The sea of ​​clouds is vast, the cold wind is rustling, and a giant statue is imprisoned by the shackles of three huge Buddha words.

Suddenly, a splendid light group flew into the body of the stone statue. Immediately, an unknown earth chirping vibrated, echoing the chaotic overlapping of the sky, and the mountains and rivers in front of them changed color, making people tremble!

The three giant chains squeaked, as if there were signs of collapse, but in the end they emitted numerous golden swastikas, which calmed down after a while.

"Ye Wang, your love, Tian Zhili has accepted it!"

Under the abyss, it was dark and quiet, and on a stone throne, Tian Zhili's eyes suddenly opened, revealing a cold look.

"Buddha of the sky, we will see you soon."

As the seal of the bardo world was lifted, Tian Zhili's legs grew back under the epoch.

The feet that were originally sealed in the bardo realm were the birthplace of Tian Zhili!

The Li clan is naturally aggressive, and its vitality is extremely strong. Even if the limbs are broken, as long as the epoch is sufficient, it can be restored in an instant.

The Buddha of the Sky sealed the Li Li Yuan in the bardo realm with the Qi of the Three Swords 14, which kept the Li Yuan in a semi-disabled state. Now that the Li Yuan has returned, the predicament of the Li Li has been solved naturally.


With his legs growing out, Tian Zhili stood up in awe, the Tie Lian wrapped around his body kept ringing, and at the same time, he knew that his brother had arrived!

Above the Endless Sky Peak, the two monks stationed here felt the ground move, their bodies swayed, and after a while, they stabilized their bodies, and their expressions changed.

They are disciples at the bottom of Buddhism, their cultivation base is not high, and they are mainly responsible for guarding Tianfeng.

"What's going on? How could a sudden earthquake happen to a good person!" A young monk in yellow asked suspiciously.

"It seems that it came from the depths of Tianfeng. Could it be that the demon in the ground is about to get out of trouble!" Another monk said in horror.

"A few days ago, then... ah~"

The monk in yellow hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly let out a scream.

I saw a beast claw passing through the heart, and Li Yaoyao of the wind appeared behind the monk, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face, crushed the heart in his hand.


When the monk next to him saw this, the spirits of the dead rushed out and wanted to call for help.

At this time, Jiechen, the evil lord, the greedy, the Yanmingao, etc. came out from the side, with a fierce aura, making the monk's legs weak and he fell to the ground.

"Don't waste your energy, the monks here are all dead except you!" Yan Ming said, he waved the "Fire Wheel Jian" in his hand, shooting out a venomous flame, instantly turning the last person into coke.

"Go ahead!"

Greedy threw the knife on the ground.

Lei Zhili came out and looked at the knife hanging on his life: "My son, for the future of the Li family, I will sacrifice your life, and I will be proud of you as a father."

Honor your sister!

Dao Xuan looked at his cheap father, and his heart was racing.

He had no parents to take care of him since he was a child, and he was separated from his younger brother. He was left alone. Because of the blood of the Li family, he suffered from scorn. In the last accident, he was dragged into the legend of the last days by the name Tianqiong and became one of the three fronts of the legend of the last days.

However, for Doomsday Legend, Dao Xuan did not have a good impression on him, and finally found an opportunity to sneak out.

Originally, Dao Xuan was still worried about being troubled by Tianqiong, but he never wanted Tianqiong to get into Tianyan Mocheng.

There is no oppression, and Dao Xuanyi, who is tired of fighting and killing, has lived a life of seclusion.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Dao Xuan doesn't want to interfere in the disputes between the rivers and lakes, but the rivers and lakes do not mean that they can retreat.

When people sit at home, disaster (father) comes from the sky!

Disaster Underlord found Dao Xianyi through blood resonance.

Originally, the father and son had been separated for many years, and the reunion after a long absence should be a warm scene.

At the beginning, Dao Xuan was very excited to see his father, but he found out that the truth was completely different!

His biological father did not find him to make up for his tragic childhood, but to use him as a sacrifice.

This is awkward!

Dao Xuan will not sit still if he is dead. Although the other party is his biological father, he has never entered into the responsibility of being a father. Now that he is dying, no one will agree to it.

The Lord of Disasters is not for reasoning, and if they disagree, they will fight.

Dao Xuanyi is also a master in the arena, but it is not as good as the Underlord. Jie Chen and others did not make a move, and the Underlord will subdue Dao Xuan with his life.

It's a tragedy to have such a scumbag on the stall!

Recalling the experience, Dao Xuan knew that he was doomed and closed his eyes to accept his fate.

The Lord of Disasters has a weak and cold nature, and there is no so-called father-son relationship. For him, compared to the great cause of the family, a son is nothing!


A ruthless palm hit the Heavenly Spirit whose life was hanging by the knife, and the bones were split and blood spattered.

With the death of Dao Xuanyi, a group of epochs flew out of Dao Xuanyi's body and was inexplicably pulled to the bottom of the Endless Sky Peak.

At the same time, Bing Wuyi used his unique mercury body to pass through the seal of Endless Heaven Peak, and came to the bottom of the valley to meet with Tian Zhili to discuss how to break the seal.

After a while, Bing Wuyi flew up to Tianfeng, indicating that everything was ready.

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