyue was killed by the Buddha of the sky, and when Liyuan returned, one of the Buddha's bones and the heavenly lock were broken down, and only then did Jiechen see the sun again.

Shan Zhili. After the death of Muyue, Ze Zhili, the incarnation of Sea Toad. Seeing that the opportunity was not good, he escaped from Yansheng Mingluan and restored his original face, but compared to Sea Toad's appearance, the current greed Nothing is simply unsightly.

At this time, seeing the calendar of the land again, Greedy felt a little guilty and did not speak.

And the Lord of Disaster Remembrance recalled the experience of these years, and his heart was filled with emotion. At the beginning, for "Death Prophecy", he used the alias Aotian to penetrate and look up to the wind, and married the saint as his wife, and gave birth to two children. As a result, Ji Xia Shang, the forgotten unicorn, found out his identity, and a great battle was frozen in the glacier, which was not released until not long ago.

Yao Yao is an elusive female killer of the Li clan. She is rebellious by nature, cruel and cunning, and has the instinct of a beast.

Huo Zhili. Yan Ming's personality is straightforward and hot, perhaps because of his attributes, he is always at odds with the bohemian Shui Zhili Bing Wuyi.

Seeing the silence in the atmosphere, Jiechen said again: "Nowadays, the Holy Demon War, Buddhism has no time to take care of it, it is a great time to rescue Tian Zhili. Before the mountain's calendar. Yuyue sacrificed, the calendar returned, and shattered the corner of the great formation, I also This is to get out of trouble, and to inform you here is to discuss the matter of rescuing Tian Zhili."

"There's nothing to discuss, just break the formation and rescue the big brother!" Huo Zhili lived up to his name, acted in a hurry, and would never be sloppy.

Jiechen shook his head slightly: "In order to break through the Buddha formation, you need to attack from both inside and outside. Otherwise, if you make a breakthrough, it is very likely to hurt the sky."

"Then what should I do?" Feng Zhili. Yao Yao asked.

"Since the return of Epoch can break through the formation, then as long as one more Li Clan is sacrificed and the Epoch returns to the Calendar, the big brother can protect himself from the impact." Greedy said with an indifferent expression.

"Yeah!" Huo Zhili. Yan Ming pondered: "Let me do it! As long as I can save the big brother, it's worth it."

With that said, Yan Ming was about to slaughter his neck, but was stopped by Lei Zhili, the Underlord: "If someone must be sacrificed, I have a choice."

"Who?" Bing Wuyi asked in confusion.

"I once married a wife and had children, and my two sons are now grown up. Although their history is not as pure as ours, it is enough to think about it!" Not his own son, but like a cat and a dog, the name of "scum father" is vividly interpreted.

Bing Wuyi doesn't like power and struggle, only loves beauty but not the country. A witty master with the characteristics of a villain and hero, he is an anomaly in the Li family.

At this time, you look at the Lord of Disasters, with a strange look in your eyes. How can you cheat your son, will your conscience really not hurt?

To be honest, he actually thinks his life is pretty good now, but he can't ignore the big brother Tian Zhili, and it's a bit of a dilemma.

After some planning, Jie Chen said: "It's not too late, it's too late to dream, so I'll set off immediately."

Taking advantage of the great battle between the holy demons and the gods, Jiechen, Underlord, Yan Yao, Yanming, Greedy, and Bing Wuyi rushed to Feng Yuping and forcibly captured Dao, who was living in seclusion here, for his life. Quickly rush to Endless Sky Peak.


In the middle of the underworld, the Great Wall of despair.

The place where the two feet of the giant stone statue of the sky is located, today welcomes a person from outside the world - the King of Hell!

After the turbulent flow of the free space swept into the bardo realm, the King of Hell was healing while planning how to retaliate against Lin Feng.

The whole plan was destroyed by Lin Feng, and he almost died at the hands of Lin Feng. The King of Hell hated Lin Feng to the core, and naturally he would not let it go.  …

He wants revenge, he wants to ascend the throne again, and rule the world!

However, the King of Hell was not carried away by hatred, knowing that he was not Lin Feng's opponent at all, so he decided to find a few powerful comrades to deal with Lin Feng, regain the throne of the prison, and then fight the hardships to dominate the world!

Because of the relationship between Vice Brain and Shensi, King Hades knew a lot about Tian Zhili, and felt that the Li Clan was a force that could be drawn.

Looking at the huge feet in front of him, and the two towering giant swords inserted into them, the King of Hell's eyes were like lightning, he started to absorb Yuan, and he used the secret knowledge of the prison, with mighty power, shaking the entire area of ​​the Great Wall.


The violent vibration made everyone around the Great Wall of Despair feel it.

"What's the matter? No, someone wants to break the seal of Tianzhili."

Gu Cheng Buwei, the city owner of the Great Wall of Despair, felt the unusual vibration, and immediately looked towards the direction of Tian Zhili’s feet, only to see the strange demonic energy rising into the sky, the mountains and rain were about to come, and he immediately said to his generals: "Walk the pen of the evil dragon, mobilize the manpower, and follow me. Go to the Sealed Land."

"Yes, City Lord."

The Evil Dragon's appearance is as rough as Zhang Fei, but his speech is not vulgar. He carries a huge stylus pen on his back, which can be dismantled into a multi-section stick when facing the enemy, to contain the opponent's weapons, and when he hears Gucheng's order, he quickly goes to rectify army.

And under the power of the sky.

"Magic Slash!"

With a long shout, the King of Hell flew up, and the demonic energy was smashed, turning into a giant blade and slashing towards the seal of the three swords.

1.8 "Boom~"

The extreme impact, the disintegration of the sword energy, the collapse of the rocks, the collapse of the millennium, and the collapse.

The King of Hell was recoiled by the qi, and his qi and blood were restless, and he quickly fell back to the ground, using his energy to adjust his breath.

After a while, the King of Hell stared at the revitalized giant feet: "This is all done, leave."

Tian Zhili dissipated on its own after the two feet were unsealed, turning into a streamer and flying towards Tian Zhili under the Endless Tianfeng.

And King Hades knew that such a commotion would definitely attract the attention of the upper echelons of the bardo realm, and immediately turned into light and entered a miserable state from the passage of Xinghe Tianpu.

When Gucheng was not in danger and brought the army to the land of Tianzhili's seal, he saw all the devastation, and the giant feet were nowhere to be seen.

Gucheng was not dangerous, his face was gloomy, and his opponent was indecisive and excellent in judo: "Report this matter to King Zhou immediately."


Thank you for your flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards. I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival. .

Chapter [-]: The Calendar is Broken [For Flowers]

Endless Sky Peak.

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